/*! * vue-i18n v9.2.2 * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi * Released under the MIT License. */ import { createVNode, Text, ref, computed, watch, getCurrentInstance, Fragment, h, effectScope, inject, onMounted, onUnmounted, shallowRef, onBeforeMount, isRef } from 'vue'; /** * Original Utilities * written by kazuya kawaguchi */ const inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'; let mark; let measure; { const perf = inBrowser && window.performance; if (perf && perf.mark && perf.measure && perf.clearMarks && perf.clearMeasures) { mark = (tag) => perf.mark(tag); measure = (name, startTag, endTag) => { perf.measure(name, startTag, endTag); perf.clearMarks(startTag); perf.clearMarks(endTag); }; } } const RE_ARGS = /\{([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\}/g; /* eslint-disable */ function format(message, ...args) { if (args.length === 1 && isObject(args[0])) { args = args[0]; } if (!args || !args.hasOwnProperty) { args = {}; } return message.replace(RE_ARGS, (match, identifier) => { return args.hasOwnProperty(identifier) ? args[identifier] : ''; }); } const hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === 'symbol'; const makeSymbol = (name) => hasSymbol ? Symbol(name) : name; const generateFormatCacheKey = (locale, key, source) => friendlyJSONstringify({ l: locale, k: key, s: source }); const friendlyJSONstringify = (json) => JSON.stringify(json) .replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028') .replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029') .replace(/\u0027/g, '\\u0027'); const isNumber = (val) => typeof val === 'number' && isFinite(val); const isDate = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Date]'; const isRegExp = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object RegExp]'; const isEmptyObject = (val) => isPlainObject(val) && Object.keys(val).length === 0; function warn(msg, err) { if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { console.warn(`[intlify] ` + msg); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err) { console.warn(err.stack); } } } const assign = Object.assign; let _globalThis; const getGlobalThis = () => { // prettier-ignore return (_globalThis || (_globalThis = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {})); }; function escapeHtml(rawText) { return rawText .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); } const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function hasOwn(obj, key) { return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); } /* eslint-enable */ /** * Useful Utilities By Evan you * Modified by kazuya kawaguchi * MIT License * https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/blob/master/packages/shared/src/index.ts * https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/blob/master/packages/shared/src/codeframe.ts */ const isArray = Array.isArray; const isFunction = (val) => typeof val === 'function'; const isString = (val) => typeof val === 'string'; const isBoolean = (val) => typeof val === 'boolean'; const isObject = (val) => // eslint-disable-line val !== null && typeof val === 'object'; const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString; const toTypeString = (value) => objectToString.call(value); const isPlainObject = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Object]'; // for converting list and named values to displayed strings. const toDisplayString = (val) => { return val == null ? '' : isArray(val) || (isPlainObject(val) && val.toString === objectToString) ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2) : String(val); }; const RANGE = 2; function generateCodeFrame(source, start = 0, end = source.length) { const lines = source.split(/\r?\n/); let count = 0; const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { count += lines[i].length + 1; if (count >= start) { for (let j = i - RANGE; j <= i + RANGE || end > count; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= lines.length) continue; const line = j + 1; res.push(`${line}${' '.repeat(3 - String(line).length)}| ${lines[j]}`); const lineLength = lines[j].length; if (j === i) { // push underline const pad = start - (count - lineLength) + 1; const length = Math.max(1, end > count ? lineLength - pad : end - start); res.push(` | ` + ' '.repeat(pad) + '^'.repeat(length)); } else if (j > i) { if (end > count) { const length = Math.max(Math.min(end - count, lineLength), 1); res.push(` | ` + '^'.repeat(length)); } count += lineLength + 1; } } break; } } return res.join('\n'); } /** * Event emitter, forked from the below: * - original repository url: https://github.com/developit/mitt * - code url: https://github.com/developit/mitt/blob/master/src/index.ts * - author: Jason Miller (https://github.com/developit) * - license: MIT */ /** * Create a event emitter * * @returns An event emitter */ function createEmitter() { const events = new Map(); const emitter = { events, on(event, handler) { const handlers = events.get(event); const added = handlers && handlers.push(handler); if (!added) { events.set(event, [handler]); } }, off(event, handler) { const handlers = events.get(event); if (handlers) { handlers.splice(handlers.indexOf(handler) >>> 0, 1); } }, emit(event, payload) { (events.get(event) || []) .slice() .map(handler => handler(payload)); (events.get('*') || []) .slice() .map(handler => handler(event, payload)); } }; return emitter; } const CompileErrorCodes = { // tokenizer error codes EXPECTED_TOKEN: 1, INVALID_TOKEN_IN_PLACEHOLDER: 2, UNTERMINATED_SINGLE_QUOTE_IN_PLACEHOLDER: 3, UNKNOWN_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE: 4, INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE: 5, UNBALANCED_CLOSING_BRACE: 6, UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE: 7, EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER: 8, NOT_ALLOW_NEST_PLACEHOLDER: 9, INVALID_LINKED_FORMAT: 10, // parser error codes MUST_HAVE_MESSAGES_IN_PLURAL: 11, UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_MODIFIER: 12, UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_KEY: 13, UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS: 14, // Special value for higher-order compilers to pick up the last code // to avoid collision of error codes. This should always be kept as the last // item. __EXTEND_POINT__: 15 }; /** @internal */ const errorMessages$2 = { // tokenizer error messages [CompileErrorCodes.EXPECTED_TOKEN]: `Expected token: '{0}'`, [CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN_IN_PLACEHOLDER]: `Invalid token in placeholder: '{0}'`, [CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_SINGLE_QUOTE_IN_PLACEHOLDER]: `Unterminated single quote in placeholder`, [CompileErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE]: `Unknown escape sequence: \\{0}`, [CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE]: `Invalid unicode escape sequence: {0}`, [CompileErrorCodes.UNBALANCED_CLOSING_BRACE]: `Unbalanced closing brace`, [CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE]: `Unterminated closing brace`, [CompileErrorCodes.EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER]: `Empty placeholder`, [CompileErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOW_NEST_PLACEHOLDER]: `Not allowed nest placeholder`, [CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_LINKED_FORMAT]: `Invalid linked format`, // parser error messages [CompileErrorCodes.MUST_HAVE_MESSAGES_IN_PLURAL]: `Plural must have messages`, [CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_MODIFIER]: `Unexpected empty linked modifier`, [CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_KEY]: `Unexpected empty linked key`, [CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS]: `Unexpected lexical analysis in token: '{0}'` }; function createCompileError(code, loc, options = {}) { const { domain, messages, args } = options; const msg = format((messages || errorMessages$2)[code] || '', ...(args || [])) ; const error = new SyntaxError(String(msg)); error.code = code; if (loc) { error.location = loc; } error.domain = domain; return error; } const pathStateMachine = []; pathStateMachine[0 /* BEFORE_PATH */] = { ["w" /* WORKSPACE */]: [0 /* BEFORE_PATH */], ["i" /* IDENT */]: [3 /* IN_IDENT */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["[" /* LEFT_BRACKET */]: [4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */], ["o" /* END_OF_FAIL */]: [7 /* AFTER_PATH */] }; pathStateMachine[1 /* IN_PATH */] = { ["w" /* WORKSPACE */]: [1 /* IN_PATH */], ["." /* DOT */]: [2 /* BEFORE_IDENT */], ["[" /* LEFT_BRACKET */]: [4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */], ["o" /* END_OF_FAIL */]: [7 /* AFTER_PATH */] }; pathStateMachine[2 /* BEFORE_IDENT */] = { ["w" /* WORKSPACE */]: [2 /* BEFORE_IDENT */], ["i" /* IDENT */]: [3 /* IN_IDENT */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["0" /* ZERO */]: [3 /* IN_IDENT */, 0 /* APPEND */] }; pathStateMachine[3 /* IN_IDENT */] = { ["i" /* IDENT */]: [3 /* IN_IDENT */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["0" /* ZERO */]: [3 /* IN_IDENT */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["w" /* WORKSPACE */]: [1 /* IN_PATH */, 1 /* PUSH */], ["." /* DOT */]: [2 /* BEFORE_IDENT */, 1 /* PUSH */], ["[" /* LEFT_BRACKET */]: [4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */, 1 /* PUSH */], ["o" /* END_OF_FAIL */]: [7 /* AFTER_PATH */, 1 /* PUSH */] }; pathStateMachine[4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */] = { ["'" /* SINGLE_QUOTE */]: [5 /* IN_SINGLE_QUOTE */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["\"" /* DOUBLE_QUOTE */]: [6 /* IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["[" /* LEFT_BRACKET */]: [ 4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */, 2 /* INC_SUB_PATH_DEPTH */ ], ["]" /* RIGHT_BRACKET */]: [1 /* IN_PATH */, 3 /* PUSH_SUB_PATH */], ["o" /* END_OF_FAIL */]: 8 /* ERROR */, ["l" /* ELSE */]: [4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */, 0 /* APPEND */] }; pathStateMachine[5 /* IN_SINGLE_QUOTE */] = { ["'" /* SINGLE_QUOTE */]: [4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["o" /* END_OF_FAIL */]: 8 /* ERROR */, ["l" /* ELSE */]: [5 /* IN_SINGLE_QUOTE */, 0 /* APPEND */] }; pathStateMachine[6 /* IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE */] = { ["\"" /* DOUBLE_QUOTE */]: [4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */, 0 /* APPEND */], ["o" /* END_OF_FAIL */]: 8 /* ERROR */, ["l" /* ELSE */]: [6 /* IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE */, 0 /* APPEND */] }; /** * Check if an expression is a literal value. */ const literalValueRE = /^\s?(?:true|false|-?[\d.]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")\s?$/; function isLiteral(exp) { return literalValueRE.test(exp); } /** * Strip quotes from a string */ function stripQuotes(str) { const a = str.charCodeAt(0); const b = str.charCodeAt(str.length - 1); return a === b && (a === 0x22 || a === 0x27) ? str.slice(1, -1) : str; } /** * Determine the type of a character in a keypath. */ function getPathCharType(ch) { if (ch === undefined || ch === null) { return "o" /* END_OF_FAIL */; } const code = ch.charCodeAt(0); switch (code) { case 0x5b: // [ case 0x5d: // ] case 0x2e: // . case 0x22: // " case 0x27: // ' return ch; case 0x5f: // _ case 0x24: // $ case 0x2d: // - return "i" /* IDENT */; case 0x09: // Tab (HT) case 0x0a: // Newline (LF) case 0x0d: // Return (CR) case 0xa0: // No-break space (NBSP) case 0xfeff: // Byte Order Mark (BOM) case 0x2028: // Line Separator (LS) case 0x2029: // Paragraph Separator (PS) return "w" /* WORKSPACE */; } return "i" /* IDENT */; } /** * Format a subPath, return its plain form if it is * a literal string or number. Otherwise prepend the * dynamic indicator (*). */ function formatSubPath(path) { const trimmed = path.trim(); // invalid leading 0 if (path.charAt(0) === '0' && isNaN(parseInt(path))) { return false; } return isLiteral(trimmed) ? stripQuotes(trimmed) : "*" /* ASTARISK */ + trimmed; } /** * Parse a string path into an array of segments */ function parse(path) { const keys = []; let index = -1; let mode = 0 /* BEFORE_PATH */; let subPathDepth = 0; let c; let key; // eslint-disable-line let newChar; let type; let transition; let action; let typeMap; const actions = []; actions[0 /* APPEND */] = () => { if (key === undefined) { key = newChar; } else { key += newChar; } }; actions[1 /* PUSH */] = () => { if (key !== undefined) { keys.push(key); key = undefined; } }; actions[2 /* INC_SUB_PATH_DEPTH */] = () => { actions[0 /* APPEND */](); subPathDepth++; }; actions[3 /* PUSH_SUB_PATH */] = () => { if (subPathDepth > 0) { subPathDepth--; mode = 4 /* IN_SUB_PATH */; actions[0 /* APPEND */](); } else { subPathDepth = 0; if (key === undefined) { return false; } key = formatSubPath(key); if (key === false) { return false; } else { actions[1 /* PUSH */](); } } }; function maybeUnescapeQuote() { const nextChar = path[index + 1]; if ((mode === 5 /* IN_SINGLE_QUOTE */ && nextChar === "'" /* SINGLE_QUOTE */) || (mode === 6 /* IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE */ && nextChar === "\"" /* DOUBLE_QUOTE */)) { index++; newChar = '\\' + nextChar; actions[0 /* APPEND */](); return true; } } while (mode !== null) { index++; c = path[index]; if (c === '\\' && maybeUnescapeQuote()) { continue; } type = getPathCharType(c); typeMap = pathStateMachine[mode]; transition = typeMap[type] || typeMap["l" /* ELSE */] || 8 /* ERROR */; // check parse error if (transition === 8 /* ERROR */) { return; } mode = transition[0]; if (transition[1] !== undefined) { action = actions[transition[1]]; if (action) { newChar = c; if (action() === false) { return; } } } // check parse finish if (mode === 7 /* AFTER_PATH */) { return keys; } } } // path token cache const cache = new Map(); /** * key-value message resolver * * @remarks * Resolves messages with the key-value structure. Note that messages with a hierarchical structure such as objects cannot be resolved * * @param obj - A target object to be resolved with path * @param path - A {@link Path | path} to resolve the value of message * * @returns A resolved {@link PathValue | path value} * * @VueI18nGeneral */ function resolveWithKeyValue(obj, path) { return isObject(obj) ? obj[path] : null; } /** * message resolver * * @remarks * Resolves messages. messages with a hierarchical structure such as objects can be resolved. This resolver is used in VueI18n as default. * * @param obj - A target object to be resolved with path * @param path - A {@link Path | path} to resolve the value of message * * @returns A resolved {@link PathValue | path value} * * @VueI18nGeneral */ function resolveValue(obj, path) { // check object if (!isObject(obj)) { return null; } // parse path let hit = cache.get(path); if (!hit) { hit = parse(path); if (hit) { cache.set(path, hit); } } // check hit if (!hit) { return null; } // resolve path value const len = hit.length; let last = obj; let i = 0; while (i < len) { const val = last[hit[i]]; if (val === undefined) { return null; } last = val; i++; } return last; } const DEFAULT_MODIFIER = (str) => str; const DEFAULT_MESSAGE = (ctx) => ''; // eslint-disable-line const DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE = 'text'; const DEFAULT_NORMALIZE = (values) => values.length === 0 ? '' : values.join(''); const DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE = toDisplayString; function pluralDefault(choice, choicesLength) { choice = Math.abs(choice); if (choicesLength === 2) { // prettier-ignore return choice ? choice > 1 ? 