Node JS directory compare
!! Important !! Starting with v3.0.0 the CLI utility has been moved to dir-compare-cli.
npm install dir-compare
const dircompare = require('dir-compare');
const options = { compareSize: true };
// Multiple compare strategy can be used simultaneously - compareSize, compareContent, compareDate, compareSymlink.
// If one comparison fails for a pair of files, they are considered distinct.
const path1 = '...';
const path2 = '...';
// Synchronous
const res = dircompare.compareSync(path1, path2, options)
// Asynchronous, path2, options)
.then(res => print(res))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
function print(result) {
console.log('Directories are %s', result.same ? 'identical' : 'different')
console.log('Statistics - equal entries: %s, distinct entries: %s, left only entries: %s, right only entries: %s, differences: %s',
result.equal, result.distinct, result.left, result.right, result.differences)
result.diffSet.forEach(dif => console.log('Difference - name1: %s, type1: %s, name2: %s, type2: %s, state: %s',
dif.name1, dif.type1, dif.name2, dif.type2, dif.state))
import { compare, compareSync, Options, Result } from "dir-compare";
const path1 = '...';
const path2 = '...';
const options: Options = { compareSize: true };
const res: Result = compareSync(path1, path2, options);
compare(path1, path2, options)
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
compare(path1: string, path2: string, options?: Options): Promise<Result>
compareSync(path1: string, path2: string, options?: Options): Result
More details can be found in the reference documentation:
Common options:
Minimatch patterns are used to include/exclude files to be compared.
The pattern is matched against the relative path of the entry being compared.
Following examples assume we are comparing two dir-compare code bases.
const options = {
excludeFilter: ".git,node_modules", // exclude git and node modules directories
excludeFilter: "expected" , // exclude '/tests/expected' directory
excludeFilter: "/tests/expected" , // exclude '/tests/expected' directory
excludeFilter: "**/expected" , // exclude '/tests/expected' directory
excludeFilter: "**/tests/**/*.js" , // exclude all js files in '/tests' directory and subdirectories
includeFilter: "*.js,*.yml" , // include js and yaml files
includeFilter: "/tests/**/*.js" , // include all js files in '/tests' directory and subdirectories
includeFilter: "**/tests/**/*.ts" // include all js files in '/tests' directory and subdirectories
By default file content is binary compared. As of version 1.5.0 custom file comparison handlers may be specified.
Custom handlers are specified by compareFileSync
and compareFileAsync
options which correspond to dircompare.compareSync()
A couple of handlers are included in the library:
Use defaultFileCompare.js as an example to create your own.
Line based comparator can be used to ignore line ending and white space differences.
const dircompare = require('dir-compare');
const options = {
compareContent: true,
compareFileSync: dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.lineBasedFileCompare.compareSync,
compareFileAsync: dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.lineBasedFileCompare.compareAsync,
ignoreLineEnding: true, // Ignore crlf/lf line ending differences
ignoreWhiteSpaces: true, // Ignore white spaces at the beginning and ending of a line (similar to 'diff -b')
ignoreAllWhiteSpaces: true, // Ignore all white space differences (similar to 'diff -w')
ignoreEmptyLines: true // Ignores differences caused by empty lines (similar to 'diff -B')
const path1 = '...';
const path2 = '...';
const res = dircompare.compareSync(path1, path2, options);
console.log(res), path2, options)
.then(res => console.log(res))
If default name comparison is not enough, custom behavior can be specified with compareNameHandler option. Following example adds the possibility to ignore file extensions.
import { Options, compare } from 'dir-compare'
import path from 'path'
const options: Options = {
compareSize: false, // compare only name by disabling size and content criteria
compareContent: false,
compareNameHandler: customNameCompare, // new name comparator used to ignore extensions
ignoreExtension: true, // supported by the custom name compare below
function customNameCompare(name1: string, name2: string, options: Options) {
if (options.ignoreCase) {
name1 = name1.toLowerCase()
name2 = name2.toLowerCase()
if (options.ignoreExtension) {
name1 = path.basename(name1, path.extname(name1))
name2 = path.basename(name2, path.extname(name2))
return ((name1 === name2) ? 0 : ((name1 > name2) ? 1 : -1))
const path1 = '/tmp/a';
const path2 = '/tmp/b';
const res = compare(path1, path2, options).then(res => {
console.log(`Same: ${res.same}`)
if (!res.diffSet) {
res.diffSet.forEach(dif => console.log(`${dif.name1} ${dif.name2} ${dif.state}`))
// Outputs
// icon.svg icon.png equal
// logo.svg logo.jpg equal
Result builder is called for each pair of entries encountered during comparison. Its purpose is to append entries in diffSet
and eventually update statistics
object with new stats.
If needed it can be replaced with custom implementation.
const dircompare = require("dircompare")
const customResultBuilder = function (entry1, entry2, state, level, relativePath, options, statistics, diffSet, reason) {
const options = {
compareSize: true,
resultBuilder: customResultBuilder
const res = dircompare.compareSync('...', '...', options)
The default builder can be used as an example.
Unless compareSymlink
option is used, symbolic links are resolved and any comparison is applied to the file/directory they point to.
Circular loops are handled by breaking the loop as soon as it is detected.
Version 1.x
treats broken links as ENOENT: no such file or directory
Since 2.0
they are treated as a special type of entry - broken-link
- and are available as stats (totalBrokenLinks
, distinctBrokenLinks
, ...).
Using compareSymlink
option causes dircompare
to check symlink values for equality.
In this mode two entries with identical name are considered different if
These rules are applied in addition to the other comparison modes; ie. by content, by size...
If entries are different because of symlinks, reason
will be different-symlink
. Also statistics summarizes differences caused by symbolik links.
Unreadable files or directories are normally reported as errors. The comparison will be intrerrupted with an EACCES
This behavior can be altered with Options.handlePermissionDenied.
and ignoreEmptyLines
optionsBreaking changes:
replaced Statistics