output.js 79 KB

  1. /***********************************************************************
  2. A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor.
  3. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
  4. -------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
  5. Author: Mihai Bazon
  6. <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
  7. http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
  8. Distributed under the BSD license:
  9. Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
  10. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  11. modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  12. are met:
  13. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
  14. copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
  15. disclaimer.
  16. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
  17. copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
  18. disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
  19. provided with the distribution.
  32. ***********************************************************************/
  33. "use strict";
  34. import {
  35. defaults,
  36. makePredicate,
  37. noop,
  38. regexp_source_fix,
  39. sort_regexp_flags,
  40. return_false,
  41. return_true,
  42. } from "./utils/index.js";
  43. import { first_in_statement, left_is_object } from "./utils/first_in_statement.js";
  44. import {
  45. AST_Array,
  46. AST_Arrow,
  47. AST_Assign,
  48. AST_Await,
  49. AST_BigInt,
  50. AST_Binary,
  51. AST_BlockStatement,
  52. AST_Break,
  53. AST_Call,
  54. AST_Case,
  55. AST_Catch,
  56. AST_Chain,
  57. AST_Class,
  58. AST_ClassExpression,
  59. AST_ClassPrivateProperty,
  60. AST_ClassProperty,
  61. AST_ClassStaticBlock,
  62. AST_ConciseMethod,
  63. AST_PrivateGetter,
  64. AST_PrivateMethod,
  65. AST_SymbolPrivateProperty,
  66. AST_PrivateSetter,
  67. AST_PrivateIn,
  68. AST_Conditional,
  69. AST_Const,
  70. AST_Constant,
  71. AST_Continue,
  72. AST_Debugger,
  73. AST_Default,
  74. AST_DefaultAssign,
  75. AST_Definitions,
  76. AST_Defun,
  77. AST_Destructuring,
  78. AST_Directive,
  79. AST_Do,
  80. AST_Dot,
  81. AST_DotHash,
  82. AST_EmptyStatement,
  83. AST_Exit,
  84. AST_Expansion,
  85. AST_Export,
  86. AST_Finally,
  87. AST_For,
  88. AST_ForIn,
  89. AST_ForOf,
  90. AST_Function,
  91. AST_Hole,
  92. AST_If,
  93. AST_Import,
  94. AST_ImportMeta,
  95. AST_Jump,
  96. AST_LabeledStatement,
  97. AST_Lambda,
  98. AST_Let,
  99. AST_LoopControl,
  100. AST_NameMapping,
  101. AST_New,
  102. AST_NewTarget,
  103. AST_Node,
  104. AST_Number,
  105. AST_Object,
  106. AST_ObjectGetter,
  107. AST_ObjectKeyVal,
  108. AST_ObjectProperty,
  109. AST_ObjectSetter,
  110. AST_PrefixedTemplateString,
  111. AST_PropAccess,
  112. AST_RegExp,
  113. AST_Return,
  114. AST_Scope,
  115. AST_Sequence,
  116. AST_SimpleStatement,
  117. AST_Statement,
  118. AST_StatementWithBody,
  119. AST_String,
  120. AST_Sub,
  121. AST_Super,
  122. AST_Switch,
  123. AST_SwitchBranch,
  124. AST_Symbol,
  125. AST_SymbolClassProperty,
  126. AST_SymbolMethod,
  127. AST_SymbolRef,
  128. AST_TemplateSegment,
  129. AST_TemplateString,
  130. AST_This,
  131. AST_Throw,
  132. AST_Toplevel,
  133. AST_Try,
  134. AST_TryBlock,
  135. AST_Unary,
  136. AST_UnaryPostfix,
  137. AST_UnaryPrefix,
  138. AST_Var,
  139. AST_VarDef,
  140. AST_While,
  141. AST_With,
  142. AST_Yield,
  143. TreeWalker,
  144. walk,
  145. walk_abort
  146. } from "./ast.js";
  147. import {
  148. get_full_char_code,
  149. get_full_char,
  150. is_identifier_char,
  151. is_basic_identifier_string,
  152. is_identifier_string,
  155. } from "./parse.js";
  156. const EXPECT_DIRECTIVE = /^$|[;{][\s\n]*$/;
  157. const CODE_LINE_BREAK = 10;
  158. const CODE_SPACE = 32;
  159. const r_annotation = /[@#]__(PURE|INLINE|NOINLINE)__/g;
  160. function is_some_comments(comment) {
  161. // multiline comment
  162. return (
  163. (comment.type === "comment2" || comment.type === "comment1")
  164. && /@preserve|@copyright|@lic|@cc_on|^\**!/i.test(comment.value)
  165. );
  166. }
  167. class Rope {
  168. constructor() {
  169. this.committed = "";
  170. this.current = "";
  171. }
  172. append(str) {
  173. this.current += str;
  174. }
  175. insertAt(char, index) {
  176. const { committed, current } = this;
  177. if (index < committed.length) {
  178. this.committed = committed.slice(0, index) + char + committed.slice(index);
  179. } else if (index === committed.length) {
  180. this.committed += char;
  181. } else {
  182. index -= committed.length;
  183. this.committed += current.slice(0, index) + char;
  184. this.current = current.slice(index);
  185. }
  186. }
  187. charAt(index) {
  188. const { committed } = this;
  189. if (index < committed.length) return committed[index];
  190. return this.current[index - committed.length];
  191. }
  192. curLength() {
  193. return this.current.length;
  194. }
  195. length() {
  196. return this.committed.length + this.current.length;
  197. }
  198. toString() {
  199. return this.committed + this.current;
  200. }
  201. }
  202. function OutputStream(options) {
  203. var readonly = !options;
  204. options = defaults(options, {
  205. ascii_only : false,
  206. beautify : false,
  207. braces : false,
  208. comments : "some",
  209. ecma : 5,
  210. ie8 : false,
  211. indent_level : 4,
  212. indent_start : 0,
  213. inline_script : true,
  214. keep_numbers : false,
  215. keep_quoted_props : false,
  216. max_line_len : false,
  217. preamble : null,
  218. preserve_annotations : false,
  219. quote_keys : false,
  220. quote_style : 0,
  221. safari10 : false,
  222. semicolons : true,
  223. shebang : true,
  224. shorthand : undefined,
  225. source_map : null,
  226. webkit : false,
  227. width : 80,
  228. wrap_iife : false,
  229. wrap_func_args : true,
  230. _destroy_ast : false
  231. }, true);
  232. if (options.shorthand === undefined)
  233. options.shorthand = options.ecma > 5;
  234. // Convert comment option to RegExp if necessary and set up comments filter
  235. var comment_filter = return_false; // Default case, throw all comments away
  236. if (options.comments) {
  237. let comments = options.comments;
  238. if (typeof options.comments === "string" && /^\/.*\/[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(options.comments)) {
  239. var regex_pos = options.comments.lastIndexOf("/");
  240. comments = new RegExp(
  241. options.comments.substr(1, regex_pos - 1),
  242. options.comments.substr(regex_pos + 1)
  243. );
  244. }
  245. if (comments instanceof RegExp) {
  246. comment_filter = function(comment) {
  247. return comment.type != "comment5" && comments.test(comment.value);
  248. };
  249. } else if (typeof comments === "function") {
  250. comment_filter = function(comment) {
  251. return comment.type != "comment5" && comments(this, comment);
  252. };
  253. } else if (comments === "some") {
  254. comment_filter = is_some_comments;
  255. } else { // NOTE includes "all" option
  256. comment_filter = return_true;
  257. }
  258. }
  259. var indentation = 0;
  260. var current_col = 0;
  261. var current_line = 1;
  262. var current_pos = 0;
  263. var OUTPUT = new Rope();
  264. let printed_comments = new Set();
  265. var to_utf8 = options.ascii_only ? function(str, identifier = false, regexp = false) {
  266. if (options.ecma >= 2015 && !options.safari10 && !regexp) {
  267. str = str.replace(/[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]/g, function(ch) {
  268. var code = get_full_char_code(ch, 0).toString(16);
  269. return "\\u{" + code + "}";
  270. });
  271. }
  272. return str.replace(/[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\uffff]/g, function(ch) {
  273. var code = ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
  274. if (code.length <= 2 && !identifier) {
  275. while (code.length < 2) code = "0" + code;
  276. return "\\x" + code;
  277. } else {
  278. while (code.length < 4) code = "0" + code;
  279. return "\\u" + code;
  280. }
  281. });
  282. } : function(str) {
  283. return str.replace(/[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]|([\ud800-\udbff]|[\udc00-\udfff])/g, function(match, lone) {
  284. if (lone) {
  285. return "\\u" + lone.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
  286. }
  287. return match;
  288. });
  289. };
  290. function make_string(str, quote) {
  291. var dq = 0, sq = 0;
  292. str = str.replace(/[\\\b\f\n\r\v\t\x22\x27\u2028\u2029\0\ufeff]/g,
  293. function(s, i) {
  294. switch (s) {
  295. case '"': ++dq; return '"';
  296. case "'": ++sq; return "'";
  297. case "\\": return "\\\\";
  298. case "\n": return "\\n";
  299. case "\r": return "\\r";
  300. case "\t": return "\\t";
  301. case "\b": return "\\b";
