"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.USE_HARD_LINKS = exports.DO_NOT_USE_HARD_LINKS = exports.dirSize = exports.copyDir = exports.FileCopier = exports.copyOrLinkFile = exports.copyFile = exports.walk = exports.exists = exports.statOrNull = exports.unlinkIfExists = exports.CopyFileTransformer = exports.CONCURRENCY = exports.MAX_FILE_REQUESTS = void 0; const bluebird_lst_1 = require("bluebird-lst"); const fs_extra_1 = require("fs-extra"); const os_1 = require("os"); const promises_1 = require("fs/promises"); const path = require("path"); const stat_mode_1 = require("stat-mode"); const log_1 = require("./log"); const promise_1 = require("./promise"); const isCI = require("is-ci"); exports.MAX_FILE_REQUESTS = 8; exports.CONCURRENCY = { concurrency: exports.MAX_FILE_REQUESTS }; class CopyFileTransformer { constructor(afterCopyTransformer) { this.afterCopyTransformer = afterCopyTransformer; } } exports.CopyFileTransformer = CopyFileTransformer; function unlinkIfExists(file) { return (0, promises_1.unlink)(file).catch(() => { /* ignore */ }); } exports.unlinkIfExists = unlinkIfExists; async function statOrNull(file) { return (0, promise_1.orNullIfFileNotExist)((0, promises_1.stat)(file)); } exports.statOrNull = statOrNull; async function exists(file) { try { await (0, promises_1.access)(file); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } exports.exists = exists; /** * Returns list of file paths (system-dependent file separator) */ async function walk(initialDirPath, filter, consumer) { let result = []; const queue = [initialDirPath]; let addDirToResult = false; const isIncludeDir = consumer == null ? false : consumer.isIncludeDir === true; while (queue.length > 0) { const dirPath = queue.pop(); if (isIncludeDir) { if (addDirToResult) { result.push(dirPath); } else { addDirToResult = true; } } const childNames = await (0, promise_1.orIfFileNotExist)((0, promises_1.readdir)(dirPath), []); childNames.sort(); let nodeModuleContent = null; const dirs = []; // our handler is async, but we should add sorted files, so, we add file to result not in the mapper, but after map const sortedFilePaths = await bluebird_lst_1.default.map(childNames, name => { if (name === ".DS_Store" || name === ".gitkeep") { return null; } const filePath = dirPath + path.sep + name; return (0, promises_1.lstat)(filePath).then(stat => { if (filter != null && !filter(filePath, stat)) { return null; } const consumerResult = consumer == null ? null : consumer.consume(filePath, stat, dirPath, childNames); if (consumerResult === false) { return null; } else if (consumerResult == null || !("then" in consumerResult)) { if (stat.isDirectory()) { dirs.push(name); return null; } else { return filePath; } } else { return consumerResult.then((it) => { if (it != null && Array.isArray(it)) { nodeModuleContent = it; return null; } // asarUtil can return modified stat (symlink handling) if ((it != null && "isDirectory" in it ? it : stat).isDirectory()) { dirs.push(name); return null; } else { return filePath; } }); } }); }, exports.CONCURRENCY); for (const child of sortedFilePaths) { if (child != null) { result.push(child); } } dirs.sort(); for (const child of dirs) { queue.push(dirPath + path.sep + child); } if (nodeModuleContent != null) { result = result.concat(nodeModuleContent); } } return result; } exports.walk = walk; const _isUseHardLink = process.platform !== "win32" && process.env.USE_HARD_LINKS !== "false" && (isCI || process.env.USE_HARD_LINKS === "true"); function copyFile(src, dest, isEnsureDir = true) { return (isEnsureDir ? (0, promises_1.mkdir)(path.dirname(dest), { recursive: true }) : Promise.resolve()).then(() => copyOrLinkFile(src, dest, null, false)); } exports.copyFile = copyFile; /** * Hard links is used if supported and allowed. * File permission is fixed — allow execute for all if owner can, allow read for all if owner can. * * ensureDir is not called, dest parent dir must exists */ function copyOrLinkFile(src, dest, stats, isUseHardLink, exDevErrorHandler) { if (isUseHardLink === undefined) { isUseHardLink = _isUseHardLink; } if (stats != null) { const originalModeNumber = stats.mode; const mode = new stat_mode_1.Mode(stats); if (mode.owner.execute) { mode.group.execute = true; mode.others.execute = true; } mode.group.read = true; mode.others.read = true; mode.setuid = false; mode.setgid = false; if (originalModeNumber !