index.js 681 B

  1. import axios from './lib/axios.js';
  2. // This module is intended to unwrap Axios default export as named.
  3. // Keep top-level export same with static properties
  4. // so that it can keep same with es module or cjs
  5. const {
  6. Axios,
  7. AxiosError,
  8. CanceledError,
  9. isCancel,
  10. CancelToken,
  11. VERSION,
  12. all,
  13. Cancel,
  14. isAxiosError,
  15. spread,
  16. toFormData,
  17. AxiosHeaders,
  18. HttpStatusCode,
  19. formToJSON,
  20. getAdapter,
  21. mergeConfig
  22. } = axios;
  23. export {
  24. axios as default,
  25. Axios,
  26. AxiosError,
  27. CanceledError,
  28. isCancel,
  29. CancelToken,
  30. VERSION,
  31. all,
  32. Cancel,
  33. isAxiosError,
  34. spread,
  35. toFormData,
  36. AxiosHeaders,
  37. HttpStatusCode,
  38. formToJSON,
  39. getAdapter,
  40. mergeConfig
  41. }