  302. case "\f": return "\\f";
  303. case "\x0B": return options.ie8 ? "\\x0B" : "\\v";
  304. case "\u2028": return "\\u2028";
  305. case "\u2029": return "\\u2029";
  306. case "\ufeff": return "\\ufeff";
  307. case "\0":
  308. return /[0-9]/.test(get_full_char(str, i+1)) ? "\\x00" : "\\0";
  309. }
  310. return s;
  311. });
  312. function quote_single() {
  313. return "'" + str.replace(/\x27/g, "\\'") + "'";
  314. }
  315. function quote_double() {
  316. return '"' + str.replace(/\x22/g, '\\"') + '"';
  317. }
  318. function quote_template() {
  319. return "`" + str.replace(/`/g, "\\`") + "`";
  320. }
  321. str = to_utf8(str);
  322. if (quote === "`") return quote_template();
  323. switch (options.quote_style) {
  324. case 1:
  325. return quote_single();
  326. case 2:
  327. return quote_double();
  328. case 3:
  329. return quote == "'" ? quote_single() : quote_double();
  330. default:
  331. return dq > sq ? quote_single() : quote_double();
  332. }
  333. }
  334. function encode_string(str, quote) {
  335. var ret = make_string(str, quote);
  336. if (options.inline_script) {
  337. ret = ret.replace(/<\x2f(script)([>\/\t\n\f\r ])/gi, "<\\/$1$2");
  338. ret = ret.replace(/\x3c!--/g, "\\x3c!--");
  339. ret = ret.replace(/--\x3e/g, "--\\x3e");
  340. }
  341. return ret;
  342. }
  343. function make_name(name) {
  344. name = name.toString();
  345. name = to_utf8(name, true);
  346. return name;
  347. }
  348. function make_indent(back) {
  349. return " ".repeat(options.indent_start + indentation - back * options.indent_level);
  350. }
  351. /* -----[ beautification/minification ]----- */
  352. var has_parens = false;
  353. var might_need_space = false;
  354. var might_need_semicolon = false;
  355. var might_add_newline = 0;
  356. var need_newline_indented = false;
  357. var need_space = false;
  358. var newline_insert = -1;
  359. var last = "";
  360. var mapping_token, mapping_name, mappings = options.source_map && [];
  361. var do_add_mapping = mappings ? function() {
  362. mappings.forEach(function(mapping) {
  363. try {
  364. let { name, token } = mapping;
  365. if (name !== false) {
  366. if (token.type == "name" || token.type === "privatename") {
  367. name = token.value;
  368. } else if (name instanceof AST_Symbol) {
  369. name = token.type === "string" ? token.value : name.name;
  370. }
  371. }
  372. options.source_map.add(
  373. mapping.token.file,
  374. mapping.line, mapping.col,
  375. mapping.token.line, mapping.token.col,
  376. is_basic_identifier_string(name) ? name : undefined
  377. );
  378. } catch(ex) {
  379. // Ignore bad mapping
  380. }
  381. });
  382. mappings = [];
  383. } : noop;
  384. var ensure_line_len = options.max_line_len ? function() {
  385. if (current_col > options.max_line_len) {
  386. if (might_add_newline) {
  387. OUTPUT.insertAt("\n", might_add_newline);
  388. const curLength = OUTPUT.curLength();
  389. if (mappings) {
  390. var delta = curLength - current_col;
  391. mappings.forEach(function(mapping) {
  392. mapping.line++;
  393. mapping.col += delta;
  394. });
  395. }
  396. current_line++;
  397. current_pos++;
  398. current_col = curLength;
  399. }
  400. }
  401. if (might_add_newline) {
  402. might_add_newline = 0;
  403. do_add_mapping();
  404. }
  405. } : noop;
  406. var requireSemicolonChars = makePredicate("( [ + * / - , . `");
  407. function print(str) {
  408. str = String(str);
  409. var ch = get_full_char(str, 0);
  410. if (need_newline_indented && ch) {
  411. need_newline_indented = false;
  412. if (ch !== "\n") {
  413. print("\n");
  414. indent();
  415. }
  416. }
  417. if (need_space && ch) {
  418. need_space = false;
  419. if (!/[\s;})]/.test(ch)) {
  420. space();
  421. }
  422. }
  423. newline_insert = -1;
  424. var prev = last.charAt(last.length - 1);
  425. if (might_need_semicolon) {
  426. might_need_semicolon = false;
  427. if (prev === ":" && ch === "}" || (!ch || !";}".includes(ch)) && prev !== ";") {
  428. if (options.semicolons || requireSemicolonChars.has(ch)) {
  429. OUTPUT.append(";");
  430. current_col++;
  431. current_pos++;
  432. } else {
  433. ensure_line_len();
  434. if (current_col > 0) {
  435. OUTPUT.append("\n");
  436. current_pos++;
  437. current_line++;
  438. current_col = 0;
  439. }
  440. if (/^\s+$/.test(str)) {
  441. // reset the semicolon flag, since we didn't print one
  442. // now and might still have to later
  443. might_need_semicolon = true;
  444. }
  445. }
  446. if (!options.beautify)
  447. might_need_space = false;
  448. }
  449. }
  450. if (might_need_space) {
  451. if ((is_identifier_char(prev)
  452. && (is_identifier_char(ch) || ch == "\\"))
  453. || (ch == "/" && ch == prev)
  454. || ((ch == "+" || ch == "-") && ch == last)
  455. ) {
  456. OUTPUT.append(" ");
  457. current_col++;
  458. current_pos++;
  459. }
  460. might_need_space = false;
  461. }
  462. if (mapping_token) {
  463. mappings.push({
  464. token: mapping_token,
  465. name: mapping_name,
  466. line: current_line,
  467. col: current_col
  468. });
  469. mapping_token = false;
  470. if (!might_add_newline) do_add_mapping();
  471. }
  472. OUTPUT.append(str);
  473. has_parens = str[str.length - 1] == "(";
  474. current_pos += str.length;
  475. var a = str.split(/\r?\n/), n = a.length - 1;
  476. current_line += n;
  477. current_col += a[0].length;
  478. if (n > 0) {
  479. ensure_line_len();
  480. current_col = a[n].length;
  481. }
  482. last = str;
  483. }
  484. var star = function() {
  485. print("*");
  486. };
  487. var space = options.beautify ? function() {
  488. print(" ");
  489. } : function() {
  490. might_need_space = true;
  491. };
  492. var indent = options.beautify ? function(half) {
  493. if (options.beautify) {
  494. print(make_indent(half ? 0.5 : 0));
  495. }
  496. } : noop;
  497. var with_indent = options.beautify ? function(col, cont) {
  498. if (col === true) col = next_indent();
  499. var save_indentation = indentation;
  500. indentation = col;
  501. var ret = cont();
  502. indentation = save_indentation;
  503. return ret;
  504. } : function(col, cont) { return cont(); };
  505. var newline = options.beautify ? function() {
  506. if (newline_insert < 0) return print("\n");
  507. if (OUTPUT.charAt(newline_insert) != "\n") {
  508. OUTPUT.insertAt("\n", newline_insert);
  509. current_pos++;
  510. current_line++;
  511. }
  512. newline_insert++;
  513. } : options.max_line_len ? function() {
  514. ensure_line_len();
  515. might_add_newline = OUTPUT.length();
  516. } : noop;
  517. var semicolon = options.beautify ? function() {
  518. print(";");
  519. } : function() {
  520. might_need_semicolon = true;
  521. };
  522. function force_semicolon() {
  523. might_need_semicolon = false;
  524. print(";");
  525. }
  526. function next_indent() {
  527. return indentation + options.indent_level;
  528. }
  529. function with_block(cont) {
  530. var ret;
  531. print("{");
  532. newline();
  533. with_indent(next_indent(), function() {
  534. ret = cont();
  535. });
  536. indent();
  537. print("}");
  538. return ret;
  539. }
  540. function with_parens(cont) {
  541. print("(");
  542. //XXX: still nice to have that for argument lists
  543. //var ret = with_indent(current_col, cont);
  544. var ret = cont();
  545. print(")");
  546. return ret;
  547. }
  548. function with_square(cont) {
  549. print("[");
  550. //var ret = with_indent(current_col, cont);
  551. var ret = cont();
  552. print("]");
  553. return ret;
  554. }
  555. function comma() {
  556. print(",");
  557. space();
  558. }
  559. function colon() {
  560. print(":");
  561. space();
  562. }
  563. var add_mapping = mappings ? function(token, name) {
  564. mapping_token = token;
  565. mapping_name = name;
  566. } : noop;
  567. function get() {
  568. if (might_add_newline) {
  569. ensure_line_len();
  570. }
  571. return OUTPUT.toString();
  572. }
  573. function has_nlb() {
  574. const output = OUTPUT.toString();
  575. let n = output.length - 1;
  576. while (n >= 0) {
  577. const code = output.charCodeAt(n);
  578. if (code === CODE_LINE_BREAK) {
  579. return true;
  580. }
  581. if (code !== CODE_SPACE) {
  582. return false;
  583. }
  584. n--;
  585. }
  586. return true;
  587. }
  588. function filter_comment(comment) {
  589. if (!options.preserve_annotations) {
  590. comment = comment.replace(r_annotation, " ");
  591. }
  592. if (/^\s*$/.test(comment)) {
  593. return "";
  594. }
  595. return comment.replace(/(<\s*\/\s*)(script)/i, "<\\/$2");
  596. }
  597. function prepend_comments(node) {
  598. var self = this;
  599. var start = node.start;
  600. if (!start) return;
  601. var printed_comments = self.printed_comments;
  602. // There cannot be a newline between return/yield and its value.
