{ productName: 'PLC-SIM', appId: 'com.plcsim.electrical-line-carrier-communication-simulator', asar: true, extends: null, compression: 'maximum', copyright: 'ⓒ 2023 ${author}', artifactName: '${productName} ${version}_${arch}.${ext}', directories: { buildResources: 'buildAssets', output: './release/${version}' }, /* A list of files not to be included in the build. */ files: [ /* (Required) The files and folders listed below should not be included in the build. */ 'dist/**/*', '!docs/**/*', '!tests/**/*', '!release/**/*' ], mac: { bundleVersion: '1.0', identity: null, hardenedRuntime: true, gatekeeperAssess: false, icon: 'buildAssets/icons/icon.icns', type: 'distribution', target: [ { target: 'dmg', arch: ['x64', 'arm64', 'universal'] } ] }, dmg: { contents: [ { x: 410, y: 150, type: 'link', path: '/Applications' }, { x: 130, y: 150, type: 'file' } ], sign: false }, win: { icon: 'buildAssets/icons/icon.ico', target: [ { target: 'zip', arch: 'x64' } ] }, portable: { artifactName: '${productName} ${version}_${arch} Portable.${ext}' }, nsis: { oneClick: true }, linux: { executableName: 'vutron', icon: 'buildAssets/icons', category: 'Utility', target: [ { target: 'snap', arch: 'x64' }, { target: 'deb', arch: 'x64' }, { target: 'rpm', arch: 'x64' } ] } }