!include UAC.nsh !ifndef INSTALL_MODE_PER_ALL_USERS !include multiUserUi.nsh !endif !ifndef BUILD_UNINSTALLER !ifmacrodef customWelcomePage !insertmacro customWelcomePage !endif !ifmacrodef licensePage !insertmacro skipPageIfUpdated !insertmacro licensePage !endif !ifndef INSTALL_MODE_PER_ALL_USERS !insertmacro PAGE_INSTALL_MODE !endif !ifdef allowToChangeInstallationDirectory !include StrContains.nsh !insertmacro skipPageIfUpdated !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY # pageDirectory leave doesn't work (it seems because $INSTDIR is set after custom leave function) # so, we use instfiles pre !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE instFilesPre # sanitize the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY result to make sure it has a application name sub-folder Function instFilesPre ${StrContains} $0 "${APP_FILENAME}" $INSTDIR ${If} $0 == "" StrCpy $INSTDIR "$INSTDIR\${APP_FILENAME}" ${endIf} FunctionEnd !endif # after change installation directory and before install start, you can show custom page here. !ifmacrodef customPageAfterChangeDir !insertmacro customPageAfterChangeDir !endif !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !ifmacrodef customFinishPage !insertmacro customFinishPage !else !ifndef HIDE_RUN_AFTER_FINISH Function StartApp ${if} ${isUpdated} StrCpy $1 "--updated" ${else} StrCpy $1 "" ${endif} ${StdUtils.ExecShellAsUser} $0 "$launchLink" "open" "$1" FunctionEnd !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_FUNCTION "StartApp" !endif !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH !endif !else !ifndef removeDefaultUninstallWelcomePage !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME !endif !ifndef INSTALL_MODE_PER_ALL_USERS !insertmacro PAGE_INSTALL_MODE !endif !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES !ifmacrodef customUninstallPage !insertmacro customUninstallPage !endif !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH !endif !macro initMultiUser !ifdef INSTALL_MODE_PER_ALL_USERS !insertmacro setInstallModePerAllUsers !else ${If} ${UAC_IsInnerInstance} ${AndIfNot} ${UAC_IsAdmin} # special return value for outer instance so it knows we did not have admin rights SetErrorLevel 0x666666 Quit ${endIf} !ifndef MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ADMINREQUIRED !define MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ADMINREQUIRED "$(^Caption) requires administrator privileges." !endif !ifndef MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_POWERREQUIRED !define MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_POWERREQUIRED "$(^Caption) requires at least Power User privileges." !endif !ifndef MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ALLUSERSNOTPOSSIBLE !define MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ALLUSERSNOTPOSSIBLE "Your user account does not have sufficient privileges to install $(^Name) for all users of this computer." !endif # checks registry for previous installation path (both for upgrading, reinstall, or uninstall) StrCpy $hasPerMachineInstallation "0" StrCpy $hasPerUserInstallation "0" # set installation mode to setting from a previous installation ReadRegStr $perMachineInstallationFolder HKLM "${INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY}" InstallLocation ${if} $perMachineInstallationFolder != "" StrCpy $hasPerMachineInstallation "1" ${endif} ReadRegStr $perUserInstallationFolder HKCU "${INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY}" InstallLocation ${if} $perUserInstallationFolder != "" StrCpy $hasPerUserInstallation "1" ${endif} ${GetParameters} $R0 ${GetOptions} $R0 "/allusers" $R1 ${IfNot} ${Errors} StrCpy $hasPerMachineInstallation "1" StrCpy $hasPerUserInstallation "0" ${EndIf} ${GetOptions} $R0 "/currentuser" $R1 ${IfNot} ${Errors} StrCpy $hasPerMachineInstallation "0" StrCpy $hasPerUserInstallation "1" ${EndIf} ${if} $hasPerUserInstallation == "1" ${andif} $hasPerMachineInstallation == "0" !insertmacro setInstallModePerUser ${elseif} $hasPerUserInstallation == "0" ${andif} $hasPerMachineInstallation == "1" !insertmacro setInstallModePerAllUsers ${else} # if there is no installation, or there is both per-user and per-machine !ifdef INSTALL_MODE_PER_ALL_USERS !insertmacro setInstallModePerAllUsers !else !insertmacro setInstallModePerUser !endif ${endif} !endif !macroend