1 : 0 : 1; } return choice ? Math.min(choice, 2) : 0; } function getPluralIndex(options) { // prettier-ignore const index = isNumber(options.pluralIndex) ? options.pluralIndex : -1; // prettier-ignore return options.named && (isNumber(options.named.count) || isNumber(options.named.n)) ? isNumber(options.named.count) ? options.named.count : isNumber(options.named.n) ? options.named.n : index : index; } function normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, props) { if (!props.count) { props.count = pluralIndex; } if (!props.n) { props.n = pluralIndex; } } function createMessageContext(options = {}) { const locale = options.locale; const pluralIndex = getPluralIndex(options); const pluralRule = isObject(options.pluralRules) && isString(locale) && isFunction(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? options.pluralRules[locale] : pluralDefault; const orgPluralRule = isObject(options.pluralRules) && isString(locale) && isFunction(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? pluralDefault : undefined; const plural = (messages) => { return messages[pluralRule(pluralIndex, messages.length, orgPluralRule)]; }; const _list = options.list || []; const list = (index) => _list[index]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const _named = options.named || {}; isNumber(options.pluralIndex) && normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, _named); const named = (key) => _named[key]; function message(key) { // prettier-ignore const msg = isFunction(options.messages) ? options.messages(key) : isObject(options.messages) ? options.messages[key] : false; return !msg ? options.parent ? options.parent.message(key) // resolve from parent messages : DEFAULT_MESSAGE : msg; } const _modifier = (name) => options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : DEFAULT_MODIFIER; const normalize = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isFunction(options.processor.normalize) ? options.processor.normalize : DEFAULT_NORMALIZE; const interpolate = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isFunction(options.processor.interpolate) ? options.processor.interpolate : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE; const type = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isString(options.processor.type) ? options.processor.type : DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE; const linked = (key, ...args) => { const [arg1, arg2] = args; let type = 'text'; let modifier = ''; if (args.length === 1) { if (isObject(arg1)) { modifier = arg1.modifier || modifier; type = arg1.type || type; } else if (isString(arg1)) { modifier = arg1 || modifier; } } else if (args.length === 2) { if (isString(arg1)) { modifier = arg1 || modifier; } if (isString(arg2)) { type = arg2 || type; } } let msg = message(key)(ctx); // The message in vnode resolved with linked are returned as an array by processor.nomalize if (type === 'vnode' && isArray(msg) && modifier) { msg = msg[0]; } return modifier ? _modifier(modifier)(msg, type) : msg; }; const ctx = { ["list" /* LIST */]: list, ["named" /* NAMED */]: named, ["plural" /* PLURAL */]: plural, ["linked" /* LINKED */]: linked, ["message" /* MESSAGE */]: message, ["type" /* TYPE */]: type, ["interpolate" /* INTERPOLATE */]: interpolate, ["normalize" /* NORMALIZE */]: normalize }; return ctx; } const IntlifyDevToolsHooks = { I18nInit: 'i18n:init', FunctionTranslate: 'function:translate' }; let devtools = null; function setDevToolsHook(hook) { devtools = hook; } function initI18nDevTools(i18n, version, meta) { // TODO: queue if devtools is undefined devtools && devtools.emit(IntlifyDevToolsHooks.I18nInit, { timestamp: Date.now(), i18n, version, meta }); } const translateDevTools = /* #__PURE__*/ createDevToolsHook(IntlifyDevToolsHooks.FunctionTranslate); function createDevToolsHook(hook) { return (payloads) => devtools && devtools.emit(hook, payloads); } const CoreWarnCodes = { NOT_FOUND_KEY: 1, FALLBACK_TO_TRANSLATE: 2, CANNOT_FORMAT_NUMBER: 3, FALLBACK_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT: 4, CANNOT_FORMAT_DATE: 5, FALLBACK_TO_DATE_FORMAT: 6, __EXTEND_POINT__: 7 }; /** @internal */ const warnMessages$1 = { [CoreWarnCodes.NOT_FOUND_KEY]: `Not found '{key}' key in '{locale}' locale messages.`, [CoreWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_TRANSLATE]: `Fall back to translate '{key}' key with '{target}' locale.`, [CoreWarnCodes.CANNOT_FORMAT_NUMBER]: `Cannot format a number value due to not supported Intl.NumberFormat.`, [CoreWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT]: `Fall back to number format '{key}' key with '{target}' locale.`, [CoreWarnCodes.CANNOT_FORMAT_DATE]: `Cannot format a date value due to not supported Intl.DateTimeFormat.`, [CoreWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_DATE_FORMAT]: `Fall back to datetime format '{key}' key with '{target}' locale.` }; function getWarnMessage$1(code, ...args) { return format(warnMessages$1[code], ...args); } /** * Fallback with simple implemenation * * @remarks * A fallback locale function implemented with a simple fallback algorithm. * * Basically, it returns the value as specified in the `fallbackLocale` props, and is processed with the fallback inside intlify. * * @param ctx - A {@link CoreContext | context} * @param fallback - A {@link FallbackLocale | fallback locale} * @param start - A starting {@link Locale | locale} * * @returns Fallback locales * * @VueI18nGeneral */ function fallbackWithSimple(ctx, fallback, start // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars ) { // prettier-ignore return [...new Set([ start, ...(isArray(fallback) ? fallback : isObject(fallback) ? Object.keys(fallback) : isString(fallback) ? [fallback] : [start]) ])]; } /** * Fallback with locale chain * * @remarks * A fallback locale function implemented with a fallback chain algorithm. It's used in VueI18n as default. * * @param ctx - A {@link CoreContext | context} * @param fallback - A {@link FallbackLocale | fallback locale} * @param start - A starting {@link Locale | locale} * * @returns Fallback locales * * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback) * * @VueI18nGeneral */ function fallbackWithLocaleChain(ctx, fallback, start) { const startLocale = isString(start) ? start : DEFAULT_LOCALE; const context = ctx; if (!context.__localeChainCache) { context.__localeChainCache = new Map(); } let chain = context.__localeChainCache.get(startLocale); if (!chain) { chain = []; // first block defined by start let block = [start]; // while any intervening block found while (isArray(block)) { block = appendBlockToChain(chain, block, fallback); } // prettier-ignore // last block defined by default const defaults = isArray(fallback) || !isPlainObject(fallback) ? fallback : fallback['default'] ? fallback['default'] : null; // convert defaults to array block = isString(defaults) ? [defaults] : defaults; if (isArray(block)) { appendBlockToChain(chain, block, false); } context.__localeChainCache.set(startLocale, chain); } return chain; } function appendBlockToChain(chain, block, blocks) { let follow = true; for (let i = 0; i < block.length && isBoolean(follow); i++) { const locale = block[i]; if (isString(locale)) { follow = appendLocaleToChain(chain, block[i], blocks); } } return follow; } function appendLocaleToChain(chain, locale, blocks) { let follow; const tokens = locale.split('-'); do { const target = tokens.join('-'); follow = appendItemToChain(chain, target, blocks); tokens.splice(-1, 1); } while (tokens.length && follow === true); return follow; } function appendItemToChain(chain, target, blocks) { let follow = false; if (!chain.includes(target)) { follow = true; if (target) { follow = target[target.length - 1] !== '!'; const locale = target.replace(/!/g, ''); chain.push(locale); if ((isArray(blocks) || isPlainObject(blocks)) && blocks[locale] // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any follow = blocks[locale]; } } } return follow; } /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /** * Intlify core-base version * @internal */ const VERSION$1 = '9.2.2'; const NOT_REOSLVED = -1; const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en-US'; const MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE = ''; const capitalize = (str) => `${str.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase()}${str.substr(1)}`; function getDefaultLinkedModifiers() { return { upper: (val, type) => { // prettier-ignore return type === 'text' && isString(val) ? val.toUpperCase() : type === 'vnode' && isObject(val) && '__v_isVNode' in val ? val.children.toUpperCase() : val; }, lower: (val, type) => { // prettier-ignore return type === 'text' && isString(val) ? val.toLowerCase() : type === 'vnode' && isObject(val) && '__v_isVNode' in val ? val.children.toLowerCase() : val; }, capitalize: (val, type) => { // prettier-ignore return (type === 'text' && isString(val) ? capitalize(val) : type === 'vnode' && isObject(val) && '__v_isVNode' in val ? capitalize(val.children) : val); } }; } let _compiler; let _resolver; /** * Register the message resolver * * @param resolver - A {@link MessageResolver} function * * @VueI18nGeneral */ function registerMessageResolver(resolver) { _resolver = resolver; } let _fallbacker; /** * Register the locale fallbacker * * @param fallbacker - A {@link LocaleFallbacker} function * * @VueI18nGeneral */ function registerLocaleFallbacker(fallbacker) { _fallbacker = fallbacker; } // Additional Meta for Intlify DevTools let _additionalMeta = null; const setAdditionalMeta = (meta) => { _additionalMeta = meta; }; const getAdditionalMeta = () => _additionalMeta; let _fallbackContext = null; const setFallbackContext = (context) => { _fallbackContext = context; }; const getFallbackContext = () => _fallbackContext; // ID for CoreContext let _cid = 0; function createCoreContext(options = {}) { // setup options const version = isString(options.version) ? options.version : VERSION$1; const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE; const fallbackLocale = isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || isString(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : locale; const messages = isPlainObject(options.messages) ? options.messages : { [locale]: {} }; const datetimeFormats = isPlainObject(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [locale]: {} } ; const numberFormats = isPlainObject(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [locale]: {} } ; const modifiers = assign({}, options.modifiers || {}, getDefaultLinkedModifiers()); const pluralRules = options.pluralRules || {}; const missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : null; const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true; const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true; const fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat; const unresolving = !!options.unresolving; const postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null; const processor = isPlainObject(options.processor) ? options.processor : null; const warnHtmlMessage = isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true; const escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter; const messageCompiler = isFunction(options.messageCompiler) ? options.messageCompiler : _compiler; const messageResolver = isFunction(options.messageResolver) ? options.messageResolver : _resolver || resolveWithKeyValue; const localeFallbacker = isFunction(options.localeFallbacker) ? options.localeFallbacker : _fallbacker || fallbackWithSimple; const fallbackContext = isObject(options.fallbackContext) ? options.fallbackContext : undefined; const onWarn = isFunction(options.onWarn) ? options.onWarn : warn; // setup internal options const internalOptions = options; const __datetimeFormatters = isObject(internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters) ? internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters : new Map() ; const __numberFormatters = isObject(internalOptions.__numberFormatters) ? internalOptions.__numberFormatters : new Map() ; const __meta = isObject(internalOptions.__meta) ? internalOptions.__meta : {}; _cid++; const context = { version, cid: _cid, locale, fallbackLocale, messages, modifiers, pluralRules, missing, missingWarn, fallbackWarn, fallbackFormat, unresolving, postTranslation, processor, warnHtmlMessage, escapeParameter, messageCompiler, messageResolver, localeFallbacker, fallbackContext, onWarn, __meta }; { context.datetimeFormats = datetimeFormats; context.numberFormats = numberFormats; context.__datetimeFormatters = __datetimeFormatters; context.__numberFormatters = __numberFormatters; } // for vue-devtools timeline event { context.__v_emitter = internalOptions.__v_emitter != null ? internalOptions.__v_emitter : undefined; } // NOTE: experimental !! { initI18nDevTools(context, version, __meta); } return context; } /** @internal */ function isTranslateFallbackWarn(fallback, key) { return fallback instanceof RegExp ? fallback.test(key) : fallback; } /** @internal */ function isTranslateMissingWarn(missing, key) { return missing instanceof RegExp ? missing.test(key) : missing; } /** @internal */ function handleMissing(context, key, locale, missingWarn, type) { const { missing, onWarn } = context; // for vue-devtools timeline event { const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter) { emitter.emit("missing" /* MISSING */, { locale, key, type, groupId: `${type}:${key}` }); } } if (missing !== null) { const ret = missing(context, locale, key, type); return isString(ret) ? ret : key; } else { if (isTranslateMissingWarn(missingWarn, key)) { onWarn(getWarnMessage$1(CoreWarnCodes.NOT_FOUND_KEY, { key, locale })); } return key; } } /** @internal */ function updateFallbackLocale(ctx, locale, fallback) { const context = ctx; context.__localeChainCache = new Map(); ctx.localeFallbacker(ctx, fallback, locale); } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ let code$2 = CompileErrorCodes.__EXTEND_POINT__; const inc$2 = () => ++code$2; const CoreErrorCodes = { INVALID_ARGUMENT: code$2, INVALID_DATE_ARGUMENT: inc$2(), INVALID_ISO_DATE_ARGUMENT: inc$2(), __EXTEND_POINT__: inc$2() // 18 }; function createCoreError(code) { return createCompileError(code, null, { messages: errorMessages$1 } ); } /** @internal */ const errorMessages$1 = { [CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT]: 'Invalid arguments', [CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE_ARGUMENT]: 'The date provided is an invalid Date object.' + 'Make sure your Date represents a valid date.', [CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ISO_DATE_ARGUMENT]: 'The argument provided is not a valid ISO date string' }; const NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION = () => ''; const isMessageFunction = (val) => isFunction(val); // implementation of `translate` function function translate(context, ...args) { const { fallbackFormat, postTranslation, unresolving, messageCompiler, fallbackLocale, messages } = context; const [key, options] = parseTranslateArgs(...args); const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn; const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn; const escapeParameter = isBoolean(options.escapeParameter) ? options.escapeParameter : context.escapeParameter; const resolvedMessage = !!options.resolvedMessage; // prettier-ignore const defaultMsgOrKey = isString(options.default) || isBoolean(options.default) // default by function option ? !isBoolean(options.default) ? options.default : (!messageCompiler ? () => key : key) : fallbackFormat // default by `fallbackFormat` option ? (!messageCompiler ? () => key : key) : ''; const enableDefaultMsg = fallbackFormat || defaultMsgOrKey !== ''; const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale; // escape params escapeParameter && escapeParams(options); // resolve message format // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let [formatScope, targetLocale, message] = !resolvedMessage ? resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn) : [ key, locale, messages[locale] || {} ]; // NOTE: // Fix to work around `ssrTransfrom` bug in Vite. // https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/4306 // To get around this, use temporary variables. // https://github.com/nuxt/framework/issues/1461#issuecomment-954606243 let format = formatScope; // if you use default message, set it as message format! let cacheBaseKey = key; if (!resolvedMessage && !(isString(format) || isMessageFunction(format))) { if (enableDefaultMsg) { format = defaultMsgOrKey; cacheBaseKey = format; } } // checking message format and target locale if (!resolvedMessage && (!