123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333 |
- /*
- MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- Author Sergey Melyukov @smelukov
- */
- "use strict";
- const browserslist = require("browserslist");
- const path = require("path");
- /** @typedef {import("./target").ApiTargetProperties} ApiTargetProperties */
- /** @typedef {import("./target").EcmaTargetProperties} EcmaTargetProperties */
- /** @typedef {import("./target").PlatformTargetProperties} PlatformTargetProperties */
- // [[C:]/path/to/config][:env]
- const inputRx = /^(?:((?:[A-Z]:)?[/\\].*?))?(?::(.+?))?$/i;
- /**
- * @typedef {Object} BrowserslistHandlerConfig
- * @property {string=} configPath
- * @property {string=} env
- * @property {string=} query
- */
- /**
- * @param {string | null | undefined} input input string
- * @param {string} context the context directory
- * @returns {BrowserslistHandlerConfig} config
- */
- const parse = (input, context) => {
- if (!input) {
- return {};
- }
- if (path.isAbsolute(input)) {
- const [, configPath, env] = inputRx.exec(input) || [];
- return { configPath, env };
- }
- const config = browserslist.findConfig(context);
- if (config && Object.keys(config).includes(input)) {
- return { env: input };
- }
- return { query: input };
- };
- /**
- * @param {string | null | undefined} input input string
- * @param {string} context the context directory
- * @returns {string[] | undefined} selected browsers
- */
- const load = (input, context) => {
- const { configPath, env, query } = parse(input, context);
- // if a query is specified, then use it, else
- // if a path to a config is specified then load it, else
- // find a nearest config
- const config = query
- ? query
- : configPath
- ? browserslist.loadConfig({
- config: configPath,
- env
- })
- : browserslist.loadConfig({ path: context, env });
- if (!config) return;
- return browserslist(config);
- };
- /**
- * @param {string[]} browsers supported browsers list
- * @returns {EcmaTargetProperties & PlatformTargetProperties & ApiTargetProperties} target properties
- */
- const resolve = browsers => {
- /**
- * Checks all against a version number
- * @param {Record<string, number | [number, number]>} versions first supported version
- * @returns {boolean} true if supports
- */
- const rawChecker = versions => {
- return browsers.every(v => {
- const [name, parsedVersion] = v.split(" ");
- if (!name) return false;
- const requiredVersion = versions[name];
- if (!requiredVersion) return false;
- const [parsedMajor, parserMinor] =
- // safari TP supports all features for normal safari
- parsedVersion === "TP"
- ? [Infinity, Infinity]
- : parsedVersion.split(".");
- if (typeof requiredVersion === "number") {
- return +parsedMajor >= requiredVersion;
- }
- return requiredVersion[0] === +parsedMajor
- ? +parserMinor >= requiredVersion[1]
- : +parsedMajor > requiredVersion[0];
- });
- };
- const anyNode = browsers.some(b => /^node /.test(b));
- const anyBrowser = browsers.some(b => /^(?!node)/.test(b));
- const browserProperty = !anyBrowser ? false : anyNode ? null : true;
- const nodeProperty = !anyNode ? false : anyBrowser ? null : true;
- // Internet Explorer Mobile, Blackberry browser and Opera Mini are very old browsers, they do not support new features
- const es6DynamicImport = rawChecker({
- chrome: 63,
- and_chr: 63,
- edge: 79,
- firefox: 67,
- and_ff: 67,
- // ie: Not supported
- opera: 50,
- op_mob: 46,
- safari: [11, 1],
- ios_saf: [11, 3],
- samsung: [8, 2],
- android: 63,
- and_qq: [10, 4],
- // baidu: Not supported
- // and_uc: Not supported
- kaios: [3, 0],
- node: [12, 17]
- });
- return {
- const: rawChecker({
- chrome: 49,
- and_chr: 49,
- edge: 12,
- // Prior to Firefox 13, <code>const</code> is implemented, but re-assignment is not failing.
- // Prior to Firefox 46, a <code>TypeError</code> was thrown on redeclaration instead of a <code>SyntaxError</code>.
- firefox: 36,
- and_ff: 36,
- // Not supported in for-in and for-of loops
- // ie: Not supported
- opera: 36,
- op_mob: 36,
- safari: [10, 0],
- ios_saf: [10, 0],
- // Before 5.0 supported correctly in strict mode, otherwise supported without block scope
- samsung: [5, 0],
- android: 37,
- and_qq: [10, 4],
- // Supported correctly in strict mode, otherwise supported without block scope
- // baidu: Not supported
- and_uc: [12, 12],
- kaios: [2, 5],
- node: [6, 0]
- }),
- arrowFunction: rawChecker({
- chrome: 45,
- and_chr: 45,
- edge: 12,
- // The initial implementation of arrow functions in Firefox made them automatically strict. This has been changed as of Firefox 24. The use of <code>'use strict';</code> is now required.
