import { createVNode as _createVNode } from "vue"; // Styles import "./VSlideGroup.css"; // Components import { VFadeTransition } from "../transitions/index.mjs"; import { VIcon } from "../VIcon/index.mjs"; // Composables import { useDisplay } from "../../composables/index.mjs"; import { makeComponentProps } from "../../composables/component.mjs"; import { makeGroupProps, useGroup } from "../../composables/group.mjs"; import { IconValue } from "../../composables/icons.mjs"; import { useRtl } from "../../composables/locale.mjs"; import { useResizeObserver } from "../../composables/resizeObserver.mjs"; import { makeTagProps } from "../../composables/tag.mjs"; // Utilities import { computed, shallowRef, watch } from 'vue'; import { bias, calculateCenteredOffset, calculateUpdatedOffset } from "./helpers.mjs"; import { clamp, focusableChildren, genericComponent, IN_BROWSER, propsFactory, useRender } from "../../util/index.mjs"; // Types export const VSlideGroupSymbol = Symbol.for('vuetify:v-slide-group'); export const makeVSlideGroupProps = propsFactory({ centerActive: Boolean, direction: { type: String, default: 'horizontal' }, symbol: { type: null, default: VSlideGroupSymbol }, nextIcon: { type: IconValue, default: '$next' }, prevIcon: { type: IconValue, default: '$prev' }, showArrows: { type: [Boolean, String], validator: v => typeof v === 'boolean' || ['always', 'desktop', 'mobile'].includes(v) }, ...makeComponentProps(), ...makeTagProps(), ...makeGroupProps({ selectedClass: 'v-slide-group-item--active' }) }, 'VSlideGroup'); export const VSlideGroup = genericComponent()({ name: 'VSlideGroup', props: makeVSlideGroupProps(), emits: { 'update:modelValue': value => true }, setup(props, _ref) { let { slots } = _ref; const { isRtl } = useRtl(); const { mobile } = useDisplay(); const group = useGroup(props, props.symbol); const isOverflowing = shallowRef(false); const scrollOffset = shallowRef(0); const containerSize = shallowRef(0); const contentSize = shallowRef(0); const isHorizontal = computed(() => props.direction === 'horizontal'); const { resizeRef: containerRef, contentRect: containerRect } = useResizeObserver(); const { resizeRef: contentRef, contentRect } = useResizeObserver(); const firstSelectedIndex = computed(() => { if (!group.selected.value.length) return -1; return group.items.value.findIndex(item => === group.selected.value[0]); }); const lastSelectedIndex = computed(() => { if (!group.selected.value.length) return -1; return group.items.value.findIndex(item => === group.selected.value[group.selected.value.length - 1]); }); if (IN_BROWSER) { let frame = -1; watch(() => [group.selected.value, containerRect.value, contentRect.value, isHorizontal.value], () => { cancelAnimationFrame(frame); frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (containerRect.value && contentRect.value) { const sizeProperty = isHorizontal.value ? 'width' : 'height'; containerSize.value = containerRect.value[sizeProperty]; contentSize.value = contentRect.value[sizeProperty]; isOverflowing.value = containerSize.value + 1 < contentSize.value; } if (firstSelectedIndex.value >= 0 && contentRef.value) { // TODO: Is this too naive? Should we store element references in group composable? const selectedElement = contentRef.value.children[lastSelectedIndex.value]; if (firstSelectedIndex.value === 0 || !isOverflowing.value) { scrollOffset.value = 0; } else if (props.centerActive) { scrollOffset.value = calculateCenteredOffset({ selectedElement, containerSize: containerSize.value, contentSize: contentSize.value, isRtl: isRtl.value, isHorizontal: isHorizontal.value }); } else if (isOverflowing.value) { scrollOffset.value = calculateUpdatedOffset({ selectedElement, containerSize: containerSize.value, contentSize: contentSize.value, isRtl: isRtl.value, currentScrollOffset: scrollOffset.value, isHorizontal: isHorizontal.value }); } } }); }); } const disableTransition = shallowRef(false); let startTouch = 0; let startOffset = 0; function onTouchstart(e) { const sizeProperty = isHorizontal.value ? 'clientX' : 'clientY'; const sign = isRtl.value && isHorizontal.value ? -1 : 1; startOffset = sign * scrollOffset.value; startTouch = e.touches[0][sizeProperty]; disableTransition.value = true; } function onTouchmove(e) { if (!isOverflowing.value) return; const sizeProperty = isHorizontal.value ? 'clientX' : 'clientY'; const sign = isRtl.value && isHorizontal.value ? -1 : 1; scrollOffset.value = sign * (startOffset + startTouch - e.touches[0][sizeProperty]); } function onTouchend(e) { const maxScrollOffset = contentSize.value - containerSize.value; if (scrollOffset.value < 0 || !isOverflowing.value) { scrollOffset.value = 0; } else if (scrollOffset.value >= maxScrollOffset) { scrollOffset.value = maxScrollOffset; } disableTransition.value = false; } function onScroll() { if (!containerRef.value) return; containerRef.value[isHorizontal.value ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = 0; } const isFocused = shallowRef(false); function onFocusin(e) { isFocused.value = true; if (!isOverflowing.value || !contentRef.value) return; // Focused element is likely to be the root of an item, so a // breadth-first search will probably find it in the first iteration for (const el of e.composedPath()) { for (const item of contentRef.value.children) { if (item === el) { scrollOffset.value = calculateUpdatedOffset({ selectedElement: item, containerSize: containerSize.value, contentSize: contentSize.value, isRtl: isRtl.value, currentScrollOffset: scrollOffset.value, isHorizontal: isHorizontal.value }); return; } } } } function onFocusout(e) { isFocused.value = false; } function onFocus(e) { if (!isFocused.value && !