(isString(format) || isMessageFunction(format)) || !isString(targetLocale))) { return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key; } if (isString(format) && context.messageCompiler == null) { warn(`The message format compilation is not supported in this build. ` + `Because message compiler isn't included. ` + `You need to pre-compilation all message format. ` + `So translate function return '${key}'.`); return key; } // setup compile error detecting let occurred = false; const errorDetector = () => { occurred = true; }; // compile message format const msg = !isMessageFunction(format) ? compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format, cacheBaseKey, errorDetector) : format; // if occurred compile error, return the message format if (occurred) { return format; } // evaluate message with context const ctxOptions = getMessageContextOptions(context, targetLocale, message, options); const msgContext = createMessageContext(ctxOptions); const messaged = evaluateMessage(context, msg, msgContext); // if use post translation option, proceed it with handler const ret = postTranslation ? postTranslation(messaged, key) : messaged; // NOTE: experimental !! { // prettier-ignore const payloads = { timestamp: Date.now(), key: isString(key) ? key : isMessageFunction(format) ? format.key : '', locale: targetLocale || (isMessageFunction(format) ? format.locale : ''), format: isString(format) ? format : isMessageFunction(format) ? format.source : '', message: ret }; payloads.meta = assign({}, context.__meta, getAdditionalMeta() || {}); translateDevTools(payloads); } return ret; } function escapeParams(options) { if (isArray(options.list)) { options.list = options.list.map(item => isString(item) ? escapeHtml(item) : item); } else if (isObject(options.named)) { Object.keys(options.named).forEach(key => { if (isString(options.named[key])) { options.named[key] = escapeHtml(options.named[key]); } }); } } function resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn) { const { messages, onWarn, messageResolver: resolveValue, localeFallbacker } = context; const locales = localeFallbacker(context, fallbackLocale, locale); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any let message = {}; let targetLocale; let format = null; let from = locale; let to = null; const type = 'translate'; for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { targetLocale = to = locales[i]; if (locale !== targetLocale && isTranslateFallbackWarn(fallbackWarn, key)) { onWarn(getWarnMessage$1(CoreWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_TRANSLATE, { key, target: targetLocale })); } // for vue-devtools timeline event if (locale !== targetLocale) { const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter) { emitter.emit("fallback" /* FALBACK */, { type, key, from, to, groupId: `${type}:${key}` }); } } message = messages[targetLocale] || {}; // for vue-devtools timeline event let start = null; let startTag; let endTag; if (inBrowser) { start = window.performance.now(); startTag = 'intlify-message-resolve-start'; endTag = 'intlify-message-resolve-end'; mark && mark(startTag); } if ((format = resolveValue(message, key)) === null) { // if null, resolve with object key path format = message[key]; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } // for vue-devtools timeline event if (inBrowser) { const end = window.performance.now(); const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter && start && format) { emitter.emit("message-resolve" /* MESSAGE_RESOLVE */, { type: "message-resolve" /* MESSAGE_RESOLVE */, key, message: format, time: end - start, groupId: `${type}:${key}` }); } if (startTag && endTag && mark && measure) { mark(endTag); measure('intlify message resolve', startTag, endTag); } } if (isString(format) || isFunction(format)) break; const missingRet = handleMissing(context, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type); if (missingRet !== key) { format = missingRet; } from = to; } return [format, targetLocale, message]; } function compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format, cacheBaseKey, errorDetector) { const { messageCompiler, warnHtmlMessage } = context; if (isMessageFunction(format)) { const msg = format; msg.locale = msg.locale || targetLocale; msg.key = msg.key || key; return msg; } if (messageCompiler == null) { const msg = (() => format); msg.locale = targetLocale; msg.key = key; return msg; } // for vue-devtools timeline event let start = null; let startTag; let endTag; if (inBrowser) { start = window.performance.now(); startTag = 'intlify-message-compilation-start'; endTag = 'intlify-message-compilation-end'; mark && mark(startTag); } const msg = messageCompiler(format, getCompileOptions(context, targetLocale, cacheBaseKey, format, warnHtmlMessage, errorDetector)); // for vue-devtools timeline event if (inBrowser) { const end = window.performance.now(); const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter && start) { emitter.emit("message-compilation" /* MESSAGE_COMPILATION */, { type: "message-compilation" /* MESSAGE_COMPILATION */, message: format, time: end - start, groupId: `${'translate'}:${key}` }); } if (startTag && endTag && mark && measure) { mark(endTag); measure('intlify message compilation', startTag, endTag); } } msg.locale = targetLocale; msg.key = key; msg.source = format; return msg; } function evaluateMessage(context, msg, msgCtx) { // for vue-devtools timeline event let start = null; let startTag; let endTag; if (inBrowser) { start = window.performance.now(); startTag = 'intlify-message-evaluation-start'; endTag = 'intlify-message-evaluation-end'; mark && mark(startTag); } const messaged = msg(msgCtx); // for vue-devtools timeline event if (inBrowser) { const end = window.performance.now(); const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter && start) { emitter.emit("message-evaluation" /* MESSAGE_EVALUATION */, { type: "message-evaluation" /* MESSAGE_EVALUATION */, value: messaged, time: end - start, groupId: `${'translate'}:${msg.key}` }); } if (startTag && endTag && mark && measure) { mark(endTag); measure('intlify message evaluation', startTag, endTag); } } return messaged; } /** @internal */ function parseTranslateArgs(...args) { const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args; const options = {}; if (!isString(arg1) && !isNumber(arg1) && !isMessageFunction(arg1)) { throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // prettier-ignore const key = isNumber(arg1) ? String(arg1) : isMessageFunction(arg1) ? arg1 : arg1; if (isNumber(arg2)) { options.plural = arg2; } else if (isString(arg2)) { options.default = arg2; } else if (isPlainObject(arg2) && !isEmptyObject(arg2)) { options.named = arg2; } else if (isArray(arg2)) { options.list = arg2; } if (isNumber(arg3)) { options.plural = arg3; } else if (isString(arg3)) { options.default = arg3; } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) { assign(options, arg3); } return [key, options]; } function getCompileOptions(context, locale, key, source, warnHtmlMessage, errorDetector) { return { warnHtmlMessage, onError: (err) => { errorDetector && errorDetector(err); { const message = `Message compilation error: ${err.message}`; const codeFrame = err.location && generateCodeFrame(source, err.location.start.offset, err.location.end.offset); const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter) { emitter.emit("compile-error" /* COMPILE_ERROR */, { message: source, error: err.message, start: err.location && err.location.start.offset, end: err.location && err.location.end.offset, groupId: `${'translate'}:${key}` }); } console.error(codeFrame ? `${message}\n${codeFrame}` : message); } }, onCacheKey: (source) => generateFormatCacheKey(locale, key, source) }; } function getMessageContextOptions(context, locale, message, options) { const { modifiers, pluralRules, messageResolver: resolveValue, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn, fallbackContext } = context; const resolveMessage = (key) => { let val = resolveValue(message, key); // fallback to root context if (val == null && fallbackContext) { const [, , message] = resolveMessageFormat(fallbackContext, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn); val = resolveValue(message, key); } if (isString(val)) { let occurred = false; const errorDetector = () => { occurred = true; }; const msg = compileMessageFormat(context, key, locale, val, key, errorDetector); return !occurred ? msg : NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION; } else if (isMessageFunction(val)) { return val; } else { // TODO: should be implemented warning message return NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION; } }; const ctxOptions = { locale, modifiers, pluralRules, messages: resolveMessage }; if (context.processor) { ctxOptions.processor = context.processor; } if (options.list) { ctxOptions.list = options.list; } if (options.named) { ctxOptions.named = options.named; } if (isNumber(options.plural)) { ctxOptions.pluralIndex = options.plural; } return ctxOptions; } const intlDefined = typeof Intl !== 'undefined'; const Availabilities = { dateTimeFormat: intlDefined && typeof Intl.DateTimeFormat !== 'undefined', numberFormat: intlDefined && typeof Intl.NumberFormat !== 'undefined' }; // implementation of `datetime` function function datetime(context, ...args) { const { datetimeFormats, unresolving, fallbackLocale, onWarn, localeFallbacker } = context; const { __datetimeFormatters } = context; if (!Availabilities.dateTimeFormat) { onWarn(getWarnMessage$1(CoreWarnCodes.CANNOT_FORMAT_DATE)); return MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE; } const [key, value, options, overrides] = parseDateTimeArgs(...args); const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn; const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn; const part = !!options.part; const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale; const locales = localeFallbacker(context, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any fallbackLocale, locale); if (!isString(key) || key === '') { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, overrides).format(value); } // resolve format let datetimeFormat = {}; let targetLocale; let format = null; let from = locale; let to = null; const type = 'datetime format'; for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { targetLocale = to = locales[i]; if (locale !== targetLocale && isTranslateFallbackWarn(fallbackWarn, key)) { onWarn(getWarnMessage$1(CoreWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_DATE_FORMAT, { key, target: targetLocale })); } // for vue-devtools timeline event if (locale !== targetLocale) { const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter) { emitter.emit("fallback" /* FALBACK */, { type, key, from, to, groupId: `${type}:${key}` }); } } datetimeFormat = datetimeFormats[targetLocale] || {}; format = datetimeFormat[key]; if (isPlainObject(format)) break; handleMissing(context, key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any from = to; } // checking format and target locale if (!isPlainObject(format) || !isString(targetLocale)) { return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key; } let id = `${targetLocale}__${key}`; if (!isEmptyObject(overrides)) { id = `${id}__${JSON.stringify(overrides)}`; } let formatter = __datetimeFormatters.get(id); if (!formatter) { formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(targetLocale, assign({}, format, overrides)); __datetimeFormatters.set(id, formatter); } return !part ? formatter.format(value) : formatter.formatToParts(value); } /** @internal */ const DATETIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS = [ 'localeMatcher', 'weekday', 'era', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'timeZoneName', 'formatMatcher', 'hour12', 'timeZone', 'dateStyle', 'timeStyle', 'calendar', 'dayPeriod', 'numberingSystem', 'hourCycle', 'fractionalSecondDigits' ]; /** @internal */ function parseDateTimeArgs(...args) { const [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = args; const options = {}; let overrides = {}; let value; if (isString(arg1)) { // Only allow ISO strings - other date formats are often supported, // but may cause different results in different browsers. const matches = arg1.match(/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(T|\s)?(.*)/); if (!matches) { throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ISO_DATE_ARGUMENT); } // Some browsers can not parse the iso datetime separated by space, // this is a compromise solution by replace the 'T'/' ' with 'T' const dateTime = matches[3] ? matches[3].trim().startsWith('T') ? `${matches[1].trim()}${matches[3].trim()}` : `${matches[1].trim()}T${matches[3].trim()}` : matches[1].trim(); value = new Date(dateTime); try { // This will fail if the date is not valid value.toISOString(); } catch (e) { throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ISO_DATE_ARGUMENT); } } else if (isDate(arg1)) { if (isNaN(arg1.getTime())) { throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE_ARGUMENT); } value = arg1; } else if (isNumber(arg1)) { value = arg1; } else { throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT); } if (isString(arg2)) { options.key = arg2; } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) { Object.keys(arg2).forEach(key => { if (DATETIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS.includes(key)) { overrides[key] = arg2[key]; } else { options[key] = arg2[key]; } }); } if (isString(arg3)) { options.locale = arg3; } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) { overrides = arg3; } if (isPlainObject(arg4)) { overrides = arg4; } return [options.key || '', value, options, overrides]; } /** @internal */ function clearDateTimeFormat(ctx, locale, format) { const context = ctx; for (const key in format) { const id = `${locale}__${key}`; if (!context.__datetimeFormatters.has(id)) { continue; } context.__datetimeFormatters.delete(id); } } // implementation of `number` function function number(context, ...args) { const { numberFormats, unresolving, fallbackLocale, onWarn, localeFallbacker } = context; const { __numberFormatters } = context; if (!Availabilities.numberFormat) { onWarn(getWarnMessage$1(CoreWarnCodes.CANNOT_FORMAT_NUMBER)); return MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE; } const [key, value, options, overrides] = parseNumberArgs(...args); const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn; const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn; const part = !!options.part; const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale; const locales = localeFallbacker(context, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any fallbackLocale, locale); if (!isString(key) || key === '') { return new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, overrides).format(value); } // resolve format let numberFormat = {}; let targetLocale; let format = null; let from = locale; let to = null; const type = 'number format'; for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { targetLocale = to = locales[i]; if (locale !== targetLocale && isTranslateFallbackWarn(fallbackWarn, key)) { onWarn(getWarnMessage$1(CoreWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT, { key, target: targetLocale })); } // for vue-devtools timeline event if (locale !== targetLocale) { const emitter = context.