== stats.mode) { if (log_1.log.isDebugEnabled) { const oldMode = new stat_mode_1.Mode({ mode: originalModeNumber }); log_1.log.debug({ file: dest, oldMode, mode }, "permissions fixed from"); } // https://helgeklein.com/blog/2009/05/hard-links-and-permissions-acls/ // Permissions on all hard links to the same data on disk are always identical. The same applies to attributes. // That means if you change the permissions/owner/attributes on one hard link, you will immediately see the changes on all other hard links. if (isUseHardLink) { isUseHardLink = false; log_1.log.debug({ dest }, "copied, but not linked, because file permissions need to be fixed"); } } } if (isUseHardLink) { return (0, promises_1.link)(src, dest).catch((e) => { if (e.code === "EXDEV") { const isLog = exDevErrorHandler == null ? true : exDevErrorHandler(); if (isLog && log_1.log.isDebugEnabled) { log_1.log.debug({ error: e.message }, "cannot copy using hard link"); } return doCopyFile(src, dest, stats); } else { throw e; } }); } return doCopyFile(src, dest, stats); } exports.copyOrLinkFile = copyOrLinkFile; function doCopyFile(src, dest, stats) { const promise = (0, fs_extra_1.copyFile)(src, dest); if (stats == null) { return promise; } return promise.then(() => (0, promises_1.chmod)(dest, stats.mode)); } class FileCopier { constructor(isUseHardLinkFunction, transformer) { this.isUseHardLinkFunction = isUseHardLinkFunction; this.transformer = transformer; if (isUseHardLinkFunction === exports.USE_HARD_LINKS) { this.isUseHardLink = true; } else { this.isUseHardLink = _isUseHardLink && isUseHardLinkFunction !== exports.DO_NOT_USE_HARD_LINKS; } } async copy(src, dest, stat) { let afterCopyTransformer = null; if (this.transformer != null && stat != null && stat.isFile()) { let data = this.transformer(src); if (data != null) { if (typeof data === "object" && "then" in data) { data = await data; } if (data != null) { if (data instanceof CopyFileTransformer) { afterCopyTransformer = data.afterCopyTransformer; } else { await (0, promises_1.writeFile)(dest, data); return; } } } } const isUseHardLink = afterCopyTransformer == null && (!this.isUseHardLink || this.isUseHardLinkFunction == null ? this.isUseHardLink : this.isUseHardLinkFunction(dest)); await copyOrLinkFile(src, dest, stat, isUseHardLink, isUseHardLink ? () => { // files are copied concurrently, so, we must not check here currentIsUseHardLink — our code can be executed after that other handler will set currentIsUseHardLink to false if (this.isUseHardLink) { this.isUseHardLink = false; return true; } else { return false; } } : null); if (afterCopyTransformer != null) { await afterCopyTransformer(dest); } } } exports.FileCopier = FileCopier; /** * Empty directories is never created. * Hard links is used if supported and allowed. */ function copyDir(src, destination, options = {}) { const fileCopier = new FileCopier(options.isUseHardLink, options.transformer); if (log_1.log.isDebugEnabled) { log_1.log.debug({ src, destination }, `copying${fileCopier.isUseHardLink ? " using hard links" : ""}`); } const createdSourceDirs = new Set(); const links = []; const symlinkType = (0, os_1.platform)() === "win32" ? "junction" : "file"; return walk(src, options.filter, { consume: async (file, stat, parent) => { if (!stat.isFile() && !stat.isSymbolicLink()) { return; } if (!createdSourceDirs.has(parent)) { await (0, promises_1.mkdir)(parent.replace(src, destination), { recursive: true }); createdSourceDirs.add(parent); } const destFile = file.replace(src, destination); if (stat.isFile()) { await fileCopier.copy(file, destFile, stat); } else { links.push({ file: destFile, link: await (0, promises_1.readlink)(file) }); } }, }).then(() => bluebird_lst_1.default.map(links, it => (0, promises_1.symlink)(it.link, it.file, symlinkType), exports.CONCURRENCY)); } exports.copyDir = copyDir; async function dirSize(dirPath) { const entries = await (0, promises_1.readdir)(dirPath, { withFileTypes: true }); const entrySizes = entries.map(async (entry) => { const entryPath = path.join(dirPath, entry.name); if (entry.isDirectory()) { return await dirSize(entryPath); } if (entry.isFile()) { const { size } = await (0, promises_1.stat)(entryPath); return size; } return 0; }); return (await Promise.all(entrySizes)).reduce((entrySize, totalSize) => entrySize + totalSize, 0); } exports.dirSize = dirSize; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const DO_NOT_USE_HARD_LINKS = (file) => false; exports.DO_NOT_USE_HARD_LINKS = DO_NOT_USE_HARD_LINKS; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const USE_HARD_LINKS = (file) => true; exports.USE_HARD_LINKS = USE_HARD_LINKS; //# sourceMappingURL=fs.js.map