  603. const keyword_with_value =
  604. node instanceof AST_Exit && node.value
  605. || (node instanceof AST_Await || node instanceof AST_Yield)
  606. && node.expression;
  607. if (
  608. start.comments_before
  609. && printed_comments.has(start.comments_before)
  610. ) {
  611. if (keyword_with_value) {
  612. start.comments_before = [];
  613. } else {
  614. return;
  615. }
  616. }
  617. var comments = start.comments_before;
  618. if (!comments) {
  619. comments = start.comments_before = [];
  620. }
  621. printed_comments.add(comments);
  622. if (keyword_with_value) {
  623. var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node) {
  624. var parent = tw.parent();
  625. if (parent instanceof AST_Exit
  626. || parent instanceof AST_Await
  627. || parent instanceof AST_Yield
  628. || parent instanceof AST_Binary && parent.left === node
  629. || parent.TYPE == "Call" && parent.expression === node
  630. || parent instanceof AST_Conditional && parent.condition === node
  631. || parent instanceof AST_Dot && parent.expression === node
  632. || parent instanceof AST_Sequence && parent.expressions[0] === node
  633. || parent instanceof AST_Sub && parent.expression === node
  634. || parent instanceof AST_UnaryPostfix) {
  635. if (!node.start) return;
  636. var text = node.start.comments_before;
  637. if (text && !printed_comments.has(text)) {
  638. printed_comments.add(text);
  639. comments = comments.concat(text);
  640. }
  641. } else {
  642. return true;
  643. }
  644. });
  645. tw.push(node);
  646. keyword_with_value.walk(tw);
  647. }
  648. if (current_pos == 0) {
  649. if (comments.length > 0 && options.shebang && comments[0].type === "comment5"
  650. && !printed_comments.has(comments[0])) {
  651. print("#!" + comments.shift().value + "\n");
  652. indent();
  653. }
  654. var preamble = options.preamble;
  655. if (preamble) {
  656. print(preamble.replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]|\s*$/g, "\n"));
  657. }
  658. }
  659. comments = comments.filter(comment_filter, node).filter(c => !printed_comments.has(c));
  660. if (comments.length == 0) return;
  661. var last_nlb = has_nlb();
  662. comments.forEach(function(c, i) {
  663. printed_comments.add(c);
  664. if (!last_nlb) {
  665. if (c.nlb) {
  666. print("\n");
  667. indent();
  668. last_nlb = true;
  669. } else if (i > 0) {
  670. space();
  671. }
  672. }
  673. if (/comment[134]/.test(c.type)) {
  674. var value = filter_comment(c.value);
  675. if (value) {
  676. print("//" + value + "\n");
  677. indent();
  678. }
  679. last_nlb = true;
  680. } else if (c.type == "comment2") {
  681. var value = filter_comment(c.value);
  682. if (value) {
  683. print("/*" + value + "*/");
  684. }
  685. last_nlb = false;
  686. }
  687. });
  688. if (!last_nlb) {
  689. if (start.nlb) {
  690. print("\n");
  691. indent();
  692. } else {
  693. space();
  694. }
  695. }
  696. }
  697. function append_comments(node, tail) {
  698. var self = this;
  699. var token = node.end;
  700. if (!token) return;
  701. var printed_comments = self.printed_comments;
  702. var comments = token[tail ? "comments_before" : "comments_after"];
  703. if (!comments || printed_comments.has(comments)) return;
  704. if (!(node instanceof AST_Statement || comments.every((c) =>
  705. !/comment[134]/.test(c.type)
  706. ))) return;
  707. printed_comments.add(comments);
  708. var insert = OUTPUT.length();
  709. comments.filter(comment_filter, node).forEach(function(c, i) {
  710. if (printed_comments.has(c)) return;
  711. printed_comments.add(c);
  712. need_space = false;
  713. if (need_newline_indented) {
  714. print("\n");
  715. indent();
  716. need_newline_indented = false;
  717. } else if (c.nlb && (i > 0 || !has_nlb())) {
  718. print("\n");
  719. indent();
  720. } else if (i > 0 || !tail) {
  721. space();
  722. }
  723. if (/comment[134]/.test(c.type)) {
  724. const value = filter_comment(c.value);
  725. if (value) {
  726. print("//" + value);
  727. }
  728. need_newline_indented = true;
  729. } else if (c.type == "comment2") {
  730. const value = filter_comment(c.value);
  731. if (value) {
  732. print("/*" + value + "*/");
  733. }
  734. need_space = true;
  735. }
  736. });
  737. if (OUTPUT.length() > insert) newline_insert = insert;
  738. }
  739. /**
  740. * When output.option("_destroy_ast") is enabled, destroy the function.
  741. * Call this after printing it.
  742. */
  743. const gc_scope =
  744. options["_destroy_ast"]
  745. ? function gc_scope(scope) {
  746. scope.body.length = 0;
  747. scope.argnames.length = 0;
  748. }
  749. : noop;
  750. var stack = [];
  751. return {
  752. get : get,
  753. toString : get,
  754. indent : indent,
  755. in_directive : false,
  756. use_asm : null,
  757. active_scope : null,
  758. indentation : function() { return indentation; },
  759. current_width : function() { return current_col - indentation; },
  760. should_break : function() { return options.width && this.current_width() >= options.width; },
  761. has_parens : function() { return has_parens; },
  762. newline : newline,
  763. print : print,
  764. star : star,
  765. space : space,
  766. comma : comma,
  767. colon : colon,
  768. last : function() { return last; },
  769. semicolon : semicolon,
  770. force_semicolon : force_semicolon,
  771. to_utf8 : to_utf8,
  772. print_name : function(name) { print(make_name(name)); },
  773. print_string : function(str, quote, escape_directive) {
  774. var encoded = encode_string(str, quote);
  775. if (escape_directive === true && !encoded.includes("\\")) {
  776. // Insert semicolons to break directive prologue
  777. if (!EXPECT_DIRECTIVE.test(OUTPUT.toString())) {
  778. force_semicolon();
  779. }
  780. force_semicolon();
  781. }
  782. print(encoded);
  783. },
  784. print_template_string_chars: function(str) {
  785. var encoded = encode_string(str, "`").replace(/\${/g, "\\${");
  786. return print(encoded.substr(1, encoded.length - 2));
  787. },
  788. encode_string : encode_string,
  789. next_indent : next_indent,
  790. with_indent : with_indent,
  791. with_block : with_block,
  792. with_parens : with_parens,
  793. with_square : with_square,
  794. add_mapping : add_mapping,
  795. option : function(opt) { return options[opt]; },
  796. gc_scope,
  797. printed_comments: printed_comments,
  798. prepend_comments: readonly ? noop : prepend_comments,
  799. append_comments : readonly || comment_filter === return_false ? noop : append_comments,
  800. line : function() { return current_line; },
  801. col : function() { return current_col; },
  802. pos : function() { return current_pos; },
  803. push_node : function(node) { stack.push(node); },
  804. pop_node : function() { return stack.pop(); },
  805. parent : function(n) {
  806. return stack[stack.length - 2 - (n || 0)];
  807. }
  808. };
  809. }
  810. /* -----[ code generators ]----- */
  811. (function() {
  812. /* -----[ utils ]----- */
  813. function DEFPRINT(nodetype, generator) {
  814. nodetype.DEFMETHOD("_codegen", generator);
  815. }
  816. AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("print", function(output, force_parens) {
  817. var self = this, generator = self._codegen;
  818. if (self instanceof AST_Scope) {
  819. output.active_scope = self;
  820. } else if (!output.use_asm && self instanceof AST_Directive && self.value == "use asm") {
  821. output.use_asm = output.active_scope;
  822. }
  823. function doit() {
  824. output.prepend_comments(self);
  825. self.add_source_map(output);
  826. generator(self, output);
  827. output.append_comments(self);
  828. }
  829. output.push_node(self);
  830. if (force_parens || self.needs_parens(output)) {
  831. output.with_parens(doit);
  832. } else {
  833. doit();
  834. }
  835. output.pop_node();
  836. if (self === output.use_asm) {
  837. output.use_asm = null;
  838. }
  839. });
  840. AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("_print", AST_Node.prototype.print);
  841. AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("print_to_string", function(options) {
  842. var output = OutputStream(options);
  843. this.print(output);
  844. return output.get();
  845. });
  846. /* -----[ PARENTHESES ]----- */
  847. function PARENS(nodetype, func) {
  848. if (Array.isArray(nodetype)) {
  849. nodetype.forEach(function(nodetype) {
  850. PARENS(nodetype, func);
  851. });
  852. } else {
  853. nodetype.DEFMETHOD("needs_parens", func);
  854. }
  855. }
  856. PARENS(AST_Node, return_false);
  857. // a function expression needs parens around it when it's provably
  858. // the first token to appear in a statement.
  859. PARENS(AST_Function, function(output) {
  860. if (!output.has_parens() && first_in_statement(output)) {
  861. return true;
  862. }
  863. if (output.option("webkit")) {
  864. var p = output.parent();
  865. if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) {
  866. return true;
  867. }
  868. }
  869. if (output.option("wrap_iife")) {
  870. var p = output.parent();
  871. if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this) {
  872. return true;
  873. }
  874. }
  875. if (output.option("wrap_func_args")) {
  876. var p = output.parent();
  877. if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.args.includes(this)) {
  878. return true;
  879. }
  880. }
  881. return false;
  882. });
  883. PARENS(AST_Arrow, function(output) {
  884. var p = output.parent();
  885. if (
  886. output.option("wrap_func_args")
  887. && p instanceof AST_Call
  888. && p.args.includes(this)
  889. ) {
  890. return true;
  891. }
  892. return p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this;
  893. });
  894. // same goes for an object literal (as in AST_Function), because
  895. // otherwise {...} would be interpreted as a block of code.