__v_emitter; if (emitter) { emitter.emit("fallback" /* FALBACK */, { type, key, from, to, groupId: `${type}:${key}` }); } } numberFormat = numberFormats[targetLocale] || {}; format = numberFormat[key]; if (isPlainObject(format)) break; handleMissing(context, key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any from = to; } // checking format and target locale if (!isPlainObject(format) || !isString(targetLocale)) { return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key; } let id = `${targetLocale}__${key}`; if (!isEmptyObject(overrides)) { id = `${id}__${JSON.stringify(overrides)}`; } let formatter = __numberFormatters.get(id); if (!formatter) { formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(targetLocale, assign({}, format, overrides)); __numberFormatters.set(id, formatter); } return !part ? formatter.format(value) : formatter.formatToParts(value); } /** @internal */ const NUMBER_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS = [ 'localeMatcher', 'style', 'currency', 'currencyDisplay', 'currencySign', 'useGrouping', 'minimumIntegerDigits', 'minimumFractionDigits', 'maximumFractionDigits', 'minimumSignificantDigits', 'maximumSignificantDigits', 'compactDisplay', 'notation', 'signDisplay', 'unit', 'unitDisplay', 'roundingMode', 'roundingPriority', 'roundingIncrement', 'trailingZeroDisplay' ]; /** @internal */ function parseNumberArgs(...args) { const [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = args; const options = {}; let overrides = {}; if (!isNumber(arg1)) { throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT); } const value = arg1; if (isString(arg2)) { options.key = arg2; } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) { Object.keys(arg2).forEach(key => { if (NUMBER_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS.includes(key)) { overrides[key] = arg2[key]; } else { options[key] = arg2[key]; } }); } if (isString(arg3)) { options.locale = arg3; } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) { overrides = arg3; } if (isPlainObject(arg4)) { overrides = arg4; } return [options.key || '', value, options, overrides]; } /** @internal */ function clearNumberFormat(ctx, locale, format) { const context = ctx; for (const key in format) { const id = `${locale}__${key}`; if (!context.__numberFormatters.has(id)) { continue; } context.__numberFormatters.delete(id); } } /** * Vue I18n Version * * @remarks * Semver format. Same format as the package.json `version` field. * * @VueI18nGeneral */ const VERSION = '9.2.2'; /** * This is only called development env * istanbul-ignore-next */ function initDev() { { { console.info(`You are running a development build of vue-i18n.\n` + `Make sure to use the production build (*.prod.js) when deploying for production.`); } } } let code$1 = CoreWarnCodes.__EXTEND_POINT__; const inc$1 = () => ++code$1; const I18nWarnCodes = { FALLBACK_TO_ROOT: code$1, NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE: inc$1(), NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMATTER: inc$1(), NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE_DIRECTIVE: inc$1(), NOT_SUPPORTED_GET_CHOICE_INDEX: inc$1(), COMPONENT_NAME_LEGACY_COMPATIBLE: inc$1(), NOT_FOUND_PARENT_SCOPE: inc$1() // 13 }; const warnMessages = { [I18nWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_ROOT]: `Fall back to {type} '{key}' with root locale.`, [I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE]: `Not supported 'preserve'.`, [I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMATTER]: `Not supported 'formatter'.`, [I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE_DIRECTIVE]: `Not supported 'preserveDirectiveContent'.`, [I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_GET_CHOICE_INDEX]: `Not supported 'getChoiceIndex'.`, [I18nWarnCodes.COMPONENT_NAME_LEGACY_COMPATIBLE]: `Component name legacy compatible: '{name}' -> 'i18n'`, [I18nWarnCodes.NOT_FOUND_PARENT_SCOPE]: `Not found parent scope. use the global scope.` }; function getWarnMessage(code, ...args) { return format(warnMessages[code], ...args); } let code = CompileErrorCodes.__EXTEND_POINT__; const inc = () => ++code; const I18nErrorCodes = { // composer module errors UNEXPECTED_RETURN_TYPE: code, // legacy module errors INVALID_ARGUMENT: inc(), // i18n module errors MUST_BE_CALL_SETUP_TOP: inc(), NOT_INSLALLED: inc(), NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_LEGACY_MODE: inc(), // directive module errors REQUIRED_VALUE: inc(), INVALID_VALUE: inc(), // vue-devtools errors CANNOT_SETUP_VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN: inc(), NOT_INSLALLED_WITH_PROVIDE: inc(), // unexpected error UNEXPECTED_ERROR: inc(), // not compatible legacy vue-i18n constructor NOT_COMPATIBLE_LEGACY_VUE_I18N: inc(), // bridge support vue 2.x only BRIDGE_SUPPORT_VUE_2_ONLY: inc(), // need to define `i18n` option in `allowComposition: true` and `useScope: 'local' at `useI18n`` MUST_DEFINE_I18N_OPTION_IN_ALLOW_COMPOSITION: inc(), // Not available Compostion API in Legacy API mode. Please make sure that the legacy API mode is working properly NOT_AVAILABLE_COMPOSITION_IN_LEGACY: inc(), // for enhancement __EXTEND_POINT__: inc() // 29 }; function createI18nError(code, ...args) { return createCompileError(code, null, { messages: errorMessages, args } ); } const errorMessages = { [I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_RETURN_TYPE]: 'Unexpected return type in composer', [I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT]: 'Invalid argument', [I18nErrorCodes.MUST_BE_CALL_SETUP_TOP]: 'Must be called at the top of a `setup` function', [I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSLALLED]: 'Need to install with `app.use` function', [I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR]: 'Unexpected error', [I18nErrorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_LEGACY_MODE]: 'Not available in legacy mode', [I18nErrorCodes.REQUIRED_VALUE]: `Required in value: {0}`, [I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE]: `Invalid value`, [I18nErrorCodes.CANNOT_SETUP_VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN]: `Cannot setup vue-devtools plugin`, [I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSLALLED_WITH_PROVIDE]: 'Need to install with `provide` function', [I18nErrorCodes.NOT_COMPATIBLE_LEGACY_VUE_I18N]: 'Not compatible legacy VueI18n.', [I18nErrorCodes.BRIDGE_SUPPORT_VUE_2_ONLY]: 'vue-i18n-bridge support Vue 2.x only', [I18nErrorCodes.MUST_DEFINE_I18N_OPTION_IN_ALLOW_COMPOSITION]: 'Must define ‘i18n’ option or custom block in Composition API with using local scope in Legacy API mode', [I18nErrorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE_COMPOSITION_IN_LEGACY]: 'Not available Compostion API in Legacy API mode. Please make sure that the legacy API mode is working properly' }; const TransrateVNodeSymbol = /* #__PURE__*/ makeSymbol('__transrateVNode'); const DatetimePartsSymbol = /* #__PURE__*/ makeSymbol('__datetimeParts'); const NumberPartsSymbol = /* #__PURE__*/ makeSymbol('__numberParts'); const EnableEmitter = /* #__PURE__*/ makeSymbol('__enableEmitter'); const DisableEmitter = /* #__PURE__*/ makeSymbol('__disableEmitter'); const SetPluralRulesSymbol = makeSymbol('__setPluralRules'); const InejctWithOption = /* #__PURE__*/ makeSymbol('__injectWithOption'); const __VUE_I18N_BRIDGE__ = '__VUE_I18N_BRIDGE__'; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /** * Transform flat json in obj to normal json in obj */ function handleFlatJson(obj) { // check obj if (!isObject(obj)) { return obj; } for (const key in obj) { // check key if (!hasOwn(obj, key)) { continue; } // handle for normal json if (!key.includes('.')) { // recursive process value if value is also a object if (isObject(obj[key])) { handleFlatJson(obj[key]); } } // handle for flat json, transform to normal json else { // go to the last object const subKeys = key.split('.'); const lastIndex = subKeys.length - 1; let currentObj = obj; for (let i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) { if (!(subKeys[i] in currentObj)) { currentObj[subKeys[i]] = {}; } currentObj = currentObj[subKeys[i]]; } // update last object value, delete old property currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]] = obj[key]; delete obj[key]; // recursive process value if value is also a object if (isObject(currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]])) { handleFlatJson(currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]]); } } } return obj; } function getLocaleMessages(locale, options) { const { messages, __i18n, messageResolver, flatJson } = options; // prettier-ignore const ret = isPlainObject(messages) ? messages : isArray(__i18n) ? {} : { [locale]: {} }; // merge locale messages of i18n custom block if (isArray(__i18n)) { __i18n.forEach(custom => { if ('locale' in custom && 'resource' in custom) { const { locale, resource } = custom; if (locale) { ret[locale] = ret[locale] || {}; deepCopy(resource, ret[locale]); } else { deepCopy(resource, ret); } } else { isString(custom) && deepCopy(JSON.parse(custom), ret); } }); } // handle messages for flat json if (messageResolver == null && flatJson) { for (const key in ret) { if (hasOwn(ret, key)) { handleFlatJson(ret[key]); } } } return ret; } const isNotObjectOrIsArray = (val) => !isObject(val) || isArray(val); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types function deepCopy(src, des) { // src and des should both be objects, and non of then can be a array if (isNotObjectOrIsArray(src) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(des)) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE); } for (const key in src) { if (hasOwn(src, key)) { if (isNotObjectOrIsArray(src[key]) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(des[key])) { // replace with src[key] when: // src[key] or des[key] is not a object, or // src[key] or des[key] is a array des[key] = src[key]; } else { // src[key] and des[key] are both object, merge them deepCopy(src[key], des[key]); } } } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function getComponentOptions(instance) { return instance.type ; } function adjustI18nResources(global, options, componentOptions // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) { let messages = isObject(options.messages) ? options.messages : {}; if ('__i18nGlobal' in componentOptions) { messages = getLocaleMessages(global.locale.value, { messages, __i18n: componentOptions.__i18nGlobal }); } // merge locale messages const locales = Object.keys(messages); if (locales.length) { locales.forEach(locale => { global.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, messages[locale]); }); } { // merge datetime formats if (isObject(options.datetimeFormats)) { const locales = Object.keys(options.datetimeFormats); if (locales.length) { locales.forEach(locale => { global.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, options.datetimeFormats[locale]); }); } } // merge number formats if (isObject(options.numberFormats)) { const locales = Object.keys(options.numberFormats); if (locales.length) { locales.forEach(locale => { global.mergeNumberFormat(locale, options.numberFormats[locale]); }); } } } } function createTextNode(key) { return createVNode(Text, null, key, 0) ; } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ // extend VNode interface const DEVTOOLS_META = '__INTLIFY_META__'; let composerID = 0; function defineCoreMissingHandler(missing) { return ((ctx, locale, key, type) => { return missing(locale, key, getCurrentInstance() || undefined, type); }); } // for Intlify DevTools const getMetaInfo = () => { const instance = getCurrentInstance(); let meta = null; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return instance && (meta = getComponentOptions(instance)[DEVTOOLS_META]) ? { [DEVTOOLS_META]: meta } // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any : null; }; /** * Create composer interface factory * * @internal */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types function createComposer(options = {}, VueI18nLegacy) { const { __root } = options; const _isGlobal = __root === undefined; let _inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.inheritLocale) ? options.inheritLocale : true; const _locale = ref( // prettier-ignore __root && _inheritLocale ? __root.locale.value : isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE); const _fallbackLocale = ref( // prettier-ignore __root && _inheritLocale ? __root.fallbackLocale.value : isString(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : _locale.value); const _messages = ref(getLocaleMessages(_locale.value, options)); // prettier-ignore const _datetimeFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} }) ; // prettier-ignore const _numberFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} }) ; // warning suppress options // prettier-ignore let _missingWarn = __root ? __root.missingWarn : isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true; // prettier-ignore let _fallbackWarn = __root ? __root.fallbackWarn : isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true; // prettier-ignore let _fallbackRoot = __root ? __root.fallbackRoot : isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true; // configure fall back to root let _fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat; // runtime missing let _missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : null; let _runtimeMissing = isFunction(options.missing) ? defineCoreMissingHandler(options.missing) : null; // postTranslation handler let _postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null; // prettier-ignore let _warnHtmlMessage = __root ? __root.warnHtmlMessage : isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true; let _escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter; // custom linked modifiers // prettier-ignore const _modifiers = __root ? __root.modifiers : isPlainObject(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {}; // pluralRules let _pluralRules = options.pluralRules || (__root && __root.pluralRules); // runtime context // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let _context; const getCoreContext = () => { _isGlobal && setFallbackContext(null); const ctxOptions = { version: VERSION, locale: _locale.value, fallbackLocale: _fallbackLocale.value, messages: _messages.value, modifiers: _modifiers, pluralRules: _pluralRules, missing: _runtimeMissing === null ? undefined : _runtimeMissing, missingWarn: _missingWarn, fallbackWarn: _fallbackWarn, fallbackFormat: _fallbackFormat, unresolving: true, postTranslation: _postTranslation === null ? undefined : _postTranslation, warnHtmlMessage: _warnHtmlMessage, escapeParameter: _escapeParameter, messageResolver: options.messageResolver, __meta: { framework: 'vue' } }; { ctxOptions.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value; ctxOptions.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value; ctxOptions.__datetimeFormatters = isPlainObject(_context) ? _context.__datetimeFormatters : undefined; ctxOptions.__numberFormatters = isPlainObject(_context) ? _context.__numberFormatters : undefined; } { ctxOptions.__v_emitter = isPlainObject(_context) ? _context.__v_emitter : undefined; } const ctx = createCoreContext(ctxOptions); _isGlobal && setFallbackContext(ctx); return ctx; }; _context = getCoreContext(); updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value); // track reactivity function trackReactivityValues() { return [ _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value, _messages.value, _datetimeFormats.value, _numberFormats.value ] ; } // locale const locale = computed({ get: () => _locale.value, set: val => { _locale.value = val; _context.locale = _locale.value; } }); // fallbackLocale const fallbackLocale = computed({ get: () => _fallbackLocale.value, set: val => { _fallbackLocale.value = val; _context.fallbackLocale = _fallbackLocale.value; updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, val); } }); // messages const messages = computed(() => _messages.value); // datetimeFormats const datetimeFormats = /* #__PURE__*/ computed(() => _datetimeFormats.value); // numberFormats const numberFormats = /* #__PURE__*/ computed(() => _numberFormats.value); // getPostTranslationHandler function getPostTranslationHandler() { return isFunction(_postTranslation) ? _postTranslation : null; } // setPostTranslationHandler function setPostTranslationHandler(handler) { _postTranslation = handler; _context.postTranslation = handler; } // getMissingHandler function getMissingHandler() { return _missing; } // setMissingHandler function setMissingHandler(handler) { if (handler !== null) { _runtimeMissing = defineCoreMissingHandler(handler); } _missing = handler; _context.missing = _runtimeMissing; } function isResolvedTranslateMessage(type, arg // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) { return type !