languageModule.d.ts 739 B

  1. import type { Language } from '@volar/language-core';
  2. import { VueFile } from './sourceFile';
  3. import { VueCompilerOptions } from './types';
  4. import type * as ts from 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary';
  5. export declare function createVueLanguage(ts: typeof import('typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary'), compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions, _vueCompilerOptions?: Partial<VueCompilerOptions>, codegenStack?: boolean): Language<VueFile>;
  6. /**
  7. * @deprecated planed to remove in 2.0, please use getOrCreateVueLanguage instead of
  8. */
  9. export declare function createLanguages(compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions?: Partial<VueCompilerOptions>, ts?: typeof import('typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary'), codegenStack?: boolean): Language[];