  896. PARENS(AST_Object, function(output) {
  897. return !output.has_parens() && first_in_statement(output);
  898. });
  899. PARENS(AST_ClassExpression, first_in_statement);
  900. PARENS(AST_Unary, function(output) {
  901. var p = output.parent();
  902. return p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this
  903. || p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this
  904. || p instanceof AST_Binary
  905. && p.operator === "**"
  906. && this instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix
  907. && p.left === this
  908. && this.operator !== "++"
  909. && this.operator !== "--";
  910. });
  911. PARENS(AST_Await, function(output) {
  912. var p = output.parent();
  913. return p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this
  914. || p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this
  915. || p instanceof AST_Binary && p.operator === "**" && p.left === this
  916. || output.option("safari10") && p instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix;
  917. });
  918. PARENS(AST_Sequence, function(output) {
  919. var p = output.parent();
  920. return p instanceof AST_Call // (foo, bar)() or foo(1, (2, 3), 4)
  921. || p instanceof AST_Unary // !(foo, bar, baz)
  922. || p instanceof AST_Binary // 1 + (2, 3) + 4 ==> 8
  923. || p instanceof AST_VarDef // var a = (1, 2), b = a + a; ==> b == 4
  924. || p instanceof AST_PropAccess // (1, {foo:2}).foo or (1, {foo:2})["foo"] ==> 2
  925. || p instanceof AST_Array // [ 1, (2, 3), 4 ] ==> [ 1, 3, 4 ]
  926. || p instanceof AST_ObjectProperty // { foo: (1, 2) }.foo ==> 2
  927. || p instanceof AST_Conditional /* (false, true) ? (a = 10, b = 20) : (c = 30)
  928. * ==> 20 (side effect, set a := 10 and b := 20) */
  929. || p instanceof AST_Arrow // x => (x, x)
  930. || p instanceof AST_DefaultAssign // x => (x = (0, function(){}))
  931. || p instanceof AST_Expansion // [...(a, b)]
  932. || p instanceof AST_ForOf && this === p.object // for (e of (foo, bar)) {}
  933. || p instanceof AST_Yield // yield (foo, bar)
  934. || p instanceof AST_Export // export default (foo, bar)
  935. ;
  936. });
  937. PARENS(AST_Binary, function(output) {
  938. var p = output.parent();
  939. // (foo && bar)()
  940. if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this)
  941. return true;
  942. // typeof (foo && bar)
  943. if (p instanceof AST_Unary)
  944. return true;
  945. // (foo && bar)["prop"], (foo && bar).prop
  946. if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this)
  947. return true;
  948. // this deals with precedence: 3 * (2 + 1)
  949. if (p instanceof AST_Binary) {
  950. const po = p.operator;
  951. const so = this.operator;
  952. if (so === "??" && (po === "||" || po === "&&")) {
  953. return true;
  954. }
  955. if (po === "??" && (so === "||" || so === "&&")) {
  956. return true;
  957. }
  958. const pp = PRECEDENCE[po];
  959. const sp = PRECEDENCE[so];
  960. if (pp > sp
  961. || (pp == sp
  962. && (this === p.right || po == "**"))) {
  963. return true;
  964. }
  965. }
  966. });
  967. PARENS(AST_Yield, function(output) {
  968. var p = output.parent();
  969. // (yield 1) + (yield 2)
  970. // a = yield 3
  971. if (p instanceof AST_Binary && p.operator !== "=")
  972. return true;
  973. // (yield 1)()
  974. // new (yield 1)()
  975. if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this)
  976. return true;
  977. // (yield 1) ? yield 2 : yield 3
  978. if (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === this)
  979. return true;
  980. // -(yield 4)
  981. if (p instanceof AST_Unary)
  982. return true;
  983. // (yield x).foo
  984. // (yield x)['foo']
  985. if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this)
  986. return true;
  987. });
  988. PARENS(AST_Chain, function(output) {
  989. var p = output.parent();
  990. if (!(p instanceof AST_Call || p instanceof AST_PropAccess)) return false;
  991. return p.expression === this;
  992. });
  993. PARENS(AST_PropAccess, function(output) {
  994. var p = output.parent();
  995. if (p instanceof AST_New && p.expression === this) {
  996. // i.e. new (foo.bar().baz)
  997. //
  998. // if there's one call into this subtree, then we need
  999. // parens around it too, otherwise the call will be
  1000. // interpreted as passing the arguments to the upper New
  1001. // expression.
  1002. return walk(this, node => {
  1003. if (node instanceof AST_Scope) return true;
  1004. if (node instanceof AST_Call) {
  1005. return walk_abort; // makes walk() return true.
  1006. }
  1007. });
  1008. }
  1009. });
  1010. PARENS(AST_Call, function(output) {
  1011. var p = output.parent(), p1;
  1012. if (p instanceof AST_New && p.expression === this
  1013. || p instanceof AST_Export && p.is_default && this.expression instanceof AST_Function)
  1014. return true;
  1015. // workaround for Safari bug.
  1016. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123506
  1017. return this.expression instanceof AST_Function
  1018. && p instanceof AST_PropAccess
  1019. && p.expression === this
  1020. && (p1 = output.parent(1)) instanceof AST_Assign
  1021. && p1.left === p;
  1022. });
  1023. PARENS(AST_New, function(output) {
  1024. var p = output.parent();
  1025. if (this.args.length === 0
  1026. && (p instanceof AST_PropAccess // (new Date).getTime(), (new Date)["getTime"]()
  1027. || p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this
  1028. || p instanceof AST_PrefixedTemplateString && p.prefix === this)) // (new foo)(bar)
  1029. return true;
  1030. });
  1031. PARENS(AST_Number, function(output) {
  1032. var p = output.parent();
  1033. if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) {
  1034. var value = this.getValue();
  1035. if (value < 0 || /^0/.test(make_num(value))) {
  1036. return true;
  1037. }
  1038. }
  1039. });
  1040. PARENS(AST_BigInt, function(output) {
  1041. var p = output.parent();
  1042. if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) {
  1043. var value = this.getValue();
  1044. if (value.startsWith("-")) {
  1045. return true;
  1046. }
  1047. }
  1048. });
  1049. PARENS([ AST_Assign, AST_Conditional ], function(output) {
  1050. var p = output.parent();
  1051. // !(a = false) → true
  1052. if (p instanceof AST_Unary)
  1053. return true;
  1054. // 1 + (a = 2) + 3 → 6, side effect setting a = 2
  1055. if (p instanceof AST_Binary && !(p instanceof AST_Assign))
  1056. return true;
  1057. // (a = func)() —or— new (a = Object)()
  1058. if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this)
  1059. return true;
  1060. // (a = foo) ? bar : baz
  1061. if (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === this)
  1062. return true;
  1063. // (a = foo)["prop"] —or— (a = foo).prop
  1064. if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this)
  1065. return true;
  1066. // ({a, b} = {a: 1, b: 2}), a destructuring assignment
  1067. if (this instanceof AST_Assign && this.left instanceof AST_Destructuring && this.left.is_array === false)
  1068. return true;
  1069. });
  1070. /* -----[ PRINTERS ]----- */
  1071. DEFPRINT(AST_Directive, function(self, output) {
  1072. output.print_string(self.value, self.quote);
  1073. output.semicolon();
  1074. });
  1075. DEFPRINT(AST_Expansion, function (self, output) {
  1076. output.print("...");
  1077. self.expression.print(output);
  1078. });
  1079. DEFPRINT(AST_Destructuring, function (self, output) {
  1080. output.print(self.is_array ? "[" : "{");
  1081. var len = self.names.length;
  1082. self.names.forEach(function (name, i) {
  1083. if (i > 0) output.comma();
  1084. name.print(output);
  1085. // If the final element is a hole, we need to make sure it
  1086. // doesn't look like a trailing comma, by inserting an actual
  1087. // trailing comma.
  1088. if (i == len - 1 && name instanceof AST_Hole) output.comma();
  1089. });
  1090. output.print(self.is_array ? "]" : "}");
  1091. });
  1092. DEFPRINT(AST_Debugger, function(self, output) {
  1093. output.print("debugger");
  1094. output.semicolon();
  1095. });
  1096. /* -----[ statements ]----- */
  1097. function display_body(body, is_toplevel, output, allow_directives) {
  1098. var last = body.length - 1;
  1099. output.in_directive = allow_directives;
  1100. body.forEach(function(stmt, i) {
  1101. if (output.in_directive === true && !(stmt instanceof AST_Directive ||
  1102. stmt instanceof AST_EmptyStatement ||
  1103. (stmt instanceof AST_SimpleStatement && stmt.body instanceof AST_String)
  1104. )) {
  1105. output.in_directive = false;
  1106. }
  1107. if (!(stmt instanceof AST_EmptyStatement)) {
  1108. output.indent();
  1109. stmt.print(output);
  1110. if (!(i == last && is_toplevel)) {
  1111. output.newline();
  1112. if (is_toplevel) output.newline();
  1113. }
  1114. }
  1115. if (output.in_directive === true &&
  1116. stmt instanceof AST_SimpleStatement &&
  1117. stmt.body instanceof AST_String
  1118. ) {
  1119. output.in_directive = false;
  1120. }
  1121. });
  1122. output.in_directive = false;
  1123. }
  1124. AST_StatementWithBody.DEFMETHOD("_do_print_body", function(output) {
  1125. print_maybe_braced_body(this.body, output);
  1126. });
  1127. DEFPRINT(AST_Statement, function(self, output) {
  1128. self.body.print(output);
  1129. output.semicolon();
  1130. });
  1131. DEFPRINT(AST_Toplevel, function(self, output) {
  1132. display_body(self.body, true, output, true);
  1133. output.print("");
  1134. });
  1135. DEFPRINT(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, output) {
  1136. self.label.print(output);
  1137. output.colon();
  1138. self.body.print(output);
  1139. });