- // Prior to Firefox 39, a line terminator (<code>\\n</code>) was incorrectly allowed after arrow function arguments. This has been fixed to conform to the ES2015 specification and code like <code>() \\n => {}</code> will now throw a <code>SyntaxError</code> in this and later versions.
- firefox: 39,
- and_ff: 39,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 32,
- op_mob: 32,
- safari: 10,
- ios_saf: 10,
- samsung: [5, 0],
- android: 45,
- and_qq: [10, 4],
- baidu: [7, 12],
- and_uc: [12, 12],
- kaios: [2, 5],
- node: [6, 0]
- }),
- forOf: rawChecker({
- chrome: 38,
- and_chr: 38,
- edge: 12,
- // Prior to Firefox 51, using the for...of loop construct with the const keyword threw a SyntaxError ("missing = in const declaration").
- firefox: 51,
- and_ff: 51,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 25,
- op_mob: 25,
- safari: 7,
- ios_saf: 7,
- samsung: [3, 0],
- android: 38,
- // and_qq: Unknown support
- // baidu: Unknown support
- // and_uc: Unknown support
- kaios: [3, 0],
- node: [0, 12]
- }),
- destructuring: rawChecker({
- chrome: 49,
- and_chr: 49,
- edge: 14,
- firefox: 41,
- and_ff: 41,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 36,
- op_mob: 36,
- safari: 8,
- ios_saf: 8,
- samsung: [5, 0],
- android: 49,
- // and_qq: Unknown support
- // baidu: Unknown support
- // and_uc: Unknown support
- kaios: [2, 5],
- node: [6, 0]
- }),
- bigIntLiteral: rawChecker({
- chrome: 67,
- and_chr: 67,
- edge: 79,
- firefox: 68,
- and_ff: 68,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 54,
- op_mob: 48,
- safari: 14,
- ios_saf: 14,
- samsung: [9, 2],
- android: 67,
- // and_qq: Not supported
- // baidu: Not supported
- // and_uc: Not supported
- kaios: [3, 0],
- node: [10, 4]
- }),
- // Support syntax `import` and `export` and no limitations and bugs on Node.js
- // Not include `export * as namespace`
- module: rawChecker({
- chrome: 61,
- and_chr: 61,
- edge: 16,
- firefox: 60,
- and_ff: 60,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 48,
- op_mob: 45,
- safari: [10, 1],
- ios_saf: [10, 3],
- samsung: [8, 0],
- android: 61,
- and_qq: [10, 4],
- // baidu: Not supported
- // and_uc: Not supported
- kaios: [3, 0],
- node: [12, 17]
- }),
- dynamicImport: es6DynamicImport,
- dynamicImportInWorker: es6DynamicImport && !anyNode,
- // browserslist does not have info about globalThis
- // so this is based on mdn-browser-compat-data
- globalThis: rawChecker({
- chrome: 71,
- and_chr: 71,
- edge: 79,
- firefox: 65,
- and_ff: 65,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 58,
- op_mob: 50,
- safari: [12, 1],
- ios_saf: [12, 2],
- samsung: [10, 1],
- android: 71,
- // and_qq: Unknown support
- // baidu: Unknown support
- // and_uc: Unknown support
- kaios: [3, 0],
- node: 12
- }),
- optionalChaining: rawChecker({
- chrome: 80,
- and_chr: 80,
- edge: 80,
- firefox: 74,
- and_ff: 79,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 67,
- op_mob: 64,
- safari: [13, 1],
- ios_saf: [13, 4],
- samsung: 13,
- android: 80,
- // and_qq: Not supported
- // baidu: Not supported
- // and_uc: Not supported
- kaios: [3, 0],
- node: 14
- }),
- templateLiteral: rawChecker({
- chrome: 41,
- and_chr: 41,
- edge: 13,
- firefox: 34,
- and_ff: 34,
- // ie: Not supported,
- opera: 29,
- op_mob: 64,
- safari: [9, 1],
- ios_saf: 9,
- samsung: 4,
- android: 41,
- and_qq: [10, 4],
- baidu: [7, 12],
- and_uc: [12, 12],
- kaios: [2, 5],
- node: 4
- }),
- browser: browserProperty,
- electron: false,
- node: nodeProperty,
- nwjs: false,
- web: browserProperty,
- webworker: false,
- document: browserProperty,
- fetchWasm: browserProperty,
- global: nodeProperty,
- importScripts: false,
- importScriptsInWorker: true,
- nodeBuiltins: nodeProperty,
- require: nodeProperty
- };
- };
- module.exports = {
- resolve,
- load
- };