"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const _7zip_bin_1 = require("7zip-bin"); const builder_util_1 = require("builder-util"); const fs_1 = require("builder-util/out/fs"); const fs_extra_1 = require("fs-extra"); const promises_1 = require("fs/promises"); const path = require("path"); const appInfo_1 = require("../appInfo"); const core_1 = require("../core"); const errorMessages = require("../errorMessages"); const appBuilder_1 = require("../util/appBuilder"); const bundledTool_1 = require("../util/bundledTool"); const macosVersion_1 = require("../util/macosVersion"); const pathManager_1 = require("../util/pathManager"); const LinuxTargetHelper_1 = require("./LinuxTargetHelper"); const tools_1 = require("./tools"); const hash_1 = require("../util/hash"); const PublishManager_1 = require("../publish/PublishManager"); class FpmTarget extends core_1.Target { constructor(name, packager, helper, outDir) { super(name, false); this.packager = packager; this.helper = helper; this.outDir = outDir; this.options = { ...this.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions, ...this.packager.config[this.name] }; this.scriptFiles = this.createScripts(); } async createScripts() { const defaultTemplatesDir = (0, pathManager_1.getTemplatePath)("linux"); const packager = this.packager; const templateOptions = { // old API compatibility executable: packager.executableName, sanitizedProductName: packager.appInfo.sanitizedProductName, productFilename: packager.appInfo.productFilename, ...packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions, }; function getResource(value, defaultFile) { if (value == null) { return path.join(defaultTemplatesDir, defaultFile); } return path.resolve(packager.projectDir, value); } return await Promise.all([ writeConfigFile(packager.info.tempDirManager, getResource(this.options.afterInstall, "after-install.tpl"), templateOptions), writeConfigFile(packager.info.tempDirManager, getResource(this.options.afterRemove, "after-remove.tpl"), templateOptions), ]); } checkOptions() { return this.computeFpmMetaInfoOptions(); } async computeFpmMetaInfoOptions() { var _a; const packager = this.packager; const projectUrl = await packager.appInfo.computePackageUrl(); const errors = []; if (projectUrl == null) { errors.push("Please specify project homepage, see https://electron.build/configuration/configuration#Metadata-homepage"); } const options = this.options; let author = options.maintainer; if (author == null) { const a = packager.info.metadata.author; if (a == null || a.email == null) { errors.push(errorMessages.authorEmailIsMissed); } else { author = `${a.name} <${a.email}>`; } } if (errors.length > 0) { throw new Error(errors.join("\n\n")); } return { name: (_a = options.packageName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.packager.appInfo.linuxPackageName, maintainer: author, url: projectUrl, vendor: options.vendor || author, }; } async build(appOutDir, arch) { var _a; const target = this.name; // tslint:disable:no-invalid-template-strings let nameFormat = "${name}-${version}-${arch}.${ext}"; let isUseArchIfX64 = false; if (target === "deb") { nameFormat = "${name}_${version}_${arch}.${ext}"; isUseArchIfX64 = true; } else if (target === "rpm") { nameFormat = "${name}-${version}.${arch}.${ext}"; isUseArchIfX64 = true; } const packager = this.packager; const artifactName = packager.expandArtifactNamePattern(this.options, target, arch, nameFormat, !isUseArchIfX64); const artifactPath = path.join(this.outDir, artifactName); await packager.info.callArtifactBuildStarted({ targetPresentableName: target, file: artifactPath, arch, }); await (0, fs_1.unlinkIfExists)(artifactPath); if (packager.packagerOptions.prepackaged != null) { await (0, promises_1.mkdir)(this.outDir, { recursive: true }); } const publishConfig = this.supportsAutoUpdate(target) ? await (0, PublishManager_1.getAppUpdatePublishConfiguration)(packager, arch, false /* in any case validation will be done on publish */) : null; if (publishConfig != null) { const linuxDistType = this.packager.packagerOptions.prepackaged || path.join(this.outDir, `linux${(0, builder_util_1.getArchSuffix)(arch)}-unpacked`); const resourceDir = packager.getResourcesDir(linuxDistType); builder_util_1.log.info({ resourceDir }, `adding autoupdate files for: ${target}. (Beta feature)`); await (0, fs_extra_1.outputFile)(path.join(resourceDir, "app-update.yml"), (0, builder_util_1.serializeToYaml)(publishConfig)); // Extra file needed for auto-updater to detect installation method await (0, fs_extra_1.outputFile)(path.join(resourceDir, "package-type"), target); } const scripts = await this.scriptFiles; const appInfo = packager.appInfo; const options = this.options; const synopsis = options.synopsis; const args = [ "--architecture", (0, builder_util_1.toLinuxArchString)(arch, target), "--after-install", scripts[0], "--after-remove", scripts[1], "--description", (0, appInfo_1.smarten)(target === "rpm" ? this.helper.getDescription(options) : `${synopsis || ""}\n ${this.helper.getDescription(options)}`), "--version", this.helper.getSanitizedVersion(target), "--package", artifactPath, ]; (0, appBuilder_1.objectToArgs)(args, (await this.computeFpmMetaInfoOptions())); const packageCategory = options.packageCategory; if (packageCategory != null) { args.push("--category", packageCategory); } if (target === "deb") { args.push("--deb-priority", (_a = options.priority) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "optional"); } else if (target === "rpm") { if (synopsis != null) { args.push("--rpm-summary", (0, appInfo_1.smarten)(synopsis)); } } const fpmConfiguration = { args, target, }; if (options.compression != null) { fpmConfiguration.compression = options.compression; } // noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols const depends = options.depends; if (depends != null) { if (Array.isArray(depends)) { fpmConfiguration.customDepends = depends; } else { // noinspection SuspiciousTypeOfGuard if (typeof depends === "string") { fpmConfiguration.customDepends = [depends]; } else { throw new Error(`depends must be Array or String, but specified as: ${depends}`); } } } if (target === "deb") { const recommends = options.recommends; if (recommends) { fpmConfiguration.customRecommends = (0, builder_util_1.asArray)(recommends); } } (0, builder_util_1.use)(packager.info.metadata.license, it => args.push("--license", it)); (0, builder_util_1.use)(appInfo.buildNumber, it => args.push("--iteration", // dashes are not supported for iteration in older versions of fpm // https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/1833 it.split("-").join("_"))); (0, builder_util_1.use)(options.fpm, it => args.push(...it)); args.push(`${appOutDir}/=${LinuxTargetHelper_1.installPrefix}/${appInfo.sanitizedProductName}`); for (const icon of await this.helper.icons) { const extWithDot = path.extname(icon.file); const sizeName = extWithDot === ".svg" ? "scalable" : `${icon.size}x${icon.size}`; args.push(`${icon.file}=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${sizeName}/apps/${packager.executableName}${extWithDot}`); } const mimeTypeFilePath = await this.helper.mimeTypeFiles; if (mimeTypeFilePath != null) { args.push(`${mimeTypeFilePath}=/usr/share/mime/packages/${packager.executableName}.xml`); } const desktopFilePath = await this.helper.writeDesktopEntry(this.options); args.push(`${desktopFilePath}=/usr/share/applications/${packager.executableName}.desktop`); if (packager.packagerOptions.effectiveOptionComputed != null && (await packager.packagerOptions.effectiveOptionComputed([args, desktopFilePath]))) { return; } const env = { ...process.env, SZA_PATH: _7zip_bin_1.path7za, SZA_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: packager.compression === "store" ? "0" : "9", }; // rpmbuild wants directory rpm with some default config files. Even if we can use dylibbundler, path to such config files are not changed (we need to replace in the binary) // so, for now, brew install rpm is still required. if (target !== "rpm" && (await (0, macosVersion_1.isMacOsSierra)())) { const linuxToolsPath = await (0, tools_1.getLinuxToolsPath)(); Object.assign(env, { PATH: (0, bundledTool_1.computeEnv)(process.env.PATH, [path.join(linuxToolsPath, "bin")]), DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: (0, bundledTool_1.computeEnv)(process.env.DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, [path.join(linuxToolsPath, "lib")]), }); } await (0, builder_util_1.executeAppBuilder)(["fpm", "--configuration", JSON.stringify(fpmConfiguration)], undefined, { env }); let info = { file: artifactPath, target: this, arch, packager, }; if (publishConfig != null) { info = { ...info, safeArtifactName: packager.computeSafeArtifactName(artifactName, target, arch, !isUseArchIfX64), isWriteUpdateInfo: true, updateInfo: { sha512: await (0, hash_1.hashFile)(artifactPath), size: (await (0, fs_extra_1.stat)(artifactPath)).size, }, }; } await packager.info.callArtifactBuildCompleted(info); } supportsAutoUpdate(target) { return ["deb", "rpm"].includes(target); } } exports.default = FpmTarget; async function writeConfigFile(tmpDir, templatePath, options) { //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols function replacer(match, p1) { if (p1 in options) { return options[p1]; } else { throw new Error(`Macro ${p1} is not defined`); } } const config = (await (0, promises_1.readFile)(templatePath, "utf8")).replace(/\${([a-zA-Z]+)}/g, replacer).replace(/<%=([a-zA-Z]+)%>/g, (match, p1) => { builder_util_1.log.warn("<%= varName %> is deprecated, please use ${varName} instead"); return replacer(match, p1.trim()); }); const outputPath = await tmpDir.getTempFile({ suffix: path.basename(templatePath, ".tpl") }); await (0, fs_extra_1.outputFile)(outputPath, config); return outputPath; } //# sourceMappingURL=FpmTarget.js.map