  1140. DEFPRINT(AST_SimpleStatement, function(self, output) {
  1141. self.body.print(output);
  1142. output.semicolon();
  1143. });
  1144. function print_braced_empty(self, output) {
  1145. output.print("{");
  1146. output.with_indent(output.next_indent(), function() {
  1147. output.append_comments(self, true);
  1148. });
  1149. output.add_mapping(self.end);
  1150. output.print("}");
  1151. }
  1152. function print_braced(self, output, allow_directives) {
  1153. if (self.body.length > 0) {
  1154. output.with_block(function() {
  1155. display_body(self.body, false, output, allow_directives);
  1156. output.add_mapping(self.end);
  1157. });
  1158. } else print_braced_empty(self, output);
  1159. }
  1160. DEFPRINT(AST_BlockStatement, function(self, output) {
  1161. print_braced(self, output);
  1162. });
  1163. DEFPRINT(AST_EmptyStatement, function(self, output) {
  1164. output.semicolon();
  1165. });
  1166. DEFPRINT(AST_Do, function(self, output) {
  1167. output.print("do");
  1168. output.space();
  1169. make_block(self.body, output);
  1170. output.space();
  1171. output.print("while");
  1172. output.space();
  1173. output.with_parens(function() {
  1174. self.condition.print(output);
  1175. });
  1176. output.semicolon();
  1177. });
  1178. DEFPRINT(AST_While, function(self, output) {
  1179. output.print("while");
  1180. output.space();
  1181. output.with_parens(function() {
  1182. self.condition.print(output);
  1183. });
  1184. output.space();
  1185. self._do_print_body(output);
  1186. });
  1187. DEFPRINT(AST_For, function(self, output) {
  1188. output.print("for");
  1189. output.space();
  1190. output.with_parens(function() {
  1191. if (self.init) {
  1192. if (self.init instanceof AST_Definitions) {
  1193. self.init.print(output);
  1194. } else {
  1195. parenthesize_for_noin(self.init, output, true);
  1196. }
  1197. output.print(";");
  1198. output.space();
  1199. } else {
  1200. output.print(";");
  1201. }
  1202. if (self.condition) {
  1203. self.condition.print(output);
  1204. output.print(";");
  1205. output.space();
  1206. } else {
  1207. output.print(";");
  1208. }
  1209. if (self.step) {
  1210. self.step.print(output);
  1211. }
  1212. });
  1213. output.space();
  1214. self._do_print_body(output);
  1215. });
  1216. DEFPRINT(AST_ForIn, function(self, output) {
  1217. output.print("for");
  1218. if (self.await) {
  1219. output.space();
  1220. output.print("await");
  1221. }
  1222. output.space();
  1223. output.with_parens(function() {
  1224. self.init.print(output);
  1225. output.space();
  1226. output.print(self instanceof AST_ForOf ? "of" : "in");
  1227. output.space();
  1228. self.object.print(output);
  1229. });
  1230. output.space();
  1231. self._do_print_body(output);
  1232. });
  1233. DEFPRINT(AST_With, function(self, output) {
  1234. output.print("with");
  1235. output.space();
  1236. output.with_parens(function() {
  1237. self.expression.print(output);
  1238. });
  1239. output.space();
  1240. self._do_print_body(output);
  1241. });
  1242. /* -----[ functions ]----- */
  1243. AST_Lambda.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, nokeyword) {
  1244. var self = this;
  1245. if (!nokeyword) {
  1246. if (self.async) {
  1247. output.print("async");
  1248. output.space();
  1249. }
  1250. output.print("function");
  1251. if (self.is_generator) {
  1252. output.star();
  1253. }
  1254. if (self.name) {
  1255. output.space();
  1256. }
  1257. }
  1258. if (self.name instanceof AST_Symbol) {
  1259. self.name.print(output);
  1260. } else if (nokeyword && self.name instanceof AST_Node) {
  1261. output.with_square(function() {
  1262. self.name.print(output); // Computed method name
  1263. });
  1264. }
  1265. output.with_parens(function() {
  1266. self.argnames.forEach(function(arg, i) {
  1267. if (i) output.comma();
  1268. arg.print(output);
  1269. });
  1270. });
  1271. output.space();
  1272. print_braced(self, output, true);
  1273. });
  1274. DEFPRINT(AST_Lambda, function(self, output) {
  1275. self._do_print(output);
  1276. output.gc_scope(self);
  1277. });
  1278. DEFPRINT(AST_PrefixedTemplateString, function(self, output) {
  1279. var tag = self.prefix;
  1280. var parenthesize_tag = tag instanceof AST_Lambda
  1281. || tag instanceof AST_Binary
  1282. || tag instanceof AST_Conditional
  1283. || tag instanceof AST_Sequence
  1284. || tag instanceof AST_Unary
  1285. || tag instanceof AST_Dot && tag.expression instanceof AST_Object;
  1286. if (parenthesize_tag) output.print("(");
  1287. self.prefix.print(output);
  1288. if (parenthesize_tag) output.print(")");
  1289. self.template_string.print(output);
  1290. });
  1291. DEFPRINT(AST_TemplateString, function(self, output) {
  1292. var is_tagged = output.parent() instanceof AST_PrefixedTemplateString;
  1293. output.print("`");
  1294. for (var i = 0; i < self.segments.length; i++) {
  1295. if (!(self.segments[i] instanceof AST_TemplateSegment)) {
  1296. output.print("${");
  1297. self.segments[i].print(output);
  1298. output.print("}");
  1299. } else if (is_tagged) {
  1300. output.print(self.segments[i].raw);
  1301. } else {
  1302. output.print_template_string_chars(self.segments[i].value);
  1303. }
  1304. }
  1305. output.print("`");
  1306. });
  1307. DEFPRINT(AST_TemplateSegment, function(self, output) {
  1308. output.print_template_string_chars(self.value);
  1309. });
  1310. AST_Arrow.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output) {
  1311. var self = this;
  1312. var parent = output.parent();
  1313. var needs_parens = (parent instanceof AST_Binary && !(parent instanceof AST_Assign)) ||
  1314. parent instanceof AST_Unary ||
  1315. (parent instanceof AST_Call && self === parent.expression);
  1316. if (needs_parens) { output.print("("); }
  1317. if (self.async) {
  1318. output.print("async");
  1319. output.space();
  1320. }
  1321. if (self.argnames.length === 1 && self.argnames[0] instanceof AST_Symbol) {
  1322. self.argnames[0].print(output);
  1323. } else {
  1324. output.with_parens(function() {
  1325. self.argnames.forEach(function(arg, i) {
  1326. if (i) output.comma();
  1327. arg.print(output);
  1328. });
  1329. });
  1330. }
  1331. output.space();
  1332. output.print("=>");
  1333. output.space();
  1334. const first_statement = self.body[0];
  1335. if (
  1336. self.body.length === 1
  1337. && first_statement instanceof AST_Return
  1338. ) {
  1339. const returned = first_statement.value;
  1340. if (!returned) {
  1341. output.print("{}");
  1342. } else if (left_is_object(returned)) {
  1343. output.print("(");
  1344. returned.print(output);
  1345. output.print(")");
  1346. } else {
  1347. returned.print(output);
  1348. }
  1349. } else {
  1350. print_braced(self, output);
  1351. }
  1352. if (needs_parens) { output.print(")"); }
  1353. output.gc_scope(self);
  1354. });
  1355. /* -----[ exits ]----- */
  1356. AST_Exit.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind) {
  1357. output.print(kind);
  1358. if (this.value) {
  1359. output.space();
  1360. const comments = this.value.start.comments_before;
  1361. if (comments && comments.length && !output.printed_comments.has(comments)) {
  1362. output.print("(");
  1363. this.value.print(output);
  1364. output.print(")");
  1365. } else {
  1366. this.value.print(output);
  1367. }
  1368. }
  1369. output.semicolon();
  1370. });
  1371. DEFPRINT(AST_Return, function(self, output) {
  1372. self._do_print(output, "return");
  1373. });
  1374. DEFPRINT(AST_Throw, function(self, output) {
  1375. self._do_print(output, "throw");
  1376. });
  1377. /* -----[ yield ]----- */
  1378. DEFPRINT(AST_Yield, function(self, output) {
  1379. var star = self.is_star ? "*" : "";
  1380. output.print("yield" + star);
  1381. if (self.expression) {
  1382. output.space();
  1383. self.expression.print(output);
  1384. }
  1385. });
  1386. DEFPRINT(AST_Await, function(self, output) {
  1387. output.print("await");
  1388. output.space();
  1389. var e = self.expression;
  1390. var parens = !(
  1391. e instanceof AST_Call
  1392. || e instanceof AST_SymbolRef
  1393. || e instanceof AST_PropAccess
  1394. || e instanceof AST_Unary
  1395. || e instanceof AST_Constant
  1396. || e instanceof AST_Await
  1397. || e instanceof AST_Object
  1398. );
  1399. if (parens) output.print("(");
  1400. self.expression.print(output);
  1401. if (parens) output.print(")");
  1402. });
  1403. /* -----[ loop control ]----- */
  1404. AST_LoopControl.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind) {
  1405. output.print(kind);
  1406. if (this.label) {
  1407. output.space();
  1408. this.label.print(output);
  1409. }
  1410. output.semicolon();
  1411. });
  1412. DEFPRINT(AST_Break, function(self, output) {
  1413. self._do_print(output, "break");
  1414. });
  1415. DEFPRINT(AST_Continue, function(self, output) {
  1416. self._do_print(output, "continue");
  1417. });
  1418. /* -----[ if ]----- */
  1419. function make_then(self, output) {
  1420. var b = self.body;
  1421. if (output.option("braces")
  1422. || output.option("ie8") && b instanceof AST_Do)
  1423. return make_block(b, output);
  1424. // The squeezer replaces "block"-s that contain only a single
  1425. // statement with the statement itself; technically, the AST
  1426. // is correct, but this can create problems when we output an
  1427. // IF having an ELSE clause where the THEN clause ends in an
  1428. // IF *without* an ELSE block (then the outer ELSE would refer
  1429. // to the inner IF). This function checks for this case and
  1430. // adds the block braces if needed.
