// Utilities import { computed, inject, provide, ref, watch, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import { createRange, darken, getCurrentInstance, getLuma, IN_BROWSER, lighten, mergeDeep, parseColor, propsFactory, RGBtoHex } from "../util/index.mjs"; import { APCAcontrast } from "../util/color/APCA.mjs"; // Types export const ThemeSymbol = Symbol.for('vuetify:theme'); export const makeThemeProps = propsFactory({ theme: String }, 'theme'); const defaultThemeOptions = { defaultTheme: 'light', variations: { colors: [], lighten: 0, darken: 0 }, themes: { light: { dark: false, colors: { background: '#FFFFFF', surface: '#FFFFFF', 'surface-variant': '#424242', 'on-surface-variant': '#EEEEEE', primary: '#6200EE', 'primary-darken-1': '#3700B3', secondary: '#03DAC6', 'secondary-darken-1': '#018786', error: '#B00020', info: '#2196F3', success: '#4CAF50', warning: '#FB8C00' }, variables: { 'border-color': '#000000', 'border-opacity': 0.12, 'high-emphasis-opacity': 0.87, 'medium-emphasis-opacity': 0.60, 'disabled-opacity': 0.38, 'idle-opacity': 0.04, 'hover-opacity': 0.04, 'focus-opacity': 0.12, 'selected-opacity': 0.08, 'activated-opacity': 0.12, 'pressed-opacity': 0.12, 'dragged-opacity': 0.08, 'theme-kbd': '#212529', 'theme-on-kbd': '#FFFFFF', 'theme-code': '#F5F5F5', 'theme-on-code': '#000000' } }, dark: { dark: true, colors: { background: '#121212', surface: '#212121', 'surface-variant': '#BDBDBD', 'on-surface-variant': '#424242', primary: '#BB86FC', 'primary-darken-1': '#3700B3', secondary: '#03DAC5', 'secondary-darken-1': '#03DAC5', error: '#CF6679', info: '#2196F3', success: '#4CAF50', warning: '#FB8C00' }, variables: { 'border-color': '#FFFFFF', 'border-opacity': 0.12, 'high-emphasis-opacity': 1, 'medium-emphasis-opacity': 0.70, 'disabled-opacity': 0.50, 'idle-opacity': 0.10, 'hover-opacity': 0.04, 'focus-opacity': 0.12, 'selected-opacity': 0.08, 'activated-opacity': 0.12, 'pressed-opacity': 0.16, 'dragged-opacity': 0.08, 'theme-kbd': '#212529', 'theme-on-kbd': '#FFFFFF', 'theme-code': '#343434', 'theme-on-code': '#CCCCCC' } } } }; function parseThemeOptions() { let options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : defaultThemeOptions; if (!options) return { ...defaultThemeOptions, isDisabled: true }; const themes = {}; for (const [key, theme] of Object.entries(options.themes ?? {})) { const defaultTheme = theme.dark || key === 'dark' ? defaultThemeOptions.themes?.dark : defaultThemeOptions.themes?.light; themes[key] = mergeDeep(defaultTheme, theme); } return mergeDeep(defaultThemeOptions, { ...options, themes }); } // Composables export function createTheme(options) { const parsedOptions = parseThemeOptions(options); const name = ref(parsedOptions.defaultTheme); const themes = ref(parsedOptions.themes); const computedThemes = computed(() => { const acc = {}; for (const [name, original] of Object.entries(themes.value)) { const theme = acc[name] = { ...original, colors: { ...original.colors } }; if (parsedOptions.variations) { for (const name of parsedOptions.variations.colors) { const color = theme.colors[name]; if (!color) continue; for (const variation of ['lighten', 'darken']) { const fn = variation === 'lighten' ? lighten : darken; for (const amount of createRange(parsedOptions.variations[variation], 1)) { theme.colors[`${name}-${variation}-${amount}`] = RGBtoHex(fn(parseColor(color), amount)); } } } } for (const color of Object.keys(theme.colors)) { if (/^on-[a-z]/.test(color) || theme.colors[`on-${color}`]) continue; const onColor = `on-${color}`; const colorVal = parseColor(theme.colors[color]); const blackContrast = Math.abs(APCAcontrast(parseColor(0), colorVal)); const whiteContrast = Math.abs(APCAcontrast(parseColor(0xffffff), colorVal)); // TODO: warn about poor color selections // const contrastAsText = Math.abs(APCAcontrast(colorVal, colorToInt(theme.colors.background))) // const minContrast = Math.max(blackContrast, whiteContrast) // if (minContrast < 60) { // consoleInfo(`${key} theme color ${color} has poor contrast (${minContrast.toFixed()}%)`) // } else if (contrastAsText < 60 && !