== 'translate' || !arg.resolvedMessage; } const wrapWithDeps = (fn, argumentParser, warnType, fallbackSuccess, fallbackFail, successCondition) => { trackReactivityValues(); // track reactive dependency // NOTE: experimental !! let ret; { try { setAdditionalMeta(getMetaInfo()); if (!_isGlobal) { _context.fallbackContext = __root ? getFallbackContext() : undefined; } ret = fn(_context); } finally { setAdditionalMeta(null); if (!_isGlobal) { _context.fallbackContext = undefined; } } } if (isNumber(ret) && ret === NOT_REOSLVED) { const [key, arg2] = argumentParser(); if (__root && isString(key) && isResolvedTranslateMessage(warnType, arg2)) { if (_fallbackRoot && (isTranslateFallbackWarn(_fallbackWarn, key) || isTranslateMissingWarn(_missingWarn, key))) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.FALLBACK_TO_ROOT, { key, type: warnType })); } // for vue-devtools timeline event { const { __v_emitter: emitter } = _context; if (emitter && _fallbackRoot) { emitter.emit("fallback" /* FALBACK */, { type: warnType, key, to: 'global', groupId: `${warnType}:${key}` }); } } } return __root && _fallbackRoot ? fallbackSuccess(__root) : fallbackFail(key); } else if (successCondition(ret)) { return ret; } else { /* istanbul ignore next */ throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_RETURN_TYPE); } }; // t function t(...args) { return wrapWithDeps(context => Reflect.apply(translate, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseTranslateArgs(...args), 'translate', root => Reflect.apply(root.t, root, [...args]), key => key, val => isString(val)); } // rt function rt(...args) { const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args; if (arg3 && !isObject(arg3)) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT); } return t(...[arg1, arg2, assign({ resolvedMessage: true }, arg3 || {})]); } // d function d(...args) { return wrapWithDeps(context => Reflect.apply(datetime, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseDateTimeArgs(...args), 'datetime format', root => Reflect.apply(root.d, root, [...args]), () => MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE, val => isString(val)); } // n function n(...args) { return wrapWithDeps(context => Reflect.apply(number, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseNumberArgs(...args), 'number format', root => Reflect.apply(root.n, root, [...args]), () => MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE, val => isString(val)); } // for custom processor function normalize(values) { return values.map(val => isString(val) || isNumber(val) || isBoolean(val) ? createTextNode(String(val)) : val); } const interpolate = (val) => val; const processor = { normalize, interpolate, type: 'vnode' }; // transrateVNode, using for `i18n-t` component function transrateVNode(...args) { return wrapWithDeps(context => { let ret; const _context = context; try { _context.processor = processor; ret = Reflect.apply(translate, null, [_context, ...args]); } finally { _context.processor = null; } return ret; }, () => parseTranslateArgs(...args), 'translate', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any root => root[TransrateVNodeSymbol](...args), key => [createTextNode(key)], val => isArray(val)); } // numberParts, using for `i18n-n` component function numberParts(...args) { return wrapWithDeps(context => Reflect.apply(number, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseNumberArgs(...args), 'number format', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any root => root[NumberPartsSymbol](...args), () => [], val => isString(val) || isArray(val)); } // datetimeParts, using for `i18n-d` component function datetimeParts(...args) { return wrapWithDeps(context => Reflect.apply(datetime, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseDateTimeArgs(...args), 'datetime format', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any root => root[DatetimePartsSymbol](...args), () => [], val => isString(val) || isArray(val)); } function setPluralRules(rules) { _pluralRules = rules; _context.pluralRules = _pluralRules; } // te function te(key, locale) { const targetLocale = isString(locale) ? locale : _locale.value; const message = getLocaleMessage(targetLocale); return _context.messageResolver(message, key) !== null; } function resolveMessages(key) { let messages = null; const locales = fallbackWithLocaleChain(_context, _fallbackLocale.value, _locale.value); for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { const targetLocaleMessages = _messages.value[locales[i]] || {}; const messageValue = _context.messageResolver(targetLocaleMessages, key); if (messageValue != null) { messages = messageValue; break; } } return messages; } // tm function tm(key) { const messages = resolveMessages(key); // prettier-ignore return messages != null ? messages : __root ? __root.tm(key) || {} : {}; } // getLocaleMessage function getLocaleMessage(locale) { return (_messages.value[locale] || {}); } // setLocaleMessage function setLocaleMessage(locale, message) { _messages.value[locale] = message; _context.messages = _messages.value; } // mergeLocaleMessage function mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message) { _messages.value[locale] = _messages.value[locale] || {}; deepCopy(message, _messages.value[locale]); _context.messages = _messages.value; } // getDateTimeFormat function getDateTimeFormat(locale) { return _datetimeFormats.value[locale] || {}; } // setDateTimeFormat function setDateTimeFormat(locale, format) { _datetimeFormats.value[locale] = format; _context.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value; clearDateTimeFormat(_context, locale, format); } // mergeDateTimeFormat function mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format) { _datetimeFormats.value[locale] = assign(_datetimeFormats.value[locale] || {}, format); _context.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value; clearDateTimeFormat(_context, locale, format); } // getNumberFormat function getNumberFormat(locale) { return _numberFormats.value[locale] || {}; } // setNumberFormat function setNumberFormat(locale, format) { _numberFormats.value[locale] = format; _context.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value; clearNumberFormat(_context, locale, format); } // mergeNumberFormat function mergeNumberFormat(locale, format) { _numberFormats.value[locale] = assign(_numberFormats.value[locale] || {}, format); _context.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value; clearNumberFormat(_context, locale, format); } // for debug composerID++; // watch root locale & fallbackLocale if (__root && inBrowser) { watch(__root.locale, (val) => { if (_inheritLocale) { _locale.value = val; _context.locale = val; updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value); } }); watch(__root.fallbackLocale, (val) => { if (_inheritLocale) { _fallbackLocale.value = val; _context.fallbackLocale = val; updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value); } }); } // define basic composition API! const composer = { id: composerID, locale, fallbackLocale, get inheritLocale() { return _inheritLocale; }, set inheritLocale(val) { _inheritLocale = val; if (val && __root) { _locale.value = __root.locale.value; _fallbackLocale.value = __root.fallbackLocale.value; updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value); } }, get availableLocales() { return Object.keys(_messages.value).sort(); }, messages, get modifiers() { return _modifiers; }, get pluralRules() { return _pluralRules || {}; }, get isGlobal() { return _isGlobal; }, get missingWarn() { return _missingWarn; }, set missingWarn(val) { _missingWarn = val; _context.missingWarn = _missingWarn; }, get fallbackWarn() { return _fallbackWarn; }, set fallbackWarn(val) { _fallbackWarn = val; _context.fallbackWarn = _fallbackWarn; }, get fallbackRoot() { return _fallbackRoot; }, set fallbackRoot(val) { _fallbackRoot = val; }, get fallbackFormat() { return _fallbackFormat; }, set fallbackFormat(val) { _fallbackFormat = val; _context.fallbackFormat = _fallbackFormat; }, get warnHtmlMessage() { return _warnHtmlMessage; }, set warnHtmlMessage(val) { _warnHtmlMessage = val; _context.warnHtmlMessage = val; }, get escapeParameter() { return _escapeParameter; }, set escapeParameter(val) { _escapeParameter = val; _context.escapeParameter = val; }, t, getLocaleMessage, setLocaleMessage, mergeLocaleMessage, getPostTranslationHandler, setPostTranslationHandler, getMissingHandler, setMissingHandler, [SetPluralRulesSymbol]: setPluralRules }; { composer.datetimeFormats = datetimeFormats; composer.numberFormats = numberFormats; composer.rt = rt; composer.te = te; composer.tm = tm; composer.d = d; composer.n = n; composer.getDateTimeFormat = getDateTimeFormat; composer.setDateTimeFormat = setDateTimeFormat; composer.mergeDateTimeFormat = mergeDateTimeFormat; composer.getNumberFormat = getNumberFormat; composer.setNumberFormat = setNumberFormat; composer.mergeNumberFormat = mergeNumberFormat; composer[InejctWithOption] = options.__injectWithOption; composer[TransrateVNodeSymbol] = transrateVNode; composer[DatetimePartsSymbol] = datetimeParts; composer[NumberPartsSymbol] = numberParts; } // for vue-devtools timeline event { composer[EnableEmitter] = (emitter) => { _context.__v_emitter = emitter; }; composer[DisableEmitter] = () => { _context.__v_emitter = undefined; }; } return composer; } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /** * Convert to I18n Composer Options from VueI18n Options * * @internal */ function convertComposerOptions(options) { const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE; const fallbackLocale = isString(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : locale; const missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : undefined; const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.silentTranslationWarn) || isRegExp(options.silentTranslationWarn) ? !options.silentTranslationWarn : true; const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.silentFallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.silentFallbackWarn) ? !options.silentFallbackWarn : true; const fallbackRoot = isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true; const fallbackFormat = !!options.formatFallbackMessages; const modifiers = isPlainObject(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {}; const pluralizationRules = options.pluralizationRules; const postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : undefined; const warnHtmlMessage = isString(options.warnHtmlInMessage) ? options.warnHtmlInMessage !== 'off' : true; const escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameterHtml; const inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.sync) ? options.sync : true; if (options.formatter) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMATTER)); } if (options.preserveDirectiveContent) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE_DIRECTIVE)); } let messages = options.messages; if (isPlainObject(options.sharedMessages)) { const sharedMessages = options.sharedMessages; const locales = Object.keys(sharedMessages); messages = locales.reduce((messages, locale) => { const message = messages[locale] || (messages[locale] = {}); assign(message, sharedMessages[locale]); return messages; }, (messages || {})); } const { __i18n, __root, __injectWithOption } = options; const datetimeFormats = options.datetimeFormats; const numberFormats = options.numberFormats; const flatJson = options.flatJson; return { locale, fallbackLocale, messages, flatJson, datetimeFormats, numberFormats, missing, missingWarn, fallbackWarn, fallbackRoot, fallbackFormat, modifiers, pluralRules: pluralizationRules, postTranslation, warnHtmlMessage, escapeParameter, messageResolver: options.messageResolver, inheritLocale, __i18n, __root, __injectWithOption }; } /** * create VueI18n interface factory * * @internal */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types function createVueI18n(options = {}, VueI18nLegacy) { { const composer = createComposer(convertComposerOptions(options)); // defines VueI18n const vueI18n = { // id id: composer.id, // locale get locale() { return composer.locale.value; }, set locale(val) { composer.locale.value = val; }, // fallbackLocale get fallbackLocale() { return composer.fallbackLocale.value; }, set fallbackLocale(val) { composer.fallbackLocale.value = val; }, // messages get messages() { return composer.messages.value; }, // datetimeFormats get datetimeFormats() { return composer.datetimeFormats.value; }, // numberFormats get numberFormats() { return composer.numberFormats.value; }, // availableLocales get availableLocales() { return composer.availableLocales; }, // formatter get formatter() { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMATTER)); // dummy return { interpolate() { return []; } }; }, set formatter(val) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMATTER)); }, // missing get missing() { return composer.getMissingHandler(); }, set missing(handler) { composer.setMissingHandler(handler); }, // silentTranslationWarn get silentTranslationWarn() { return isBoolean(composer.missingWarn) ? !composer.missingWarn : composer.missingWarn; }, set silentTranslationWarn(val) { composer.missingWarn = isBoolean(val) ? !val : val; }, // silentFallbackWarn get silentFallbackWarn() { return isBoolean(composer.fallbackWarn) ? !composer.fallbackWarn : composer.fallbackWarn; }, set silentFallbackWarn(val) { composer.fallbackWarn = isBoolean(val) ? !val : val; }, // modifiers get modifiers() { return composer.modifiers; }, // formatFallbackMessages get formatFallbackMessages() { return composer.fallbackFormat; }, set formatFallbackMessages(val) { composer.fallbackFormat = val; }, // postTranslation get postTranslation() { return composer.getPostTranslationHandler(); }, set postTranslation(handler) { composer.setPostTranslationHandler(handler); }, // sync get sync() { return composer.inheritLocale; }, set sync(val) { composer.inheritLocale = val; }, // warnInHtmlMessage get warnHtmlInMessage() { return composer.warnHtmlMessage ? 'warn' : 'off'; }, set warnHtmlInMessage(val) { composer.warnHtmlMessage = val !== 'off'; }, // escapeParameterHtml get escapeParameterHtml() { return composer.escapeParameter; }, set escapeParameterHtml(val) { composer.escapeParameter = val; }, // preserveDirectiveContent get preserveDirectiveContent() { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE_DIRECTIVE)); return true; }, set preserveDirectiveContent(val) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE_DIRECTIVE)); }, // pluralizationRules get pluralizationRules() { return composer.pluralRules || {}; }, // for internal __composer: composer, // t t(...args) { const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args; const options = {}; let list = null; let named = null; if (!isString(arg1)) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT); } const key = arg1; if (isString(arg2)) { options.locale = arg2; } else if (isArray(arg2)) { list = arg2; } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) { named = arg2; } if (isArray(arg3)) { list = arg3; } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) { named = arg3; } // return composer.t(key, (list || named || {}) as any, options) return Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [ key, (list || named || {}), options ]); }, rt(...args) { return Reflect.apply(composer.rt, composer, [...args]); }, // tc tc(...args) { const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args; const options = { plural: 1 }; let list = null; let named = null; if (!isString(arg1)) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT); } const key = arg1; if (isString(arg2)) { options.locale = arg2; } else if (isNumber(arg2)) { options.plural = arg2; } else if (isArray(arg2)) { list = arg2; } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) { named = arg2; } if (isString(arg3)) { options.locale = arg3; } else if (isArray(arg3)) { list = arg3; } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) { named = arg3; } // return composer.t(key, (list || named || {}) as any, options) return Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [ key, (list || named || {}), options ]); }, // te te(key, locale) { return composer.te(key, locale); }, // tm tm(key) { return composer.tm(key); }, // getLocaleMessage getLocaleMessage(locale) { return composer.getLocaleMessage(locale); }, // setLocaleMessage setLocaleMessage(locale, message) { composer.setLocaleMessage(locale, message); }, // mergeLocaleMessage mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message) { composer.