  1431. if (!b) return output.force_semicolon();
  1432. while (true) {
  1433. if (b instanceof AST_If) {
  1434. if (!b.alternative) {
  1435. make_block(self.body, output);
  1436. return;
  1437. }
  1438. b = b.alternative;
  1439. } else if (b instanceof AST_StatementWithBody) {
  1440. b = b.body;
  1441. } else break;
  1442. }
  1443. print_maybe_braced_body(self.body, output);
  1444. }
  1445. DEFPRINT(AST_If, function(self, output) {
  1446. output.print("if");
  1447. output.space();
  1448. output.with_parens(function() {
  1449. self.condition.print(output);
  1450. });
  1451. output.space();
  1452. if (self.alternative) {
  1453. make_then(self, output);
  1454. output.space();
  1455. output.print("else");
  1456. output.space();
  1457. if (self.alternative instanceof AST_If)
  1458. self.alternative.print(output);
  1459. else
  1460. print_maybe_braced_body(self.alternative, output);
  1461. } else {
  1462. self._do_print_body(output);
  1463. }
  1464. });
  1465. /* -----[ switch ]----- */
  1466. DEFPRINT(AST_Switch, function(self, output) {
  1467. output.print("switch");
  1468. output.space();
  1469. output.with_parens(function() {
  1470. self.expression.print(output);
  1471. });
  1472. output.space();
  1473. var last = self.body.length - 1;
  1474. if (last < 0) print_braced_empty(self, output);
  1475. else output.with_block(function() {
  1476. self.body.forEach(function(branch, i) {
  1477. output.indent(true);
  1478. branch.print(output);
  1479. if (i < last && branch.body.length > 0)
  1480. output.newline();
  1481. });
  1482. });
  1483. });
  1484. AST_SwitchBranch.DEFMETHOD("_do_print_body", function(output) {
  1485. output.newline();
  1486. this.body.forEach(function(stmt) {
  1487. output.indent();
  1488. stmt.print(output);
  1489. output.newline();
  1490. });
  1491. });
  1492. DEFPRINT(AST_Default, function(self, output) {
  1493. output.print("default:");
  1494. self._do_print_body(output);
  1495. });
  1496. DEFPRINT(AST_Case, function(self, output) {
  1497. output.print("case");
  1498. output.space();
  1499. self.expression.print(output);
  1500. output.print(":");
  1501. self._do_print_body(output);
  1502. });
  1503. /* -----[ exceptions ]----- */
  1504. DEFPRINT(AST_Try, function(self, output) {
  1505. output.print("try");
  1506. output.space();
  1507. self.body.print(output);
  1508. if (self.bcatch) {
  1509. output.space();
  1510. self.bcatch.print(output);
  1511. }
  1512. if (self.bfinally) {
  1513. output.space();
  1514. self.bfinally.print(output);
  1515. }
  1516. });
  1517. DEFPRINT(AST_TryBlock, function(self, output) {
  1518. print_braced(self, output);
  1519. });
  1520. DEFPRINT(AST_Catch, function(self, output) {
  1521. output.print("catch");
  1522. if (self.argname) {
  1523. output.space();
  1524. output.with_parens(function() {
  1525. self.argname.print(output);
  1526. });
  1527. }
  1528. output.space();
  1529. print_braced(self, output);
  1530. });
  1531. DEFPRINT(AST_Finally, function(self, output) {
  1532. output.print("finally");
  1533. output.space();
  1534. print_braced(self, output);
  1535. });
  1536. /* -----[ var/const ]----- */
  1537. AST_Definitions.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind) {
  1538. output.print(kind);
  1539. output.space();
  1540. this.definitions.forEach(function(def, i) {
  1541. if (i) output.comma();
  1542. def.print(output);
  1543. });
  1544. var p = output.parent();
  1545. var in_for = p instanceof AST_For || p instanceof AST_ForIn;
  1546. var output_semicolon = !in_for || p && p.init !== this;
  1547. if (output_semicolon)
  1548. output.semicolon();
  1549. });
  1550. DEFPRINT(AST_Let, function(self, output) {
  1551. self._do_print(output, "let");
  1552. });
  1553. DEFPRINT(AST_Var, function(self, output) {
  1554. self._do_print(output, "var");
  1555. });
  1556. DEFPRINT(AST_Const, function(self, output) {
  1557. self._do_print(output, "const");
  1558. });
  1559. DEFPRINT(AST_Import, function(self, output) {
  1560. output.print("import");
  1561. output.space();
  1562. if (self.imported_name) {
  1563. self.imported_name.print(output);
  1564. }
  1565. if (self.imported_name && self.imported_names) {
  1566. output.print(",");
  1567. output.space();
  1568. }
  1569. if (self.imported_names) {
  1570. if (self.imported_names.length === 1 &&
  1571. self.imported_names[0].foreign_name.name === "*" &&
  1572. !self.imported_names[0].foreign_name.quote) {
  1573. self.imported_names[0].print(output);
  1574. } else {
  1575. output.print("{");
  1576. self.imported_names.forEach(function (name_import, i) {
  1577. output.space();
  1578. name_import.print(output);
  1579. if (i < self.imported_names.length - 1) {
  1580. output.print(",");
  1581. }
  1582. });
  1583. output.space();
  1584. output.print("}");
  1585. }
  1586. }
  1587. if (self.imported_name || self.imported_names) {
  1588. output.space();
  1589. output.print("from");
  1590. output.space();
  1591. }
  1592. self.module_name.print(output);
  1593. if (self.assert_clause) {
  1594. output.print("assert");
  1595. self.assert_clause.print(output);
  1596. }
  1597. output.semicolon();
  1598. });
  1599. DEFPRINT(AST_ImportMeta, function(self, output) {
  1600. output.print("import.meta");
  1601. });
  1602. DEFPRINT(AST_NameMapping, function(self, output) {
  1603. var is_import = output.parent() instanceof AST_Import;
  1604. var definition = self.name.definition();
  1605. var foreign_name = self.foreign_name;
  1606. var names_are_different =
  1607. (definition && definition.mangled_name || self.name.name) !==
  1608. foreign_name.name;
  1609. if (!names_are_different &&
  1610. foreign_name.name === "*" &&
  1611. foreign_name.quote != self.name.quote) {
  1612. // export * as "*"
  1613. names_are_different = true;
  1614. }
  1615. var foreign_name_is_name = foreign_name.quote == null;
  1616. if (names_are_different) {
  1617. if (is_import) {
  1618. if (foreign_name_is_name) {
  1619. output.print(foreign_name.name);
  1620. } else {
  1621. output.print_string(foreign_name.name, foreign_name.quote);
  1622. }
  1623. } else {
  1624. if (self.name.quote == null) {
  1625. self.name.print(output);
  1626. } else {
  1627. output.print_string(self.name.name, self.name.quote);
  1628. }
  1629. }
  1630. output.space();
  1631. output.print("as");
  1632. output.space();
  1633. if (is_import) {
  1634. self.name.print(output);
  1635. } else {
  1636. if (foreign_name_is_name) {
  1637. output.print(foreign_name.name);
  1638. } else {
  1639. output.print_string(foreign_name.name, foreign_name.quote);
  1640. }
  1641. }
  1642. } else {
  1643. if (self.name.quote == null) {
  1644. self.name.print(output);
  1645. } else {
  1646. output.print_string(self.name.name, self.name.quote);
  1647. }
  1648. }
  1649. });
  1650. DEFPRINT(AST_Export, function(self, output) {
  1651. output.print("export");
  1652. output.space();
  1653. if (self.is_default) {
  1654. output.print("default");
  1655. output.space();
  1656. }
  1657. if (self.exported_names) {
  1658. if (self.exported_names.length === 1 &&
  1659. self.exported_names[0].name.name === "*" &&
  1660. !self.exported_names[0].name.quote) {
  1661. self.exported_names[0].print(output);
  1662. } else {
  1663. output.print("{");
  1664. self.exported_names.forEach(function(name_export, i) {
  1665. output.space();
  1666. name_export.print(output);
  1667. if (i < self.exported_names.length - 1) {
  1668. output.print(",");
  1669. }
  1670. });
  1671. output.space();
  1672. output.print("}");
  1673. }
  1674. } else if (self.exported_value) {
  1675. self.exported_value.print(output);
  1676. } else if (self.exported_definition) {
  1677. self.exported_definition.print(output);
  1678. if (self.exported_definition instanceof AST_Definitions) return;
  1679. }
  1680. if (self.module_name) {
  1681. output.space();
  1682. output.print("from");
  1683. output.space();
  1684. self.module_name.print(output);
  1685. }
  1686. if (self.assert_clause) {
  1687. output.print("assert");
  1688. self.assert_clause.print(output);
  1689. }
  1690. if (self.exported_value
  1691. && !(self.exported_value instanceof AST_Defun ||
  1692. self.exported_value instanceof AST_Function ||
  1693. self.exported_value instanceof AST_Class)
  1694. || self.module_name
  1695. || self.exported_names
  1696. ) {
  1697. output.semicolon();
  1698. }
  1699. });
  1700. function parenthesize_for_noin(node, output, noin) {
  1701. var parens = false;
  1702. // need to take some precautions here:
  1703. // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/60
  1704. if (noin) {
  1705. parens = walk(node, node => {
  1706. // Don't go into scopes -- except arrow functions:
  1707. // https://github.com/terser/terser/issues/1019#issuecomment-877642607
  1708. if (node instanceof AST_Scope && !(node instanceof AST_Arrow)) {
  1709. return true;
  1710. }
  1711. if (
  1712. node instanceof AST_Binary && node.operator == "in"
  1713. || node instanceof AST_PrivateIn
  1714. ) {
  1715. return walk_abort; // makes walk() return true
  1716. }
  1717. });
  1718. }
  1719. node.print(output, parens);
  1720. }
  1721. DEFPRINT(AST_VarDef, function(self, output) {
  1722. self.name.print(output);
  1723. if (self.value) {
  1724. output.space();
  1725. output.print("=");
  1726. output.space();
  1727. var p = output.parent(1);
  1728. var noin = p instanceof AST_For || p instanceof AST_ForIn;
  1729. parenthesize_for_noin(self.value, output, noin);
  1730. }
  1731. });
  1732. /* -----[ other expressions ]----- */
  1733. DEFPRINT(AST_Call, function(self, output) {
  1734. self.expression.print(output);
  1735. if (self instanceof AST_New && self.args.length === 0)
  1736. return;
  1737. if (self.expression instanceof AST_Call || self.expression instanceof AST_Lambda) {
  1738. output.add_mapping(self.start);
  1739. }
  1740. if (self.optional) output.print("?.");
  1741. output.with_parens(function() {
  1742. self.args.forEach(function(expr, i) {
  1743. if (i) output.comma();
  1744. expr.print(output);
  1745. });
  1746. });
  1747. });
  1748. DEFPRINT(AST_New, function(self, output) {
  1749. output.print("new");
  1750. output.space();
  1751. AST_Call.prototype._codegen(self, output);
  1752. });
  1753. AST_Sequence.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output) {
  1754. this.expressions.forEach(function(node, index) {
  1755. if (index > 0) {
  1756. output.comma();
  1757. if (output.should_break()) {
  1758. output.newline();
  1759. output.indent();
  1760. }
  1761. }
  1762. node.print(output);
  1763. });
  1764. });
  1765. DEFPRINT(AST_Sequence, function(self, output) {
  1766. self._do_print(output);
  1767. // var p = output.parent();
  1768. // if (p instanceof AST_Statement) {
  1769. // output.with_indent(output.next_indent(), function(){
  1770. // self._do_print(output);
  1771. // });
  1772. // } else {
  1773. // self._do_print(output);
  1774. // }
  1775. });
  1776. DEFPRINT(AST_Dot, function(self, output) {
  1777. var expr = self.expression;
  1778. expr.print(output);
  1779. var prop = self.property;
  1780. var print_computed = ALL_RESERVED_WORDS.has(prop)
  1781. ? output.option("ie8")
  1782. : !is_identifier_string(
  1783. prop,
  1784. output.option("ecma") >= 2015 && !output.option("safari10")
  1785. );
  1786. if (self.optional) output.print("?.");
  1787. if (print_computed) {
  1788. output.print("[");
  1789. output.add_mapping(self.end);
  1790. output.print_string(prop);
  1791. output.print("]");
  1792. } else {
  1793. if (expr instanceof AST_Number && expr.getValue() >= 0) {
  1794. if (!/[xa-f.)]/i.test(output.last())) {
  1795. output.print(".");
  1796. }
  1797. }
  1798. if (!self.optional) output.print(".");
  1799. // the name after dot would be mapped about here.