['background', 'surface'].includes(color)) { // consoleInfo(`${key} theme color ${color} has poor contrast as text (${contrastAsText.toFixed()}%)`) // } // Prefer white text if both have an acceptable contrast ratio theme.colors[onColor] = whiteContrast > Math.min(blackContrast, 50) ? '#fff' : '#000'; } } return acc; }); const current = computed(() => computedThemes.value[name.value]); const styles = computed(() => { const lines = []; if (current.value.dark) { createCssClass(lines, ':root', ['color-scheme: dark']); } createCssClass(lines, ':root', genCssVariables(current.value)); for (const [themeName, theme] of Object.entries(computedThemes.value)) { createCssClass(lines, `.v-theme--${themeName}`, [`color-scheme: ${theme.dark ? 'dark' : 'normal'}`, ...genCssVariables(theme)]); } const bgLines = []; const fgLines = []; const colors = new Set(Object.values(computedThemes.value).flatMap(theme => Object.keys(theme.colors))); for (const key of colors) { if (/^on-[a-z]/.test(key)) { createCssClass(fgLines, `.${key}`, [`color: rgb(var(--v-theme-${key})) !important`]); } else { createCssClass(bgLines, `.bg-${key}`, [`--v-theme-overlay-multiplier: var(--v-theme-${key}-overlay-multiplier)`, `background-color: rgb(var(--v-theme-${key})) !important`, `color: rgb(var(--v-theme-on-${key})) !important`]); createCssClass(fgLines, `.text-${key}`, [`color: rgb(var(--v-theme-${key})) !important`]); createCssClass(fgLines, `.border-${key}`, [`--v-border-color: var(--v-theme-${key})`]); } } lines.push(...bgLines, ...fgLines); return lines.map((str, i) => i === 0 ? str : ` ${str}`).join(''); }); function getHead() { return { style: [{ children: styles.value, id: 'vuetify-theme-stylesheet', nonce: parsedOptions.cspNonce || false }] }; } function install(app) { if (parsedOptions.isDisabled) return; const head = app._context.provides.usehead; if (head) { if (head.push) { const entry = head.push(getHead); if (IN_BROWSER) { watch(styles, () => { entry.patch(getHead); }); } } else { if (IN_BROWSER) { head.addHeadObjs(computed(getHead)); watchEffect(() => head.updateDOM()); } else { head.addHeadObjs(getHead()); } } } else { let styleEl = IN_BROWSER ? document.getElementById('vuetify-theme-stylesheet') : null; if (IN_BROWSER) { watch(styles, updateStyles, { immediate: true }); } else { updateStyles(); } function updateStyles() { if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && !styleEl) { const el = document.createElement('style'); el.type = 'text/css'; el.id = 'vuetify-theme-stylesheet'; if (parsedOptions.cspNonce) el.setAttribute('nonce', parsedOptions.cspNonce); styleEl = el; document.head.appendChild(styleEl); } if (styleEl) styleEl.innerHTML = styles.value; } } } const themeClasses = computed(() => parsedOptions.isDisabled ? undefined : `v-theme--${name.value}`); return { install, isDisabled: parsedOptions.isDisabled, name, themes, current, computedThemes, themeClasses, styles, global: { name, current } }; } export function provideTheme(props) { getCurrentInstance('provideTheme'); const theme = inject(ThemeSymbol, null); if (!theme) throw new Error('Could not find Vuetify theme injection'); const name = computed(() => { return props.theme ?? theme?.name.value; }); const themeClasses = computed(() => theme.isDisabled ? undefined : `v-theme--${name.value}`); const newTheme = { ...theme, name, themeClasses }; provide(ThemeSymbol, newTheme); return newTheme; } export function useTheme() { getCurrentInstance('useTheme'); const theme = inject(ThemeSymbol, null); if (!theme) throw new Error('Could not find Vuetify theme injection'); return theme; } function createCssClass(lines, selector, content) { lines.push(`${selector} {\n`, ...content.map(line => ` ${line};\n`), '}\n'); } function genCssVariables(theme) { const lightOverlay = theme.dark ? 2 : 1; const darkOverlay = theme.dark ? 1 : 2; const variables = []; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(theme.colors)) { const rgb = parseColor(value); variables.push(`--v-theme-${key}: ${rgb.r},${rgb.g},${rgb.b}`); if (!key.startsWith('on-')) { variables.push(`--v-theme-${key}-overlay-multiplier: ${getLuma(value) > 0.18 ? lightOverlay : darkOverlay}`); } } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(theme.variables)) { const color = typeof value === 'string' && value.startsWith('#') ? parseColor(value) : undefined; const rgb = color ? `${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b}` : undefined; variables.push(`--v-${key}: ${rgb ?? value}`); } return variables; } //# sourceMappingURL=theme.mjs.map