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message); }, // d d(...args) { return Reflect.apply(composer.d, composer, [...args]); }, // getDateTimeFormat getDateTimeFormat(locale) { return composer.getDateTimeFormat(locale); }, // setDateTimeFormat setDateTimeFormat(locale, format) { composer.setDateTimeFormat(locale, format); }, // mergeDateTimeFormat mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format) { composer.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format); }, // n n(...args) { return Reflect.apply(composer.n, composer, [...args]); }, // getNumberFormat getNumberFormat(locale) { return composer.getNumberFormat(locale); }, // setNumberFormat setNumberFormat(locale, format) { composer.setNumberFormat(locale, format); }, // mergeNumberFormat mergeNumberFormat(locale, format) { composer.mergeNumberFormat(locale, format); }, // getChoiceIndex // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars getChoiceIndex(choice, choicesLength) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_GET_CHOICE_INDEX)); return -1; }, // for internal __onComponentInstanceCreated(target) { const { componentInstanceCreatedListener } = options; if (componentInstanceCreatedListener) { componentInstanceCreatedListener(target, vueI18n); } } }; // for vue-devtools timeline event { vueI18n.__enableEmitter = (emitter) => { const __composer = composer; __composer[EnableEmitter] && __composer[EnableEmitter](emitter); }; vueI18n.__disableEmitter = () => { const __composer = composer; __composer[DisableEmitter] && __composer[DisableEmitter](); }; } return vueI18n; } } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ const baseFormatProps = { tag: { type: [String, Object] }, locale: { type: String }, scope: { type: String, // NOTE: avoid https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack/issues/1050 validator: (val /* ComponetI18nScope */) => val === 'parent' || val === 'global', default: 'parent' /* ComponetI18nScope */ }, i18n: { type: Object } }; function getInterpolateArg( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any { slots }, // SetupContext, keys) { if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === 'default') { // default slot with list const ret = slots.default ? slots.default() : []; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return ret.reduce((slot, current) => { return (slot = [ ...slot, ...(isArray(current.children) ? current.children : [current]) ]); }, []); } else { // named slots return keys.reduce((arg, key) => { const slot = slots[key]; if (slot) { arg[key] = slot(); } return arg; }, {}); } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function getFragmentableTag(tag) { return Fragment ; } /** * Translation Component * * @remarks * See the following items for property about details * * @VueI18nSee [TranslationProps](component#translationprops) * @VueI18nSee [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops) * @VueI18nSee [Component Interpolation](../guide/advanced/component) * * @example * ```html *
* * * {{ $t('tos') }} * * *
* ``` * ```js * import { createApp } from 'vue' * import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n' * * const messages = { * en: { * tos: 'Term of Service', * term: 'I accept xxx {0}.' * }, * ja: { * tos: '利用規約', * term: '私は xxx の{0}に同意します。' * } * } * * const i18n = createI18n({ * locale: 'en', * messages * }) * * const app = createApp({ * data: { * url: '/term' * } * }).use(i18n).mount('#app') * ``` * * @VueI18nComponent */ const Translation = /* defineComponent */ { /* eslint-disable */ name: 'i18n-t', props: assign({ keypath: { type: String, required: true }, plural: { type: [Number, String], // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any validator: (val) => isNumber(val) || !isNaN(val) } }, baseFormatProps), /* eslint-enable */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any setup(props, context) { const { slots, attrs } = context; // NOTE: avoid https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack/issues/1050 const i18n = props.i18n || useI18n({ useScope: props.scope, __useComponent: true }); return () => { const keys = Object.keys(slots).filter(key => key !== '_'); const options = {}; if (props.locale) { options.locale = props.locale; } if (props.plural !== undefined) { options.plural = isString(props.plural) ? +props.plural : props.plural; } const arg = getInterpolateArg(context, keys); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const children = i18n[TransrateVNodeSymbol](props.keypath, arg, options); const assignedAttrs = assign({}, attrs); const tag = isString(props.tag) || isObject(props.tag) ? props.tag : getFragmentableTag(); return h(tag, assignedAttrs, children); }; } }; function isVNode(target) { return isArray(target) && !isString(target[0]); } function renderFormatter(props, context, slotKeys, partFormatter) { const { slots, attrs } = context; return () => { const options = { part: true }; let overrides = {}; if (props.locale) { options.locale = props.locale; } if (isString(props.format)) { options.key = props.format; } else if (isObject(props.format)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any if (isString(props.format.key)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any options.key = props.format.key; } // Filter out number format options only overrides = Object.keys(props.format).reduce((options, prop) => { return slotKeys.includes(prop) ? assign({}, options, { [prop]: props.format[prop] }) // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any : options; }, {}); } const parts = partFormatter(...[props.value, options, overrides]); let children = [options.key]; if (isArray(parts)) { children = parts.map((part, index) => { const slot = slots[part.type]; const node = slot ? slot({ [part.type]: part.value, index, parts }) : [part.value]; if (isVNode(node)) { node[0].key = `${part.type}-${index}`; } return node; }); } else if (isString(parts)) { children = [parts]; } const assignedAttrs = assign({}, attrs); const tag = isString(props.tag) || isObject(props.tag) ? props.tag : getFragmentableTag(); return h(tag, assignedAttrs, children); }; } /** * Number Format Component * * @remarks * See the following items for property about details * * @VueI18nSee [FormattableProps](component#formattableprops) * @VueI18nSee [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops) * @VueI18nSee [Custom Formatting](../guide/essentials/number#custom-formatting) * * @VueI18nDanger * Not supported IE, due to no support `Intl.NumberFormat#formatToParts` in [IE](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/formatToParts) * * If you want to use it, you need to use [polyfill](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs/tree/main/packages/intl-numberformat) * * @VueI18nComponent */ const NumberFormat = /* defineComponent */ { /* eslint-disable */ name: 'i18n-n', props: assign({ value: { type: Number, required: true }, format: { type: [String, Object] } }, baseFormatProps), /* eslint-enable */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any setup(props, context) { const i18n = props.i18n || useI18n({ useScope: 'parent', __useComponent: true }); return renderFormatter(props, context, NUMBER_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS, (...args) => // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any i18n[NumberPartsSymbol](...args)); } }; /** * Datetime Format Component * * @remarks * See the following items for property about details * * @VueI18nSee [FormattableProps](component#formattableprops) * @VueI18nSee [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops) * @VueI18nSee [Custom Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime#custom-formatting) * * @VueI18nDanger * Not supported IE, due to no support `Intl.DateTimeFormat#formatToParts` in [IE](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/formatToParts) * * If you want to use it, you need to use [polyfill](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs/tree/main/packages/intl-datetimeformat) * * @VueI18nComponent */ const DatetimeFormat = /*defineComponent */ { /* eslint-disable */ name: 'i18n-d', props: assign({ value: { type: [Number, Date], required: true }, format: { type: [String, Object] } }, baseFormatProps), /* eslint-enable */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any setup(props, context) { const i18n = props.i18n || useI18n({ useScope: 'parent', __useComponent: true }); return renderFormatter(props, context, DATETIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS, (...args) => // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any i18n[DatetimePartsSymbol](...args)); } }; function getComposer$2(i18n, instance) { const i18nInternal = i18n; if (i18n.mode === 'composition') { return (i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance) || i18n.global); } else { const vueI18n = i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance); return vueI18n != null ? vueI18n.__composer : i18n.global.__composer; } } function vTDirective(i18n) { const _process = (binding) => { const { instance, modifiers, value } = binding; /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!instance || !instance.$) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } const composer = getComposer$2(i18n, instance.$); if (modifiers.preserve) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_SUPPORTED_PRESERVE)); } const parsedValue = parseValue(value); return [ Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [...makeParams(parsedValue)]), composer ]; }; const register = (el, binding) => { const [textContent, composer] = _process(binding); if (inBrowser && i18n.global === composer) { // global scope only el.__i18nWatcher = watch(composer.locale, () => { binding.instance && binding.instance.$forceUpdate(); }); } el.__composer = composer; el.textContent = textContent; }; const unregister = (el) => { if (inBrowser && el.__i18nWatcher) { el.__i18nWatcher(); el.__i18nWatcher = undefined; delete el.__i18nWatcher; } if (el.__composer) { el.__composer = undefined; delete el.__composer; } }; const update = (el, { value }) => { if (el.__composer) { const composer = el.__composer; const parsedValue = parseValue(value); el.textContent = Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [ ...makeParams(parsedValue) ]); } }; const getSSRProps = (binding) => { const [textContent] = _process(binding); return { textContent }; }; return { created: register, unmounted: unregister, beforeUpdate: update, getSSRProps }; } function parseValue(value) { if (isString(value)) { return { path: value }; } else if (isPlainObject(value)) { if (!('path' in value)) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.REQUIRED_VALUE, 'path'); } return value; } else { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE); } } function makeParams(value) { const { path, locale, args, choice, plural } = value; const options = {}; const named = args || {}; if (isString(locale)) { options.locale = locale; } if (isNumber(choice)) { options.plural = choice; } if (isNumber(plural)) { options.plural = plural; } return [path, named, options]; } function apply(app, i18n, ...options) { const pluginOptions = isPlainObject(options[0]) ? options[0] : {}; const useI18nComponentName = !!pluginOptions.useI18nComponentName; const globalInstall = isBoolean(pluginOptions.globalInstall) ? pluginOptions.globalInstall : true; if (globalInstall && useI18nComponentName) { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.COMPONENT_NAME_LEGACY_COMPATIBLE, { name: Translation.name })); } if (globalInstall) { // install components app.component(!useI18nComponentName ? Translation.name : 'i18n', Translation); app.component(NumberFormat.name, NumberFormat); app.component(DatetimeFormat.name, DatetimeFormat); } // install directive { app.directive('t', vTDirective(i18n)); } } var global$1 = (typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}); function getDevtoolsGlobalHook() { return getTarget().__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; } function getTarget() { // @ts-ignore return (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : typeof global$1 !== 'undefined' ? global$1 : {}; } const isProxyAvailable = typeof Proxy === 'function'; const HOOK_SETUP = 'devtools-plugin:setup'; const HOOK_PLUGIN_SETTINGS_SET = 'plugin:settings:set'; let supported; let perf; function isPerformanceSupported() { var _a; if (supported !== undefined) { return supported; } if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.performance) { supported = true; perf = window.performance; } else if (typeof global$1 !== 'undefined' && ((_a = global$1.perf_hooks) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.performance)) { supported = true; perf = global$1.perf_hooks.performance; } else { supported = false; } return supported; } function now() { return isPerformanceSupported() ? perf.now() : Date.now(); } class ApiProxy { constructor(plugin, hook) { this.target = null; this.targetQueue = []; this.onQueue = []; this.plugin = plugin; this.hook = hook; const defaultSettings = {}; if (plugin.settings) { for (const id in plugin.settings) { const item = plugin.settings[id]; defaultSettings[id] = item.defaultValue; } } const localSettingsSaveId = `__vue-devtools-plugin-settings__${plugin.id}`; let currentSettings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings); try { const raw = localStorage.getItem(localSettingsSaveId); const data = JSON.parse(raw); Object.assign(currentSettings, data); } catch (e) { // noop } this.fallbacks = { getSettings() { return currentSettings; }, setSettings(value) { try { localStorage.setItem(localSettingsSaveId, JSON.stringify(value)); } catch (e) { // noop } currentSettings = value; }, now() { return now(); }, }; if (hook) { hook.on(HOOK_PLUGIN_SETTINGS_SET, (pluginId, value) => { if (pluginId === this.plugin.id) { this.fallbacks.setSettings(value); } }); } this.proxiedOn = new Proxy({}, { get: (_target, prop) => { if (this.target) { return this.target.on[prop]; } else { return (...args) => { this.onQueue.push({ method: prop, args, }); }; } }, }); this.proxiedTarget = new Proxy({}, { get: (_target, prop) => { if (this.target) { return this.target[prop]; } else if (prop === 'on') { return this.proxiedOn; } else if (Object.keys(this.fallbacks).includes(prop)) { return (...args) => { this.targetQueue.push({ method: prop, args, resolve: () => { }, }); return this.fallbacks[prop](...args); }; } else { return (...args) => { return new Promise(resolve => { this.targetQueue.push({ method: prop, args, resolve, }); }); }; } }, }); } async setRealTarget(target) { this.target = target; for (const item of this.onQueue) { this.target.on[item.method](...item.args); } for (const item of this.targetQueue) { item.resolve(await this.target[item.method](...item.args)); } } } function setupDevtoolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn) { const descriptor = pluginDescriptor; const target = getTarget(); const hook = getDevtoolsGlobalHook(); const enableProxy = isProxyAvailable && descriptor.enableEarlyProxy; if (hook && (target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_API_AVAILABLE__ || !enableProxy)) { hook.emit(HOOK_SETUP, pluginDescriptor, setupFn); } else { const proxy = enableProxy ? new ApiProxy(descriptor, hook) : null; const list = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ || []; list.push({ pluginDescriptor: descriptor, setupFn, proxy, }); if (proxy) setupFn(proxy.proxiedTarget); } } const VueDevToolsLabels = { ["vue-devtools-plugin-vue-i18n" /* PLUGIN */]: 'Vue I18n devtools', ["vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */]: 'I18n Resources', ["vue-i18n-timeline" /* TIMELINE */]: 'Vue I18n' }; const VueDevToolsPlaceholders = { ["vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */]: 'Search for scopes ...' }; const VueDevToolsTimelineColors = { ["vue-i18n-timeline" /* TIMELINE */]: 0xffcd19 }; const VUE_I18N_COMPONENT_TYPES = 'vue-i18n: composer properties'; let devtoolsApi; async function enableDevTools(app, i18n) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { setupDevtoolsPlugin({ id: "vue-devtools-plugin-vue-i18n" /* PLUGIN */, label: VueDevToolsLabels["vue-devtools-plugin-vue-i18n" /* PLUGIN */], packageName: 'vue-i18n', homepage: 'https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev', logo: 'https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/vue-i18n-devtools-logo.png', componentStateTypes: [VUE_I18N_COMPONENT_TYPES], app: app // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any }, api => { devtoolsApi = api; api.on.visitComponentTree(({ componentInstance, treeNode }) => { updateComponentTreeTags(componentInstance, treeNode, i18n); }); api.on.inspectComponent(({ componentInstance, instanceData }) => { if (componentInstance.vnode.el && componentInstance.