  1800. output.add_mapping(self.end);
  1801. output.print_name(prop);
  1802. }
  1803. });
  1804. DEFPRINT(AST_DotHash, function(self, output) {
  1805. var expr = self.expression;
  1806. expr.print(output);
  1807. var prop = self.property;
  1808. if (self.optional) output.print("?");
  1809. output.print(".#");
  1810. output.add_mapping(self.end);
  1811. output.print_name(prop);
  1812. });
  1813. DEFPRINT(AST_Sub, function(self, output) {
  1814. self.expression.print(output);
  1815. if (self.optional) output.print("?.");
  1816. output.print("[");
  1817. self.property.print(output);
  1818. output.print("]");
  1819. });
  1820. DEFPRINT(AST_Chain, function(self, output) {
  1821. self.expression.print(output);
  1822. });
  1823. DEFPRINT(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(self, output) {
  1824. var op = self.operator;
  1825. if (op === "--" && output.last().endsWith("!")) {
  1826. // avoid printing "<!--"
  1827. output.print(" ");
  1828. }
  1829. output.print(op);
  1830. if (/^[a-z]/i.test(op)
  1831. || (/[+-]$/.test(op)
  1832. && self.expression instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix
  1833. && /^[+-]/.test(self.expression.operator))) {
  1834. output.space();
  1835. }
  1836. self.expression.print(output);
  1837. });
  1838. DEFPRINT(AST_UnaryPostfix, function(self, output) {
  1839. self.expression.print(output);
  1840. output.print(self.operator);
  1841. });
  1842. DEFPRINT(AST_Binary, function(self, output) {
  1843. var op = self.operator;
  1844. self.left.print(output);
  1845. if (op[0] == ">" /* ">>" ">>>" ">" ">=" */
  1846. && output.last().endsWith("--")) {
  1847. // space is mandatory to avoid outputting -->
  1848. output.print(" ");
  1849. } else {
  1850. // the space is optional depending on "beautify"
  1851. output.space();
  1852. }
  1853. output.print(op);
  1854. output.space();
  1855. self.right.print(output);
  1856. });
  1857. DEFPRINT(AST_Conditional, function(self, output) {
  1858. self.condition.print(output);
  1859. output.space();
  1860. output.print("?");
  1861. output.space();
  1862. self.consequent.print(output);
  1863. output.space();
  1864. output.colon();
  1865. self.alternative.print(output);
  1866. });
  1867. /* -----[ literals ]----- */
  1868. DEFPRINT(AST_Array, function(self, output) {
  1869. output.with_square(function() {
  1870. var a = self.elements, len = a.length;
  1871. if (len > 0) output.space();
  1872. a.forEach(function(exp, i) {
  1873. if (i) output.comma();
  1874. exp.print(output);
  1875. // If the final element is a hole, we need to make sure it
  1876. // doesn't look like a trailing comma, by inserting an actual
  1877. // trailing comma.
  1878. if (i === len - 1 && exp instanceof AST_Hole)
  1879. output.comma();
  1880. });
  1881. if (len > 0) output.space();
  1882. });
  1883. });
  1884. DEFPRINT(AST_Object, function(self, output) {
  1885. if (self.properties.length > 0) output.with_block(function() {
  1886. self.properties.forEach(function(prop, i) {
  1887. if (i) {
  1888. output.print(",");
  1889. output.newline();
  1890. }
  1891. output.indent();
  1892. prop.print(output);
  1893. });
  1894. output.newline();
  1895. });
  1896. else print_braced_empty(self, output);
  1897. });
  1898. DEFPRINT(AST_Class, function(self, output) {
  1899. output.print("class");
  1900. output.space();
  1901. if (self.name) {
  1902. self.name.print(output);
  1903. output.space();
  1904. }
  1905. if (self.extends) {
  1906. var parens = (
  1907. !(self.extends instanceof AST_SymbolRef)
  1908. && !(self.extends instanceof AST_PropAccess)
  1909. && !(self.extends instanceof AST_ClassExpression)
  1910. && !(self.extends instanceof AST_Function)
  1911. );
  1912. output.print("extends");
  1913. if (parens) {
  1914. output.print("(");
  1915. } else {
  1916. output.space();
  1917. }
  1918. self.extends.print(output);
  1919. if (parens) {
  1920. output.print(")");
  1921. } else {
  1922. output.space();
  1923. }
  1924. }
  1925. if (self.properties.length > 0) output.with_block(function() {
  1926. self.properties.forEach(function(prop, i) {
  1927. if (i) {
  1928. output.newline();
  1929. }
  1930. output.indent();
  1931. prop.print(output);
  1932. });
  1933. output.newline();
  1934. });
  1935. else output.print("{}");
  1936. });
  1937. DEFPRINT(AST_NewTarget, function(self, output) {
  1938. output.print("new.target");
  1939. });
  1940. /** Prints a prop name. Returns whether it can be used as a shorthand. */
  1941. function print_property_name(key, quote, output) {
  1942. if (output.option("quote_keys")) {
  1943. output.print_string(key);
  1944. return false;
  1945. }
  1946. if ("" + +key == key && key >= 0) {
  1947. if (output.option("keep_numbers")) {
  1948. output.print(key);
  1949. return false;
  1950. }
  1951. output.print(make_num(key));
  1952. return false;
  1953. }
  1954. var print_string = ALL_RESERVED_WORDS.has(key)
  1955. ? output.option("ie8")
  1956. : (
  1957. output.option("ecma") < 2015 || output.option("safari10")
  1958. ? !is_basic_identifier_string(key)
  1959. : !is_identifier_string(key, true)
  1960. );
  1961. if (print_string || (quote && output.option("keep_quoted_props"))) {
  1962. output.print_string(key, quote);
  1963. return false;
  1964. }
  1965. output.print_name(key);
  1966. return true;
  1967. }
  1968. DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectKeyVal, function(self, output) {
  1969. function get_name(self) {
  1970. var def = self.definition();
  1971. return def ? def.mangled_name || def.name : self.name;
  1972. }
  1973. const try_shorthand = output.option("shorthand") && !(self.key instanceof AST_Node);
  1974. if (
  1975. try_shorthand
  1976. && self.value instanceof AST_Symbol
  1977. && get_name(self.value) === self.key
  1978. && !ALL_RESERVED_WORDS.has(self.key)
  1979. ) {
  1980. const was_shorthand = print_property_name(self.key, self.quote, output);
  1981. if (!was_shorthand) {
  1982. output.colon();
  1983. self.value.print(output);
  1984. }
  1985. } else if (
  1986. try_shorthand
  1987. && self.value instanceof AST_DefaultAssign
  1988. && self.value.left instanceof AST_Symbol
  1989. && get_name(self.value.left) === self.key
  1990. ) {
  1991. const was_shorthand = print_property_name(self.key, self.quote, output);
  1992. if (!was_shorthand) {
  1993. output.colon();
  1994. self.value.left.print(output);
  1995. }
  1996. output.space();
  1997. output.print("=");
  1998. output.space();
  1999. self.value.right.print(output);
  2000. } else {
  2001. if (!(self.key instanceof AST_Node)) {
  2002. print_property_name(self.key, self.quote, output);
  2003. } else {
  2004. output.with_square(function() {
  2005. self.key.print(output);
  2006. });
  2007. }
  2008. output.colon();
  2009. self.value.print(output);
  2010. }
  2011. });
  2012. DEFPRINT(AST_ClassPrivateProperty, (self, output) => {
  2013. if (self.static) {
  2014. output.print("static");
  2015. output.space();
  2016. }
  2017. output.print("#");
  2018. print_property_name(self.key.name, self.quote, output);
  2019. if (self.value) {
  2020. output.print("=");
  2021. self.value.print(output);
  2022. }
  2023. output.semicolon();
  2024. });
  2025. DEFPRINT(AST_ClassProperty, (self, output) => {
  2026. if (self.static) {
  2027. output.print("static");
  2028. output.space();
  2029. }
  2030. if (self.key instanceof AST_SymbolClassProperty) {
  2031. print_property_name(self.key.name, self.quote, output);
  2032. } else {
  2033. output.print("[");
  2034. self.key.print(output);
  2035. output.print("]");
  2036. }
  2037. if (self.value) {
  2038. output.print("=");
  2039. self.value.print(output);
  2040. }
  2041. output.semicolon();
  2042. });
  2043. AST_ObjectProperty.DEFMETHOD("_print_getter_setter", function(type, is_private, output) {
  2044. var self = this;
  2045. if (self.static) {
  2046. output.print("static");
  2047. output.space();
  2048. }
  2049. if (type) {
  2050. output.print(type);
  2051. output.space();
  2052. }
  2053. if (self.key instanceof AST_SymbolMethod) {