(e.relatedTarget && contentRef.value?.contains(e.relatedTarget))) focus(); } function onKeydown(e) { if (!contentRef.value) return; if (isHorizontal.value) { if (e.key === 'ArrowRight') { focus(isRtl.value ? 'prev' : 'next'); } else if (e.key === 'ArrowLeft') { focus(isRtl.value ? 'next' : 'prev'); } } else { if (e.key === 'ArrowDown') { focus('next'); } else if (e.key === 'ArrowUp') { focus('prev'); } } if (e.key === 'Home') { focus('first'); } else if (e.key === 'End') { focus('last'); } } function focus(location) { if (!contentRef.value) return; if (!location) { const focusable = focusableChildren(contentRef.value); focusable[0]?.focus(); } else if (location === 'next') { const el = contentRef.value.querySelector(':focus')?.nextElementSibling; if (el) el.focus();else focus('first'); } else if (location === 'prev') { const el = contentRef.value.querySelector(':focus')?.previousElementSibling; if (el) el.focus();else focus('last'); } else if (location === 'first') { contentRef.value.firstElementChild?.focus(); } else if (location === 'last') { contentRef.value.lastElementChild?.focus(); } } function scrollTo(location) { const newAbsoluteOffset = scrollOffset.value + (location === 'prev' ? -1 : 1) * containerSize.value; scrollOffset.value = clamp(newAbsoluteOffset, 0, contentSize.value - containerSize.value); } const contentStyles = computed(() => { // This adds friction when scrolling the 'wrong' way when at max offset let scrollAmount = scrollOffset.value > contentSize.value - containerSize.value ? -(contentSize.value - containerSize.value) + bias(contentSize.value - containerSize.value - scrollOffset.value) : -scrollOffset.value; // This adds friction when scrolling the 'wrong' way when at min offset if (scrollOffset.value <= 0) { scrollAmount = bias(-scrollOffset.value); } const sign = isRtl.value && isHorizontal.value ? -1 : 1; return { transform: `translate${isHorizontal.value ? 'X' : 'Y'}(${sign * scrollAmount}px)`, transition: disableTransition.value ? 'none' : '', willChange: disableTransition.value ? 'transform' : '' }; }); const slotProps = computed(() => ({ next:, prev: group.prev, select:, isSelected: group.isSelected })); const hasAffixes = computed(() => { switch (props.showArrows) { // Always show arrows on desktop & mobile case 'always': return true; // Always show arrows on desktop case 'desktop': return !mobile.value; // Show arrows on mobile when overflowing. // This matches the default 2.2 behavior case true: return isOverflowing.value || Math.abs(scrollOffset.value) > 0; // Always show on mobile case 'mobile': return mobile.value || isOverflowing.value || Math.abs(scrollOffset.value) > 0; // // Always show arrows when // overflowed on desktop default: return !mobile.value && (isOverflowing.value || Math.abs(scrollOffset.value) > 0); } }); const hasPrev = computed(() => { return Math.abs(scrollOffset.value) > 0; }); const hasNext = computed(() => { // Check one scroll ahead to know the width of right-most item return contentSize.value > Math.abs(scrollOffset.value) + containerSize.value; }); useRender(() => _createVNode(props.tag, { "class": ['v-slide-group', { 'v-slide-group--vertical': !isHorizontal.value, 'v-slide-group--has-affixes': hasAffixes.value, 'v-slide-group--is-overflowing': isOverflowing.value }, props.class], "style":, "tabindex": isFocused.value || group.selected.value.length ? -1 : 0, "onFocus": onFocus }, { default: () => [hasAffixes.value && _createVNode("div", { "key": "prev", "class": ['v-slide-group__prev', { 'v-slide-group__prev--disabled': !hasPrev.value }], "onClick": () => scrollTo('prev') }, [slots.prev?.(slotProps.value) ?? _createVNode(VFadeTransition, null, { default: () => [_createVNode(VIcon, { "icon": isRtl.value ? props.nextIcon : props.prevIcon }, null)] })]), _createVNode("div", { "key": "container", "ref": containerRef, "class": "v-slide-group__container", "onScroll": onScroll }, [_createVNode("div", { "ref": contentRef, "class": "v-slide-group__content", "style": contentStyles.value, "onTouchstartPassive": onTouchstart, "onTouchmovePassive": onTouchmove, "onTouchendPassive": onTouchend, "onFocusin": onFocusin, "onFocusout": onFocusout, "onKeydown": onKeydown }, [slots.default?.(slotProps.value)])]), hasAffixes.value && _createVNode("div", { "key": "next", "class": ['v-slide-group__next', { 'v-slide-group__next--disabled': !hasNext.value }], "onClick": () => scrollTo('next') }, [ ?? _createVNode(VFadeTransition, null, { default: () => [_createVNode(VIcon, { "icon": isRtl.value ? props.prevIcon : props.nextIcon }, null)] })])] })); return { selected: group.selected, scrollTo, scrollOffset, focus }; } }); //#