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__ && instanceData) { if (i18n.mode === 'legacy') { // ignore global scope on legacy mode if (componentInstance.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__ !== i18n.global.__composer) { inspectComposer(instanceData, componentInstance.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__); } } else { inspectComposer(instanceData, componentInstance.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__); } } }); api.addInspector({ id: "vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */, label: VueDevToolsLabels["vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */], icon: 'language', treeFilterPlaceholder: VueDevToolsPlaceholders["vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */] }); api.on.getInspectorTree(payload => { if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === "vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */) { registerScope(payload, i18n); } }); const roots = new Map(); api.on.getInspectorState(async (payload) => { if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === "vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */) { api.unhighlightElement(); inspectScope(payload, i18n); if (payload.nodeId === 'global') { if (!roots.has(payload.app)) { const [root] = await api.getComponentInstances(payload.app); roots.set(payload.app, root); } api.highlightElement(roots.get(payload.app)); } else { const instance = getComponentInstance(payload.nodeId, i18n); instance && api.highlightElement(instance); } } }); api.on.editInspectorState(payload => { if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === "vue-i18n-resource-inspector" /* CUSTOM_INSPECTOR */) { editScope(payload, i18n); } }); api.addTimelineLayer({ id: "vue-i18n-timeline" /* TIMELINE */, label: VueDevToolsLabels["vue-i18n-timeline" /* TIMELINE */], color: VueDevToolsTimelineColors["vue-i18n-timeline" /* TIMELINE */] }); resolve(true); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); reject(false); } }); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function getI18nScopeLable(instance) { return (instance.type.name || instance.type.displayName || instance.type.__file || 'Anonymous'); } function updateComponentTreeTags(instance, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any treeNode, i18n) { // prettier-ignore const global = i18n.mode === 'composition' ? i18n.global : i18n.global.__composer; if (instance && instance.vnode.el && instance.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__) { // add custom tags local scope only if (instance.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__ !== global) { const tag = { label: `i18n (${getI18nScopeLable(instance)} Scope)`, textColor: 0x000000, backgroundColor: 0xffcd19 }; treeNode.tags.push(tag); } } } function inspectComposer(instanceData, composer) { const type = VUE_I18N_COMPONENT_TYPES; instanceData.state.push({ type, key: 'locale', editable: true, value: composer.locale.value }); instanceData.state.push({ type, key: 'availableLocales', editable: false, value: composer.availableLocales }); instanceData.state.push({ type, key: 'fallbackLocale', editable: true, value: composer.fallbackLocale.value }); instanceData.state.push({ type, key: 'inheritLocale', editable: true, value: composer.inheritLocale }); instanceData.state.push({ type, key: 'messages', editable: false, value: getLocaleMessageValue(composer.messages.value) }); { instanceData.state.push({ type, key: 'datetimeFormats', editable: false, value: composer.datetimeFormats.value }); instanceData.state.push({ type, key: 'numberFormats', editable: false, value: composer.numberFormats.value }); } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function getLocaleMessageValue(messages) { const value = {}; Object.keys(messages).forEach((key) => { const v = messages[key]; if (isFunction(v) && 'source' in v) { value[key] = getMessageFunctionDetails(v); } else if (isObject(v)) { value[key] = getLocaleMessageValue(v); } else { value[key] = v; } }); return value; } const ESC = { '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', '&': '&' }; function escape(s) { return s.replace(/[<>"&]/g, escapeChar); } function escapeChar(a) { return ESC[a] || a; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function getMessageFunctionDetails(func) { const argString = func.source ? `("${escape(func.source)}")` : `(?)`; return { _custom: { type: 'function', display: `ƒ ${argString}` } }; } function registerScope(payload, i18n) { payload.rootNodes.push({ id: 'global', label: 'Global Scope' }); // prettier-ignore const global = i18n.mode === 'composition' ? i18n.global : i18n.global.__composer; for (const [keyInstance, instance] of i18n.__instances) { // prettier-ignore const composer = i18n.mode === 'composition' ? instance : instance.__composer; if (global === composer) { continue; } payload.rootNodes.push({ id: composer.id.toString(), label: `${getI18nScopeLable(keyInstance)} Scope` }); } } function getComponentInstance(nodeId, i18n) { let instance = null; if (nodeId !== 'global') { for (const [component, composer] of i18n.__instances.entries()) { if (composer.id.toString() === nodeId) { instance = component; break; } } } return instance; } function getComposer$1(nodeId, i18n) { if (nodeId === 'global') { return i18n.mode === 'composition' ? i18n.global : i18n.global.__composer; } else { const instance = Array.from(i18n.__instances.values()).find(item => item.id.toString() === nodeId); if (instance) { return i18n.mode === 'composition' ? instance : instance.__composer; } else { return null; } } } function inspectScope(payload, i18n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) { const composer = getComposer$1(payload.nodeId, i18n); if (composer) { // TODO: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any payload.state = makeScopeInspectState(composer); } return null; } function makeScopeInspectState(composer) { const state = {}; const localeType = 'Locale related info'; const localeStates = [ { type: localeType, key: 'locale', editable: true, value: composer.locale.value }, { type: localeType, key: 'fallbackLocale', editable: true, value: composer.fallbackLocale.value }, { type: localeType, key: 'availableLocales', editable: false, value: composer.availableLocales }, { type: localeType, key: 'inheritLocale', editable: true, value: composer.inheritLocale } ]; state[localeType] = localeStates; const localeMessagesType = 'Locale messages info'; const localeMessagesStates = [ { type: localeMessagesType, key: 'messages', editable: false, value: getLocaleMessageValue(composer.messages.value) } ]; state[localeMessagesType] = localeMessagesStates; { const datetimeFormatsType = 'Datetime formats info'; const datetimeFormatsStates = [ { type: datetimeFormatsType, key: 'datetimeFormats', editable: false, value: composer.datetimeFormats.value } ]; state[datetimeFormatsType] = datetimeFormatsStates; const numberFormatsType = 'Datetime formats info'; const numberFormatsStates = [ { type: numberFormatsType, key: 'numberFormats', editable: false, value: composer.numberFormats.value } ]; state[numberFormatsType] = numberFormatsStates; } return state; } function addTimelineEvent(event, payload) { if (devtoolsApi) { let groupId; if (payload && 'groupId' in payload) { groupId = payload.groupId; delete payload.groupId; } devtoolsApi.addTimelineEvent({ layerId: "vue-i18n-timeline" /* TIMELINE */, event: { title: event, groupId, time: Date.now(), meta: {}, data: payload || {}, logType: event === "compile-error" /* COMPILE_ERROR */ ? 'error' : event === "fallback" /* FALBACK */ || event === "missing" /* MISSING */ ? 'warning' : 'default' } }); } } function editScope(payload, i18n) { const composer = getComposer$1(payload.nodeId, i18n); if (composer) { const [field] = payload.path; if (field === 'locale' && isString(payload.state.value)) { composer.locale.value = payload.state.value; } else if (field === 'fallbackLocale' && (isString(payload.state.value) || isArray(payload.state.value) || isObject(payload.state.value))) { composer.fallbackLocale.value = payload.state.value; } else if (field === 'inheritLocale' && isBoolean(payload.state.value)) { composer.inheritLocale = payload.state.value; } } } /** * Supports compatibility for legacy vue-i18n APIs * This mixin is used when we use vue-i18n@v9.x or later */ function defineMixin(vuei18n, composer, i18n) { return { beforeCreate() { const instance = getCurrentInstance(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!instance) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } const options = this.$options; if (options.i18n) { const optionsI18n = options.i18n; if (options.__i18n) { optionsI18n.__i18n = options.__i18n; } optionsI18n.__root = composer; if (this === this.$root) { this.$i18n = mergeToRoot(vuei18n, optionsI18n); } else { optionsI18n.__injectWithOption = true; this.$i18n = createVueI18n(optionsI18n); } } else if (options.__i18n) { if (this === this.$root) { this.$i18n = mergeToRoot(vuei18n, options); } else { this.$i18n = createVueI18n({ __i18n: options.__i18n, __injectWithOption: true, __root: composer }); } } else { // set global this.$i18n = vuei18n; } if (options.__i18nGlobal) { adjustI18nResources(composer, options, options); } vuei18n.__onComponentInstanceCreated(this.$i18n); i18n.__setInstance(instance, this.$i18n); // defines vue-i18n legacy APIs this.$t = (...args) => this.$i18n.t(...args); this.$rt = (...args) => this.$i18n.rt(...args); this.$tc = (...args) => this.$i18n.tc(...args); this.$te = (key, locale) => this.$i18n.te(key, locale); this.$d = (...args) => this.$i18n.d(...args); this.$n = (...args) => this.$i18n.n(...args); this.$tm = (key) => this.$i18n.tm(key); }, mounted() { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.$el && this.$i18n) { this.$el.__VUE_I18N__ = this.$i18n.__composer; const emitter = (this.__v_emitter = createEmitter()); const _vueI18n = this.$i18n; _vueI18n.__enableEmitter && _vueI18n.__enableEmitter(emitter); emitter.on('*', addTimelineEvent); } }, unmounted() { const instance = getCurrentInstance(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!instance) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.$el && this.$el.__VUE_I18N__) { if (this.__v_emitter) { this.__v_emitter.off('*', addTimelineEvent); delete this.__v_emitter; } if (this.$i18n) { const _vueI18n = this.$i18n; _vueI18n.__disableEmitter && _vueI18n.__disableEmitter(); delete this.$el.__VUE_I18N__; } } delete this.$t; delete this.$rt; delete this.$tc; delete this.$te; delete this.$d; delete this.$n; delete this.$tm; i18n.__deleteInstance(instance); delete this.$i18n; } }; } function mergeToRoot(root, options) { root.locale = options.locale || root.locale; root.fallbackLocale = options.fallbackLocale || root.fallbackLocale; root.missing = options.missing || root.missing; root.silentTranslationWarn = options.silentTranslationWarn || root.silentFallbackWarn; root.silentFallbackWarn = options.silentFallbackWarn || root.silentFallbackWarn; root.formatFallbackMessages = options.formatFallbackMessages || root.formatFallbackMessages; root.postTranslation = options.postTranslation || root.postTranslation; root.warnHtmlInMessage = options.warnHtmlInMessage || root.warnHtmlInMessage; root.escapeParameterHtml = options.escapeParameterHtml || root.escapeParameterHtml; root.sync = options.sync || root.sync; root.__composer[SetPluralRulesSymbol](options.pluralizationRules || root.pluralizationRules); const messages = getLocaleMessages(root.locale, { messages: options.messages, __i18n: options.__i18n }); Object.keys(messages).forEach(locale => root.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, messages[locale])); if (options.datetimeFormats) { Object.keys(options.datetimeFormats).forEach(locale => root.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, options.datetimeFormats[locale])); } if (options.numberFormats) { Object.keys(options.numberFormats).forEach(locale => root.mergeNumberFormat(locale, options.numberFormats[locale])); } return root; } /** * Injection key for {@link useI18n} * * @remarks * The global injection key for I18n instances with `useI18n`. this injection key is used in Web Components. * Specify the i18n instance created by {@link createI18n} together with `provide` function. * * @VueI18nGeneral */ const I18nInjectionKey = /* #__PURE__*/ makeSymbol('global-vue-i18n'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types function createI18n(options = {}, VueI18nLegacy) { // prettier-ignore const __legacyMode = isBoolean(options.legacy) ? options.legacy : true; // prettier-ignore const __globalInjection = isBoolean(options.globalInjection) ? options.globalInjection : true; // prettier-ignore const __allowComposition = __legacyMode ? !!options.allowComposition : true; const __instances = new Map(); const [globalScope, __global] = createGlobal(options, __legacyMode); const symbol = makeSymbol('vue-i18n' ); function __getInstance(component) { return __instances.get(component) || null; } function __setInstance(component, instance) { __instances.set(component, instance); } function __deleteInstance(component) { __instances.delete(component); } { const i18n = { // mode get mode() { return __legacyMode ? 'legacy' : 'composition'; }, // allowComposition get allowComposition() { return __allowComposition; }, // install plugin async install(app, ...options) { { app.__VUE_I18N__ = i18n; } // setup global provider app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__ = symbol; app.provide(app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__, i18n); // global method and properties injection for Composition API if (!__legacyMode && __globalInjection) { injectGlobalFields(app, i18n.global); } // install built-in components and directive { apply(app, i18n, ...options); } // setup mixin for Legacy API if (__legacyMode) { app.mixin(defineMixin(__global, __global.__composer, i18n)); } // release global scope const unmountApp = app.unmount; app.unmount = () => { i18n.dispose(); unmountApp(); }; // setup vue-devtools plugin { const ret = await enableDevTools(app, i18n); if (!ret) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.CANNOT_SETUP_VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN); } const emitter = createEmitter(); if (__legacyMode) { const _vueI18n = __global; _vueI18n.__enableEmitter && _vueI18n.