  2054. if (is_private) output.print("#");
  2055. print_property_name(self.key.name, self.quote, output);
  2056. self.key.add_source_map(output);
  2057. } else {
  2058. output.with_square(function() {
  2059. self.key.print(output);
  2060. });
  2061. }
  2062. self.value._do_print(output, true);
  2063. });
  2064. DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectSetter, function(self, output) {
  2065. self._print_getter_setter("set", false, output);
  2066. });
  2067. DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectGetter, function(self, output) {
  2068. self._print_getter_setter("get", false, output);
  2069. });
  2070. DEFPRINT(AST_PrivateSetter, function(self, output) {
  2071. self._print_getter_setter("set", true, output);
  2072. });
  2073. DEFPRINT(AST_PrivateGetter, function(self, output) {
  2074. self._print_getter_setter("get", true, output);
  2075. });
  2076. DEFPRINT(AST_PrivateMethod, function(self, output) {
  2077. var type;
  2078. if (self.is_generator && self.async) {
  2079. type = "async*";
  2080. } else if (self.is_generator) {
  2081. type = "*";
  2082. } else if (self.async) {
  2083. type = "async";
  2084. }
  2085. self._print_getter_setter(type, true, output);
  2086. });
  2087. DEFPRINT(AST_PrivateIn, function(self, output) {
  2088. self.key.print(output);
  2089. output.space();
  2090. output.print("in");
  2091. output.space();
  2092. self.value.print(output);
  2093. });
  2094. DEFPRINT(AST_SymbolPrivateProperty, function(self, output) {
  2095. output.print("#" + self.name);
  2096. });
  2097. DEFPRINT(AST_ConciseMethod, function(self, output) {
  2098. var type;
  2099. if (self.is_generator && self.async) {
  2100. type = "async*";
  2101. } else if (self.is_generator) {
  2102. type = "*";
  2103. } else if (self.async) {
  2104. type = "async";
  2105. }
  2106. self._print_getter_setter(type, false, output);
  2107. });
  2108. DEFPRINT(AST_ClassStaticBlock, function (self, output) {
  2109. output.print("static");
  2110. output.space();
  2111. print_braced(self, output);
  2112. });
  2113. AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output) {
  2114. var def = this.definition();
  2115. output.print_name(def ? def.mangled_name || def.name : this.name);
  2116. });
  2117. DEFPRINT(AST_Symbol, function (self, output) {
  2118. self._do_print(output);
  2119. });
  2120. DEFPRINT(AST_Hole, noop);
  2121. DEFPRINT(AST_This, function(self, output) {
  2122. output.print("this");
  2123. });
  2124. DEFPRINT(AST_Super, function(self, output) {
  2125. output.print("super");
  2126. });
  2127. DEFPRINT(AST_Constant, function(self, output) {
  2128. output.print(self.getValue());
  2129. });
  2130. DEFPRINT(AST_String, function(self, output) {
  2131. output.print_string(self.getValue(), self.quote, output.in_directive);
  2132. });
  2133. DEFPRINT(AST_Number, function(self, output) {
  2134. if ((output.option("keep_numbers") || output.use_asm) && self.raw) {
  2135. output.print(self.raw);
  2136. } else {
  2137. output.print(make_num(self.getValue()));
  2138. }
  2139. });
  2140. DEFPRINT(AST_BigInt, function(self, output) {
  2141. output.print(self.getValue() + "n");
  2142. });
  2143. const r_slash_script = /(<\s*\/\s*script)/i;
  2144. const r_starts_with_script = /^\s*script/i;
  2145. const slash_script_replace = (_, $1) => $1.replace("/", "\\/");
  2146. DEFPRINT(AST_RegExp, function(self, output) {
  2147. let { source, flags } = self.getValue();
  2148. source = regexp_source_fix(source);
  2149. flags = flags ? sort_regexp_flags(flags) : "";
  2150. // Avoid outputting end of script tag
  2151. source = source.replace(r_slash_script, slash_script_replace);
  2152. if (r_starts_with_script.test(source) && output.last().endsWith("<")) {
  2153. output.print(" ");
  2154. }
  2155. output.print(output.to_utf8(`/${source}/${flags}`, false, true));
  2156. const parent = output.parent();
  2157. if (
  2158. parent instanceof AST_Binary
  2159. && /^\w/.test(parent.operator)
  2160. && parent.left === self
  2161. ) {
  2162. output.print(" ");
  2163. }
  2164. });
  2165. /** if, for, while, may or may not have braces surrounding its body */
  2166. function print_maybe_braced_body(stat, output) {
  2167. if (output.option("braces")) {
  2168. make_block(stat, output);
  2169. } else {
  2170. if (!stat || stat instanceof AST_EmptyStatement)
  2171. output.force_semicolon();
  2172. else if (stat instanceof AST_Let || stat instanceof AST_Const || stat instanceof AST_Class)
  2173. make_block(stat, output);
  2174. else
  2175. stat.print(output);
  2176. }
  2177. }
  2178. function best_of(a) {
  2179. var best = a[0], len = best.length;
  2180. for (var i = 1; i < a.length; ++i) {
  2181. if (a[i].length < len) {
  2182. best = a[i];
  2183. len = best.length;
  2184. }
  2185. }
  2186. return best;
  2187. }
  2188. function make_num(num) {
  2189. var str = num.toString(10).replace(/^0\./, ".").replace("e+", "e");
  2190. var candidates = [ str ];
  2191. if (Math.floor(num) === num) {
  2192. if (num < 0) {
  2193. candidates.push("-0x" + (-num).toString(16).toLowerCase());
  2194. } else {
  2195. candidates.push("0x" + num.toString(16).toLowerCase());
  2196. }
  2197. }
  2198. var match, len, digits;
  2199. if (match = /^\.0+/.exec(str)) {
  2200. len = match[0].length;
  2201. digits = str.slice(len);
  2202. candidates.push(digits + "e-" + (digits.length + len - 1));
  2203. } else if (match = /0+$/.exec(str)) {
  2204. len = match[0].length;
  2205. candidates.push(str.slice(0, -len) + "e" + len);
  2206. } else if (match = /^(\d)\.(\d+)e(-?\d+)$/.exec(str)) {
  2207. candidates.push(match[1] + match[2] + "e" + (match[3] - match[2].length));
  2208. }
  2209. return best_of(candidates);
  2210. }
  2211. function make_block(stmt, output) {
  2212. if (!stmt || stmt instanceof AST_EmptyStatement)
  2213. output.print("{}");
  2214. else if (stmt instanceof AST_BlockStatement)
  2215. stmt.print(output);
  2216. else output.with_block(function() {
  2217. output.indent();
  2218. stmt.print(output);
  2219. output.newline();
  2220. });
  2221. }
  2222. /* -----[ source map generators ]----- */
  2223. function DEFMAP(nodetype, generator) {
  2224. nodetype.forEach(function(nodetype) {
  2225. nodetype.DEFMETHOD("add_source_map", generator);
  2226. });
  2227. }
  2228. DEFMAP([
  2229. // We could easily add info for ALL nodes, but it seems to me that
  2230. // would be quite wasteful, hence this noop in the base class.
  2231. AST_Node,
  2232. // since the label symbol will mark it
  2233. AST_LabeledStatement,
  2234. AST_Toplevel,
  2235. ], noop);
  2236. // XXX: I'm not exactly sure if we need it for all of these nodes,
  2237. // or if we should add even more.
  2238. DEFMAP([
  2239. AST_Array,
  2240. AST_BlockStatement,
  2241. AST_Catch,
  2242. AST_Class,
  2243. AST_Constant,
  2244. AST_Debugger,
  2245. AST_Definitions,
  2246. AST_Directive,
  2247. AST_Finally,
  2248. AST_Jump,
  2249. AST_Lambda,
  2250. AST_New,
  2251. AST_Object,
  2252. AST_StatementWithBody,
  2253. AST_Symbol,
  2254. AST_Switch,
  2255. AST_SwitchBranch,
  2256. AST_TemplateString,
  2257. AST_TemplateSegment,
  2258. AST_Try,
  2259. ], function(output) {
  2260. output.add_mapping(this.start);
  2261. });
  2262. DEFMAP([
  2263. AST_ObjectGetter,
  2264. AST_ObjectSetter,
  2265. AST_PrivateGetter,
  2266. AST_PrivateSetter,
  2267. AST_ConciseMethod,
  2268. AST_PrivateMethod,
  2269. ], function(output) {
  2270. output.add_mapping(this.start, false /*name handled below*/);
  2271. });
  2272. DEFMAP([
  2273. AST_SymbolMethod,
  2274. AST_SymbolPrivateProperty
  2275. ], function(output) {
  2276. const tok_type = this.end && this.end.type;
  2277. if (tok_type === "name" || tok_type === "privatename") {
  2278. output.add_mapping(this.end, this.name);
  2279. } else {
  2280. output.add_mapping(this.end);
  2281. }
  2282. });
  2283. DEFMAP([ AST_ObjectProperty ], function(output) {
  2284. output.add_mapping(this.start, this.key);
  2285. });
  2286. })();
  2287. export {
  2288. OutputStream,
  2289. };