__enableEmitter(emitter); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const _composer = __global; _composer[EnableEmitter] && _composer[EnableEmitter](emitter); } emitter.on('*', addTimelineEvent); } }, // global accessor get global() { return __global; }, dispose() { globalScope.stop(); }, // @internal __instances, // @internal __getInstance, // @internal __setInstance, // @internal __deleteInstance }; return i18n; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types function useI18n(options = {}) { const instance = getCurrentInstance(); if (instance == null) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.MUST_BE_CALL_SETUP_TOP); } if (!instance.isCE && instance.appContext.app != null && !instance.appContext.app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSLALLED); } const i18n = getI18nInstance(instance); const global = getGlobalComposer(i18n); const componentOptions = getComponentOptions(instance); const scope = getScope(options, componentOptions); { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any if (i18n.mode === 'legacy' && !options.__useComponent) { if (!i18n.allowComposition) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_LEGACY_MODE); } return useI18nForLegacy(instance, scope, global, options); } } if (scope === 'global') { adjustI18nResources(global, options, componentOptions); return global; } if (scope === 'parent') { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any let composer = getComposer(i18n, instance, options.__useComponent); if (composer == null) { { warn(getWarnMessage(I18nWarnCodes.NOT_FOUND_PARENT_SCOPE)); } composer = global; } return composer; } const i18nInternal = i18n; let composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance); if (composer == null) { const composerOptions = assign({}, options); if ('__i18n' in componentOptions) { composerOptions.__i18n = componentOptions.__i18n; } if (global) { composerOptions.__root = global; } composer = createComposer(composerOptions); setupLifeCycle(i18nInternal, instance, composer); i18nInternal.__setInstance(instance, composer); } return composer; } /** * Cast to VueI18n legacy compatible type * * @remarks * This API is provided only with [vue-i18n-bridge](https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/migration/ways.html#what-is-vue-i18n-bridge). * * The purpose of this function is to convert an {@link I18n} instance created with {@link createI18n | createI18n(legacy: true)} into a `vue-i18n@v8.x` compatible instance of `new VueI18n` in a TypeScript environment. * * @param i18n - An instance of {@link I18n} * @returns A i18n instance which is casted to {@link VueI18n} type * * @VueI18nTip * :new: provided by **vue-i18n-bridge only** * * @VueI18nGeneral */ const castToVueI18n = (i18n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) => { if (!(__VUE_I18N_BRIDGE__ in i18n)) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_COMPATIBLE_LEGACY_VUE_I18N); } return i18n; }; function createGlobal(options, legacyMode, VueI18nLegacy // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) { const scope = effectScope(); { const obj = legacyMode ? scope.run(() => createVueI18n(options)) : scope.run(() => createComposer(options)); if (obj == null) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } return [scope, obj]; } } function getI18nInstance(instance) { { const i18n = inject(!instance.isCE ? instance.appContext.app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__ : I18nInjectionKey); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!i18n) { throw createI18nError(!instance.isCE ? I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR : I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSLALLED_WITH_PROVIDE); } return i18n; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function getScope(options, componentOptions) { // prettier-ignore return isEmptyObject(options) ? ('__i18n' in componentOptions) ? 'local' : 'global' : !options.useScope ? 'local' : options.useScope; } function getGlobalComposer(i18n) { // prettier-ignore return i18n.mode === 'composition' ? i18n.global : i18n.global.__composer ; } function getComposer(i18n, target, useComponent = false) { let composer = null; const root = target.root; let current = target.parent; while (current != null) { const i18nInternal = i18n; if (i18n.mode === 'composition') { composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(current); } else { { const vueI18n = i18nInternal.__getInstance(current); if (vueI18n != null) { composer = vueI18n .__composer; if (useComponent && composer && !composer[InejctWithOption] // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) { composer = null; } } } } if (composer != null) { break; } if (root === current) { break; } current = current.parent; } return composer; } function setupLifeCycle(i18n, target, composer) { let emitter = null; { onMounted(() => { // inject composer instance to DOM for intlify-devtools if (target.vnode.el) { target.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__ = composer; emitter = createEmitter(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const _composer = composer; _composer[EnableEmitter] && _composer[EnableEmitter](emitter); emitter.on('*', addTimelineEvent); } }, target); onUnmounted(() => { // remove composer instance from DOM for intlify-devtools if (target.vnode.el && target.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__) { emitter && emitter.off('*', addTimelineEvent); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const _composer = composer; _composer[DisableEmitter] && _composer[DisableEmitter](); delete target.vnode.el.__VUE_I18N__; } i18n.__deleteInstance(target); }, target); } } function useI18nForLegacy(instance, scope, root, options = {} // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ) { const isLocale = scope === 'local'; const _composer = shallowRef(null); if (isLocale && instance.proxy && !(instance.proxy.$options.i18n || instance.proxy.$options.__i18n)) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.MUST_DEFINE_I18N_OPTION_IN_ALLOW_COMPOSITION); } const _inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.inheritLocale) ? options.inheritLocale : true; const _locale = ref( // prettier-ignore isLocale && _inheritLocale ? root.locale.value : isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE); const _fallbackLocale = ref( // prettier-ignore isLocale && _inheritLocale ? root.fallbackLocale.value : isString(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : _locale.value); const _messages = ref(getLocaleMessages(_locale.value, options)); // prettier-ignore const _datetimeFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} }); // prettier-ignore const _numberFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} }); // prettier-ignore const _missingWarn = isLocale ? root.missingWarn : isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true; // prettier-ignore const _fallbackWarn = isLocale ? root.fallbackWarn : isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true; // prettier-ignore const _fallbackRoot = isLocale ? root.fallbackRoot : isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true; // configure fall back to root const _fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat; // runtime missing const _missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : null; // postTranslation handler const _postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null; // prettier-ignore const _warnHtmlMessage = isLocale ? root.warnHtmlMessage : isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true; const _escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter; // prettier-ignore const _modifiers = isLocale ? root.modifiers : isPlainObject(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {}; // pluralRules const _pluralRules = options.pluralRules || (isLocale && root.pluralRules); // track reactivity function trackReactivityValues() { return [ _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value, _messages.value, _datetimeFormats.value, _numberFormats.value ]; } // locale const locale = computed({ get: () => { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.locale.value : _locale.value; }, set: val => { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.locale.value = val; } _locale.value = val; } }); // fallbackLocale const fallbackLocale = computed({ get: () => { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackLocale.value : _fallbackLocale.value; }, set: val => { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.fallbackLocale.value = val; } _fallbackLocale.value = val; } }); // messages const messages = computed(() => { if (_composer.value) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return _composer.value.messages.value; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return _messages.value; } }); const datetimeFormats = computed(() => _datetimeFormats.value); const numberFormats = computed(() => _numberFormats.value); function getPostTranslationHandler() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getPostTranslationHandler() : _postTranslation; } function setPostTranslationHandler(handler) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.setPostTranslationHandler(handler); } } function getMissingHandler() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getMissingHandler() : _missing; } function setMissingHandler(handler) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.setMissingHandler(handler); } } function warpWithDeps(fn) { trackReactivityValues(); return fn(); } function t(...args) { return _composer.value ? warpWithDeps(() => Reflect.apply(_composer.value.t, null, [...args])) : warpWithDeps(() => ''); } function rt(...args) { return _composer.value ? Reflect.apply(_composer.value.rt, null, [...args]) : ''; } function d(...args) { return _composer.value ? warpWithDeps(() => Reflect.apply(_composer.value.d, null, [...args])) : warpWithDeps(() => ''); } function n(...args) { return _composer.value ? warpWithDeps(() => Reflect.apply(_composer.value.n, null, [...args])) : warpWithDeps(() => ''); } function tm(key) { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.tm(key) : {}; } function te(key, locale) { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.te(key, locale) : false; } function getLocaleMessage(locale) { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getLocaleMessage(locale) : {}; } function setLocaleMessage(locale, message) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.setLocaleMessage(locale, message); _messages.value[locale] = message; } } function mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message); } } function getDateTimeFormat(locale) { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getDateTimeFormat(locale) : {}; } function setDateTimeFormat(locale, format) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.setDateTimeFormat(locale, format); _datetimeFormats.value[locale] = format; } } function mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format); } } function getNumberFormat(locale) { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getNumberFormat(locale) : {}; } function setNumberFormat(locale, format) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.setNumberFormat(locale, format); _numberFormats.value[locale] = format; } } function mergeNumberFormat(locale, format) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.mergeNumberFormat(locale, format); } } const wrapper = { get id() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.id : -1; }, locale, fallbackLocale, messages, datetimeFormats, numberFormats, get inheritLocale() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.inheritLocale : _inheritLocale; }, set inheritLocale(val) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.inheritLocale = val; } }, get availableLocales() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.availableLocales : Object.keys(_messages.value); }, get modifiers() { return (_composer.value ? _composer.value.modifiers : _modifiers); }, get pluralRules() { return (_composer.value ? _composer.value.pluralRules : _pluralRules); }, get isGlobal() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.isGlobal : false; }, get missingWarn() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.missingWarn : _missingWarn; }, set missingWarn(val) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.missingWarn = val; } }, get fallbackWarn() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackWarn : _fallbackWarn; }, set fallbackWarn(val) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.missingWarn = val; } }, get fallbackRoot() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackRoot : _fallbackRoot; }, set fallbackRoot(val) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.fallbackRoot = val; } }, get fallbackFormat() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackFormat : _fallbackFormat; }, set fallbackFormat(val) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.fallbackFormat = val; } }, get warnHtmlMessage() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.warnHtmlMessage : _warnHtmlMessage; }, set warnHtmlMessage(val) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.warnHtmlMessage = val; } }, get escapeParameter() { return _composer.value ? _composer.value.escapeParameter : _escapeParameter; }, set escapeParameter(val) { if (_composer.value) { _composer.value.escapeParameter = val; } }, t, getPostTranslationHandler, setPostTranslationHandler, getMissingHandler, setMissingHandler, rt, d, n, tm, te, getLocaleMessage, setLocaleMessage, mergeLocaleMessage, getDateTimeFormat, setDateTimeFormat, mergeDateTimeFormat, getNumberFormat, setNumberFormat, mergeNumberFormat }; function sync(composer) { composer.locale.value = _locale.value; composer.fallbackLocale.value = _fallbackLocale.value; Object.keys(_messages.value).forEach(locale => { composer.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, _messages.value[locale]); }); Object.keys(_datetimeFormats.value).forEach(locale => { composer.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, _datetimeFormats.value[locale]); }); Object.keys(_numberFormats.value).forEach(locale => { composer.mergeNumberFormat(locale, _numberFormats.value[locale]); }); composer.escapeParameter = _escapeParameter; composer.fallbackFormat = _fallbackFormat; composer.fallbackRoot = _fallbackRoot; composer.fallbackWarn = _fallbackWarn; composer.missingWarn = _missingWarn; composer.warnHtmlMessage = _warnHtmlMessage; } onBeforeMount(() => { if (instance.proxy == null || instance.proxy.$i18n == null) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE_COMPOSITION_IN_LEGACY); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const composer = (_composer.value = instance.proxy.$i18n .__composer); if (scope === 'global') { _locale.value = composer.locale.value; _fallbackLocale.value = composer.fallbackLocale.value; _messages.value = composer.messages.value; _datetimeFormats.value = composer.datetimeFormats.value; _numberFormats.value = composer.numberFormats.value; } else if (isLocale) { sync(composer); } }); return wrapper; } const globalExportProps = [ 'locale', 'fallbackLocale', 'availableLocales' ]; const globalExportMethods = ['t', 'rt', 'd', 'n', 'tm'] ; function injectGlobalFields(app, composer) { const i18n = Object.create(null); globalExportProps.forEach(prop => { const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, prop); if (!desc) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } const wrap = isRef(desc.value) // check computed props ? { get() { return desc.value.value; }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any set(val) { desc.value.value = val; } } : { get() { return desc.get && desc.get(); } }; Object.defineProperty(i18n, prop, wrap); }); app.config.globalProperties.$i18n = i18n; globalExportMethods.forEach(method => { const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, method); if (!desc || !desc.value) { throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } Object.defineProperty(app.config.globalProperties, `$${method}`, desc); }); } // register message resolver at vue-i18n registerMessageResolver(resolveValue); // register fallback locale at vue-i18n registerLocaleFallbacker(fallbackWithLocaleChain); // NOTE: experimental !! { const target = getGlobalThis(); target.__INTLIFY__ = true; setDevToolsHook(target.__INTLIFY_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__); } { initDev(); } export { DatetimeFormat, I18nInjectionKey, NumberFormat, Translation, VERSION, castToVueI18n, createI18n, useI18n, vTDirective };